Search Results - "Casagranda, M. Dolores"

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  1. 1

    Areas of endemism: to overlap or not to overlap, that is the question by Szumik, Claudia, Pereyra, Verónica V., Casagranda, M. Dolores

    Published in Cladistics (01-04-2019)
    “…The concept of “areas of endemism”, and the assumption that these patterns are always a consequence of vicariant events, are reviewed. This assumption is…”
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  3. 3

    On stability measures and effects of data structure in the recognition of areas of endemism by Casagranda, M Dolores, Goloboff, Pablo A

    Published in Biological journal of the Linnean Society (17-04-2019)
    “…Abstract Incomplete data sampling, bias, and like properties of distribution datasets that potentially introduce uncertainty in biogeographical analyses and…”
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  4. 4

    Endemicity analysis, parsimony and biotic elements: a formal comparison using hypothetical distributions by Casagranda, M. Dolores, Taher, Leila, Szumik, Claudia A

    Published in Cladistics (01-12-2012)
    “…There is as yet no general agreement regarding the most appropriate solution to the problem of identifying areas of endemism, not even in particular cases. In…”
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  5. 5

    Endemism of lizards in the Chihuahuan Desert province: An approach based on endemicity analysis by Ocampo Salinas, José Manuel, Castillo-Cerón, Jesús M., Manríquez-Morán, Norma, Goyenechea, Irene, Casagranda, M. Dolores

    Published in Journal of arid environments (01-04-2019)
    “…•Lizards are good indicators of endemism, defining several patterns across the CD.•A W-E division is recognized, separating the CD in two major areas of…”
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  6. 6

    Endemismo a diferentes escalas espaciales: un ejemplo con Carabidae (Coleóptera: Insecta) de América del Sur austral by CASAGRANDA M , DOLORES, ROIG-JUÑENT, SERGIO , SZUMIK, CLAUDIA 

    Published in Revista chilena de historia natural (01-03-2009)
    “…Analizamos aproximadamente 4.000 registros correspondientes a 426 especies/subespecies de carábidos presentes en la región de América del Sur austral mediante…”
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  7. 7

    Endemismo a diferentes escalas espaciales: un ejemplo con Carabidae (Coleóptera: Insecta) de América del Sur austral Endemism at different spatial scales: an example with Carabidae (Coleóptera: Insecta) of austral South America by DOLORES CASAGRANDA M, SERGIO ROIG-JUÑENT, CLAUDIA SZUMIK

    Published in Revista chilena de historia natural (01-03-2009)
    “…Analizamos aproximadamente 4.000 registros correspondientes a 426 especies/subespecies de carábidos presentes en la región de América del Sur austral mediante…”
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    Journal Article