Search Results - "Cerca Serrão, Júlio"
The cross on rings performed by an Olympic champion
Published in Revista brasileira de educação física e esporte = Brazilian journal of physical education and sport (01-03-2016)“…Abstract The cross is a key skill in Male Artistic Gymnastics rings routines. However, few researches were found about this skill. There is knowledge about the…”
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Kinematic variables of table vault on artistic gymnastics
Published in Revista brasileira de educação física e esporte = Brazilian journal of physical education and sport (01-03-2016)“…Abstract The table vault is an event of male and female Artistics Gymnastics. Although it can be performed in a variety of rotations and body positions in…”
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The countermovement jump to monitor neuromuscular status: A meta-analysis
Published in Journal of science and medicine in sport (01-04-2017)“…Abstract Objectives The primary objective of this meta-analysis was to compare countermovement jump (CMJ) performance in studies that reported the highest…”
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Ground reaction force and electromyographic activity of transfemoral amputee gait: a case series
Published in Revista brasileira de cineantropometria & desempenho humano (01-01-2013)“…Ground reaction forces (GRF) and electromyographic activity form a part of the descriptive data that characterise the biomechanics of gait. The research of…”
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Kinetic responses of running shoes submitted to prolonged use: a case report
Published in Revista brasileira de educação física e esporte = Brazilian journal of physical education and sport (01-12-2013)“…The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinetic responses of running shoes submitted to prolonged use. Four shoes (R1, R2, T1 and T2) were used for 500 km…”
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Published in Science of gymnastics journal (28-02-2024)“…Auxiliary devices are used to train gymnastics skills. Based on the principles of training specificity, this study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a…”
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Which parameters to use for sleep quality monitoring in team sport athletes? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Published in BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine (01-01-2019)“…BackgroundSleep quality is an essential component of athlete’s recovery. However, a better understanding of the parameters to adequately quantify sleep quality…”
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Parâmetros biomecânicos da marcha em crianças com pé torto congênito unilateral e bilateral
Published in Revista brasileira de educação física e esporte = Brazilian journal of physical education and sport (01-06-2016)“…Resumo Uma variedade de disfunções congênitas pediátricas demonstra que deformidades do pé interferem na capacidade de locomoção. No entanto, há em muitas…”
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Correction: 16 Weeks of Progressive Barefoot Running Training Changes Impact Force and Muscle Activation in Habitual Shod Runners
Published in PloS one (2017)“…[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0167234.]…”
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Viability of 2D Swimming Kinematical Analysis Using a Single Moving Camera
Published in Applied sciences (01-08-2024)“…Despite its limitations, 2D kinematical analysis remains a simple and valid alternative for swimming analysis. This analysis is limited by the length of the…”
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16 Weeks of Progressive Barefoot Running Training Changes Impact Force and Muscle Activation in Habitual Shod Runners
Published in PloS one (01-12-2016)“…Short-term effects of barefoot and simulated barefoot running have been widely discussed in recent years. Consequences of adopting barefoot running for a long…”
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Sleep quality monitoring in individual sports athletes: parameters and definitions by systematic review
Published in Sleep science (São Paulo, SP ) (01-10-2020)“…In the present review, we identify which instruments and parameters are used for sleep quality monitoring in individual sport athletes and which definitions…”
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CrossFit Overview: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Published in Sports medicine - open (26-02-2018)“…Background CrossFit is recognized as one of the fastest growing high-intensity functional training modes in the world. However, scientific data regarding the…”
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Acute responses to barefoot running are related to changes in kinematics, mechanical load, and inflammatory profile
Published in Human movement science (01-12-2024)“…This study investigated the acute effects of barefoot (BF) running on biomechanical parameters and cytokine concentrations. Seventy-one habitually shod runners…”
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The Role of Veracity on the Load Monitoring of Professional Soccer Players: A Systematic Review in the Face of the Big Data Era
Published in Applied sciences (01-07-2021)“…Big Data has real value when the veracity of the collected data has been previously identified. However, data veracity for load monitoring in professional…”
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Análise da validade dos parâmetros absolutos e relativos para o cálculo da potência anaeróbia no RAST
Published in Revista brasileira de educação física e esporte = Brazilian journal of physical education and sport (01-03-2014)“…O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a validade dos parâmetros de potência absolutos e relativos do Running-based Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST) com base…”
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Comparação das variáveis eletromiográficas e cinemáticas entre uma corrida do "triathlon" e uma corrida prolongada
Published in Revista brasileira de educação física e esporte = Brazilian journal of physical education and sport (01-06-2013)“…A corrida e o ciclismo realizados com uma mesma duração e intensidade podem apresentar diferentes respostas biomecânicas e metabólicas durante um protocolo de…”
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Immediate effects of a distal gait modification during stair descent in individuals with patellofemoral pain
Published in Physiotherapy theory and practice (02-12-2019)“…: Knee pain during stair managing is a common complaint among individuals with PFP and can negatively affect their activities of daily living. Gait…”
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Risk or benefit? Side effects of caffeine supplementation in sport: a systematic review
Published in European journal of nutrition (01-12-2022)“…Purpose The aim of this study was to systematically review evidence on the prevalence and magnitude of side effects associated with caffeine supplementation in…”
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Effects of replica running shoes upon external forces and muscle activity during running
Published in Journal of sports sciences (01-05-2012)“…Twelve participants ran (9 km · h −1 ) to test two types of running shoes: replica and original shoes. Ground reaction force, plantar pressure and…”
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