Search Results - "Carlos Bouzas Marins, João"
Lactate Concentration Is Related to Skin Temperature Variation After a Specific Incremental Judo Test
Published in Journal of strength and conditioning research (01-08-2021)“…ABSTRACTGomes Moreira, D, José Brito, C, de Almeida Ferreira, JJ, Bouzas Marins, JC, López Díaz de Durana, A, Couceiro Canalejo, J, Butragueño Revenga, J, and…”
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Methods of body mass reduction by combat sport athletes
Published in International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism (01-04-2012)“…The aim of this study was to investigate the methods adopted to reduce body mass (BM) in competitive athletes from the grappling (judo, jujitsu) and striking…”
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Thermal body patterns for healthy Brazilian adults (male and female)
Published in Journal of thermal biology (01-05-2014)“…The aim of this study was to establish the skin temperature (Tsk) thermal profile for the Brazilian population and to compare the differences between female…”
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Hyperproteic supplementation attenuates muscle damage after simulated Olympic cross-country mountain biking competition: a randomized case-control study
Published in Motriz : Revista de Educação Física. Unesp (2019)“…Abstract Aim: We investigated the effect of high-protein (HI-PRO - 70% protein and 30% carbohydrate) and high-carbohydrate supplementation (HI-CHO - 70%…”
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Regional Skin Temperature Response to Moderate Aerobic Exercise Measured by Infrared Thermography
Published in Asian journal of sports medicine (01-03-2016)“…Infrared thermography (IRT) does not require contact with the skin, and it is a convenient, reliable and non-invasive technique that can be used for monitoring…”
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Efeito do alongamento sobre a força muscular de pessoas saudáveis: uma revisão sistemática
Published in Motricidade (01-12-2022)“…O presente trabalho teve por objetivo revisar sistematicamente a literatura, para avaliar o efeito do alongamento sobre a força muscular de pessoas saudáveis…”
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The effect of a breakfast’s glycaemic index and type of hydration on metabolism and cycling performance: a crossover, randomized, controlled clinical trial. [El efecto del índice glucémico del desayuno y el tipo de hidratación en el metabolismo y el rendimiento del ciclismo: un ensayo clínico cruzado, aleatorizado y controlado]
Published in Revista internacional de ciencias del deporte (01-07-2021)“…The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of the glycaemic index of breakfast on metabolic parameters and performance of cyclists with different…”
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Effects of β-alanine and sodium bicarbonate supplementation on the estimated energy system contribution during high-intensity intermittent exercise
Published in Amino acids (01-01-2019)“…The effects of β-alanine (BA) and sodium bicarbonate (SB) on energy metabolism during work-matched high-intensity exercise and cycling time-trial performance…”
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Effect of a professional soccer match in skin temperature of the lower limbs : a case study
Published in Journal of exercise rehabilitation (01-06-2017)“…The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between lower limbs skin temperature (Tsk) recorded by infrared thermography and creatine kinase (CK)…”
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Effect of Whole-, Upper-, and Lower-Body High-Intensity Rowing Exercise on Skin Temperature Measured by Thermography
Published in Research quarterly for exercise and sport (01-03-2023)“…Purpose: Despite the growing works analyzing exercise-induced thermoregulatory adjustments through thermography, the skin temperature (Tsk) response of the…”
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Validation of a screening tool for identifying Brazilians with impaired glucose tolerance
Published in International journal of diabetes in developing countries (01-09-2012)“…This study was designed to validate a self-assessment tool for identifying Brazilians with Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT). The Finnish Diabetes Risk Score…”
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Measuring skin temperature before, during and after exercise: a comparison of thermocouples and infrared thermography
Published in Physiological measurement (01-02-2014)“…Measuring skin temperature (TSK) provides important information about the complex thermal control system and could be interesting when carrying out studies…”
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A review of stature, body mass and maximal oxygen uptake profiles of u17, u20 and first division players in brazilian soccer
Published in Journal of sports science & medicine (01-09-2008)“…Investigations in the physiological demands of soccer have identified that a significant percentage of energy production in match performance is provided…”
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Osteoarthritis subjects have differentiated lower extremity thermal skin response after the concurrent acute training session
Published in Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (01-09-2021)“…This study investigated the thermal skin (Tsk) response of lower limbs in older adults with or without osteoarthritis before and after a concurrent exercise…”
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Time required to stabilize thermographic images at rest
Published in Infrared physics & technology (01-07-2014)“…•Standardizing the acclimatization time is crucial for a right TSK assessment by IRT.•Time for reaching TSK balance in rest is different for young men and…”
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Thermography in ergonomic assessment: a study of wood processing industry workers
Published in PeerJ (San Francisco, CA) (20-09-2022)“…Workers in the wood processing industry perform activities that demand great physical and ergonomic demands, which favors the emergence of inflammatory…”
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Daily rhythm of skin temperature of women evaluated by infrared thermal imaging
Published in Journal of thermal biology (01-02-2018)“…It is well known that skin temperature varies due to circadian rhythm. Although there is information available for men, little is known about women's circadian…”
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Validity of the Body Adiposity Index in Predicting Body Fat in Adults: A Systematic Review
Published in Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.) (01-09-2018)“…The Body Adiposity Index (BAI) is a practical anthropometric method used to measure body fat (BF) percentage (BF%). Recently developed, the validity and…”
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Is relative fat mass a better indicator of high blood pressure levels when compared to other anthropometric indexes?
Published in Nutrición hospitalaria : organo oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (09-12-2021)“…Background: relative fat mass (RFM) has been proposed recently, and the effectiveness in relation to other anthropometric indexes already consolidated…”
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Effects of Resistance Training on Skin Temperature and Its Relationship with Central Nervous System (CNS) Activation
Published in Healthcare (Basel) (21-01-2022)“…The aim of this work was to relate the activation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems with the skin temperature (Tsk) of the lower limbs…”
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