Search Results - "Carvalhal, Manuela Maria De Lima"
Correlation between Anxiety Symptoms and Perception of Quality of Life in Women with More Than 24 Months after Undergoing Bariatric Surgery
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (09-06-2022)“…Purpose: To analyze the correlation between anxiety symptoms and perceived quality of life in women more than 24 months after undergoing bariatric surgery…”
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Supplies for Type 1 Diabetes management during COVID-19 social distancing in Brazil
Published in Mundo da saúde (1995) (01-01-2022)“…This study analyzed socioeconomic factors related with the acquisition of supplies for blood glucose management by people with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus during…”
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The Relationship between Anxiety Symptoms and Perceived Quality of Life among Caregivers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Amazon
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (26-04-2024)“…The relationship between anxiety symptoms and perceived quality of life among caregivers of children with autism was verified. To assess perceived quality of…”
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Factors Associated with Carbohydrate Counting Adherence in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Brazil
Published in Nutrients (01-11-2024)“…Background: Carbohydrate Counting (CC) is important in managing the treatment of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM). This study aimed to evaluate the factors…”
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Emotional Eating and Uncontrolled Eating as Risk Predictors for Disordered Eating Attitudes in Candidates for Bariatric Surgery Treated at a Public Hospital in the Amazon
Published in Nutrients (24-05-2024)“…This study analyzes the eating behavior and factors associated with the presence of disordered eating attitudes in patients undergoing bariatric surgery. It is…”
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Adherence to Carbohydrate Counting Improved Diet Quality of Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus during Social Distancing Due to COVID-19
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (09-08-2022)“…To control glycemic variability in people with Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), it is essential to perform carbohydrate counting (CC), a strategy that ensures…”
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Adherence to Online Nutritional Monitoring Was Associated with Better Food Habits in People with T1DM during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil
Published in Nutrients (28-04-2023)“…Until this moment, no research has been found that has assessed adherence to online nutritional monitoring by adults with Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 (T1DM)…”
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Relationship between Eating Behavior, Quality of Life and Weight Regain in Women after Bariatric Surgery
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (22-06-2022)“…Individuals undergoing bariatric Surgery (BS) may have long-term weight regain. There is a need to investigate factors that may be related to this and if they…”
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Cooking habits and food choices of individuals with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus during the pandemic of COVID-19
Published in Revista de nutrição (2021)“…ABSTRACT Objective To verify the association between cooking habits, socioeconomic data, and food choices of individuals with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus during…”
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Relationship between Determinants of Food Choices and Socioeconomic and Demographic Factors of Individuals with Hepatitis B and C in the Amazon Region
Published in Foods (01-06-2023)“…Knowing the determinants of food choices allows the nutritionist to develop more assertive guidelines considering biopsychosocial factors to produce effective…”
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Factors associated with grazing behavior in candidates for bariatric surgery at a hospital in the Amazon
Published in Frontiers in public health (18-12-2023)“…To assess grazing behavior and associated factors in candidates for bariatric surgery monitored at a public hospital that is a reference in the care of people…”
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Núcleo ampliado de saúde da família e atenção básica: potencialidades, limitações e experiências dos profissionais do município de belém-pa
Published in Revista brasileira de obesidade, nutrição e emagrecimento (01-02-2023)“…Introduction: The Family Health and Primary Health Care Expanded Support Center is based on the multidisciplinary and interprofessional team, being considered…”
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O nível de ansiedade, a renda e o acompanhamento psicológico podem influenciar na recorrência de peso corporal em mulheres submetidas a cirurgia bariátrica
Published in Demetra: Alimentação, Nutrição e Saúde (29-04-2023)“…Introdução: A melhora nos sintomas de ansiedade após a cirurgia bariátrica pode não permanecer estável em longo prazo, favorecendo a adoção de comportamentos…”
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Expanded center for family health and primary care: potentialities, limitations and experiences of professionals in the municipality of Belem-PA/NUCLEO AMPLIADO DE SAUDE DA FAMILIA E ATENCAO BASICA: POTENCIALIDADES, LIMITACOES E EXPERIENCIAS DOS PROFISSIONAIS DO MUNICIPIO DE BELEM-PA
Published in Revista brasileira de obesidade, nutrição e emagrecimento (01-01-2023)Get full text
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Association between glycemic control in different emotional conditions and adherence to carbohydrate counting in people with type 1 diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil
Published in Revista de nutrição (2023)“…ABSTRACT Objective Evaluate the association between glycemic control in different emotional perceptions and the adherence to carbohydrate counting by adults…”
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Body self-image and food behavior of women after bariatric surgery/ AUTOIMAGEM CORPORAL E COMPORTAMENTO ALIMENTAR DE MULHERES APOS CIRURGIA BARIATRICA
Published in Revista brasileira de obesidade, nutrição e emagrecimento (01-01-2021)“…Introduction: Individuals related to bariatric surgery may present inappropriate behavior and eating habits, especially in the long term, in addition to the…”
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Relation between the use of nutritional supplements and nutritional status of women in late post-operatory of bariatric surgery/RELACAO ENTRE USO DE SUPLEMENTOS NUTRICIONAIS E ESTADO NUTRICIONAL DE MULHERES NO POS-OPERATORIO TARDIO DE CIRURGIA BARIATRICA
Published in Revista brasileira de obesidade, nutrição e emagrecimento (15-12-2020)Get full text
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Congenital cyanotic and acyanotic cardiopathies: clinical and nutritional aspects in internal children, in Belem-PA/ CARDIOPATIAS CONGENITAS CIANOTICAS E ACIANOTICAS: ASPECTOS CLINICOS E NUTRICIONAIS EM CRIANCAS INTERNADAS, EM BELEM-PA
Published in Revista brasileira de obesidade, nutrição e emagrecimento (01-03-2022)“…Introduction: Congenital heart diseases are changes in the structure of the heart that can impact the growth and development of children. Therefore, the…”
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Relationship between perception of family support, food behavior and body weight in women with more than 24 months of bariatric surgery/RELACAO ENTRE A PERCEPCAO DO APOIO FAMILIAR, O COMPORTAMENTO ALIMENTAR E O PESO CORPORAL EM MULHERES COM MAIS DE 24 MESES DE CIRURGIA BARIATRICA
Published in Revista brasileira de obesidade, nutrição e emagrecimento (20-12-2021)“…Introduction: Bariatric surgery has positive results in weight loss and control of associated comorbidities. However, psychological aspects such as family…”
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Nutritional assessment in heart failure patients admitted to a referral hospital in Para/AVALIACAO NUTRICIONAL EM PACIENTES COM INSUFICIENCIA CARDIACA INTERNADOS EM UM HOSPITAL REFERENCIA NO PARA
Published in Revista brasileira de obesidade, nutrição e emagrecimento (20-12-2021)“…Introduction: Nutritional care prevents and treats malnutrition, which is responsible for the worsening of the clinical condition, longer hospital stays and…”
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