Search Results - "Causape, Jesus"
Greenhouse gas emissions associated with four types of fertilization for corn crops in a Mediterranean basin
Published in Environmental progress & sustainable energy (01-09-2021)“…The environmental impacts associated with the intensification of agricultural practices have become an emerging issue, and new techniques are being developed…”
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Influence of hail suppression systems over silver content in the environment in Aragón (Spain). I: Rainfall and soils
Published in The Science of the total environment (25-08-2021)“…In several countries, hail is considered as the most harmful climatic phenomenon from an agricultural perspective. The surroundings of the Gallocanta Lake…”
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Carbon and water footprints of irrigated corn and non-irrigated wheat in Northeast Spain
Published in Environmental science and pollution research international (01-02-2017)“…Irrigation increases yields and allows several crops to be produced in regions where it would be naturally impossible due to limited rainfall. However,…”
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Feasibility of using rural waste products to increase the denitrification efficiency in a surface flow constructed wetland
Published in Journal of hydrology (Amsterdam) (01-11-2019)“…•Maize stubble, wheat hay and animal compost are able to induce denitrification.•Laboratory calculated ε15N and ε18O allowed to estimate field-scale…”
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Enhancing Nitrate Removal With Industrial Wine Residue: Insights From Laboratory Batch and Column Experiments Using Chemical, Isotopic and Numerical Modeling Tools
Published in Water resources research (01-05-2024)“…Agricultural run‐off exposes recipient water bodies to nitrate (NO3−) pollution. Biological denitrification is a suitable method for removing NO3− in water…”
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Influence of hail suppression systems over silver content in the environment in Aragón (Spain). II: Water, sediments and biota
Published in The Science of the total environment (20-07-2021)“…The silver content in soils in the area in the surroundings of the Gallocanta Lake (Aragón, NE Spain) is lower than expected considering the estimated silver…”
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Phenomenology and geographical gradients of atmospheric deposition in southwestern Europe: Results from a multi-site monitoring network
Published in The Science of the total environment (20-11-2020)“…This article presents the results of atmospheric deposition from a 15-sites network which cover remote, agricultural, urban and industrial areas in the Iberian…”
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Impacts of agricultural irrigation on nearby freshwater ecosystems: The seasonal influence of triazine herbicides in benthic algal communities
Published in The Science of the total environment (15-01-2015)“…A small hydrological basin (Lerma, NE Spain), transformed from its natural state (steppe) to rain-fed agriculture and recently to irrigation agriculture, has…”
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A 3D geological model of the Gallocanta Basin (Spain). The basis to update the hydrogeological model
Published in Earth science informatics (01-06-2023)“…Three-dimension geological models represent the subsurface geology based on the development of 3D geological structures as an extension of geological maps…”
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computer-based program for the assessment of water-induced contamination in irrigated lands
Published in Environmental monitoring and assessment (01-11-2009)“…The non-point characteristic of agrarian contamination hinders its quantification and assignation to a specific territory. The objectives of this work were to…”
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Increasing Wood δ15N in Response to Pig Manure Application
Published in Forests (01-01-2023)“…Intensive livestock management impacts forest and trees in different ways. Pig manure is a major source of nitrogen (N) pollution of surface and ground waters…”
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Climate change and the water cycle in newly irrigated areas
Published in Environmental monitoring and assessment (01-02-2015)“…Climate change is affecting agriculture doubly: evapotranspiration is increasing due to increments in temperature while the availability of water resources is…”
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Shifts in crane migration phenology associated with climate change in southwestern Europe
Published in Avian conservation and ecology (01-06-2020)“…Gallocanta lagoon, NE Spain, is one of the main stopover and wintering areas of Common Cranes (Grus grus) migrating through Western Europe. We investigated how…”
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Irrigation agriculture affects organic matter decomposition in semi-arid terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
Published in Journal of hazardous materials (15-12-2013)“…•Irrigation agriculture accelerated breakdown of organic matter.•Changes were higher in terrestrial than in aquatic ecosystems.•Our results have implications…”
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Reduction of computational times using the equivalent rectangle concept in the physics-based surface: subsurface models
Published in Dyna (Medellín, Colombia) (01-12-2016)“…The interaction between surface and subsurface domains in a basin can be studied using a physics-based model; however, the calibration and validation processes…”
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Nitrate and Salt Water Contamination Associated with the Transition of an Agrarian Basin into an Irrigated Area
Published in Water environment research (01-02-2013)“…The introduction of irrigation to agrarian areas involves several environmental changes that can be aggravated by physical and agronomic factors. The aim of…”
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Salinity contamination response to changes in irrigation management. Application of geochemical codes
Published in Spanish journal of agricultural research : SJAR (2014)“…Salinity contamination caused by irrigation has been widely studied but the analysis of geochemical processes regarding agronomic variables has not adequately…”
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Model-based assessment of interbasin groundwater flow in data scarce areas: the Gallocanta Lake endorheic watershed (Spain)
Published in Sustainable environment research (03-10-2023)“…Aquifer systems, because of the presence of frequently complex geological structures, may extend beyond watersheds limits. Interbasin groundwater flow is often…”
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Using an integrated hydrological model to estimate the usefulness of meteorological drought indices in a changing climate
Published in Hydrology and earth system sciences (13-10-2016)“…Droughts are serious natural hazards, especially in semi-arid regions. They are also difficult to characterize. Various summary metrics representing the…”
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Reducción de tiempos computacionales usando el concepto de rectángulo equivalente en los modelos físicos superficiales - subsuperficiales
Published in Dyna (Medellín, Colombia) (01-01-2016)“…La interacción entre la superficie y subsuperficie de una cuenca se puede estudiar utilizando modelos físicos, pero debido a su compleja geometría los procesos…”
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