Search Results - "Cepeda, Daniela"
Adolescent boys’ aggressive responses to perceived threats to their gender typicality
Published in Developmental science (01-11-2024)“…When adult men are made to feel gender‐atypical, they often lash out with aggression, particularly when they are pressured (vs. autonomously motivated) to be…”
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Comparison of performances between risk scores for predicting mortality at 30 days in patients with community acquired pneumonia
Published in BMC infectious diseases (03-09-2024)“…Risk scores facilitate the assessment of mortality risk in patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). Despite their utilities, there is a scarcity of…”
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Pharmacological potential of acetazolamide in traumatic intracranial hypertension
Published in Journal of acute disease (01-07-2018)“…Traumatic brain injuries are an important cause of morbidity and mortality around the world. These types of lesions are often associated with increased…”
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Cerebral traumatic injury and glucose metabolism: a scoping review
Published in Egyptian journal of neurosurgery (01-12-2023)“…Objective To review the influence of metabolic dysfunction of glucose after traumatic brain injury on patient mortality. Materials and methods We searched…”
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A section-sampling design to assess zooplankton distribution in a highly complex hydrographic region (SW Atlantic Ocean, 34-41ºS): insights for a new time series?
Published in Brazilian journal of oceanography (01-09-2012)“…Regular fish stock assessment cruises could provide a proper data platform to sample zooplankton. It is essential, however, that adequate sampling designs…”
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Individual biovolume of some dominant copepod species in coastal waters off Buenos Aires Province, Argentine Sea
Published in Brazilian journal of oceanography (01-06-2010)Get full text
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Estudio in vitro de la erosion dental asociada al chimo
Published in Universitas odontológica (01-01-2017)“…Antecedentes: Chimó es el nombre en Venezuela de una sustancia viscosa de color negruzco, cuyo componente principal deriva de la hoja de tabaco. Su consumo se…”
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Seasonal succession of zooplankton in coastal waters of the Argentine Sea (Southwest Atlantic Ocean): prevalence of classical or microbial food webs
Published in Marine biology research (01-05-2013)“…The demographic characteristics of marine zooplankton make it especially suitable for examining the variability of marine ecosystems. The zooplankton annual…”
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Apoplejía hipofisaria en pacientes pediátricos: revisión sistemática
Published in Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Córdoba (06-06-2022)“…Introducción: La necrosis o hemorragia asociada a tumores hipofisiarios es una complicación infrecuente. El termino apoplejía pituitaria está relacionado con…”
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Terapia con antibióticos en ventriculitis asociada a drenaje ventricular externo: una encuesta multinacional
Published in Acta Neurológica Colombiana (01-01-2018)Get full text
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Apoplejía hipofisaria en pacientes pediátricos: revisión sistemática
Published in Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Córdoba (06-06-2022)Get full text
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Restauración del tejido gingival a partir de fibroblastos autólogos
Published in Avances en Biomedicina (01-12-2013)“…El interés de la investigación básica biomédica ha tenido un crecimiento vertiginoso en los últimos años y la odontología no escapa a esta motivación, es así…”
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The effects of the Patagonian shelf-break front on copepod abundance, biodiversity, and assemblages
Published in Journal of marine systems (01-01-2024)“…Fronts play an important role in ecological processes, having multiple effects on the structure of plankton communities. The Argentine Sea is characterized by…”
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Estudio in vitro de la erosión dental asociada al chimó / In Vitro Study of Dental Erosion associated to Chimo
Published in Universitas odontológica (28-07-2017)“… Background: In Venezuela, chimó is a blackish goo derived from tobacco leaf. Its consumption has been associated with systemic and oral diseases. Purpose: To…”
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Aicardi-Goutières syndrome: Brief case report
Published in Journal of pediatric neurosciences (01-01-2018)“…The case of a term newborn diagnosed with Aicardi-Goutières syndrome, a rare encephalopathy in our environment, with Mendelian inheritance pattern,…”
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In Vitro Study of Dental Erosion associated to Chimo
Published in Universitas odontológica (01-01-2017)“…Background: In Venezuela, chimó is a blackish goo derived from tobacco leaf. Its consumption has been associated with systemic and oral diseases. Purpose: To…”
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Aislamiento y cultivo de células madre posnatales de dientes primarios
Published in Universitas odontológica (01-01-2014)“…Antecedentes: Las enfermedades degenerativas representan en la actualidad un problema de salud pública; de ahí que el desarrollo y aplicación de estrategias…”
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A section-sampling design to assess zooplankton distribution in a highly complex hydrographic region (SW Atlantic Ocean, 34-41ºS): insights for a new time series?
Published in Brazilian journal of oceanography“…Regular fish stock assessment cruises could provide a proper data platform to sample zooplankton. It is essential, however, that adequate sampling designs…”
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Unusual cranial trauma caused by pencil in teenager
Published in Romanian neurosurgery (01-12-2017)“…Introduction: Penetrating lesions by pencil in the temporal lobe in children and adolescents are uncommon. We present the case of a teenager with penetrating…”
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Intradural spinal neurocysticercosis
Published in Romanian neurosurgery (01-12-2017)“…Introduction: Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is a common parasitic infection of the central nervous system caused by the larvae of the Taenia solium. Spinal cord…”
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