Search Results - "Carla Hendges"
Climate and geographic distance are more influential than rivers on the beta diversity of passerine birds in Amazonia
Published in Ecography (Copenhagen) (01-06-2020)“…Variation in the spatial structure of communities in terms of species composition (beta diversity) is affected by different ecological processes, such as…”
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Quantifying bite force in coexisting tayassuids and feral suids: a comparison between morphometric functional proxies and in vivo measurements
Published in PeerJ (San Francisco, CA) (12-08-2021)“…Measuring mammals' bite force in laboratory conditions is not a simple task, let alone on wild medium-sized mammals in the field. Thus, morphometric-proxies…”
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Re-description of external morphology and factors affecting body and tail shape of the stone frog tadpoles
Published in Acta herpetologica (01-06-2022)“…Ecological studies testing the preponderance of environmental filters on ontogeny to explain the variation in tadpole morphology are scarce for Neotropical…”
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Marsupial versus placental: assessing the evolutionary changes in the scapula of didelphids and sigmodontines
Published in Biological journal of the Linnean Society (06-12-2019)“…Abstract It is not a new concept that marsupials and placentals are distant and distinct clades among mammals. In South America, these animals coexist, occupy…”
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Skull shape and the demands of feeding: a biomechanical study of peccaries (Mammalia, Cetartiodactyla)
Published in Journal of mammalogy (24-04-2019)“…A primary requirement of the mammalian skull is to exert forces on different foods and to resist the forces imposed on it during feeding. Skull shape patterns…”
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Environment and space as drivers of variation in skull shape in two widely distributed South‐American Tayassuidae, Pecari tajacu and Tayassu pecari (Mammalia: Cetartiodactyla)
Published in Biological journal of the Linnean Society (01-12-2016)“…The influence of the environment on the geographical variation of morphological traits has been recognized in a number of taxa. Pecari tajacu and Tayassu…”
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Clinal and Allometric Variation in the Skull of Sexually Dimorphic Opossums
Published in Journal of mammalian evolution (01-06-2021)“…Three species of sexually-dimorphic opossums are broadly distributed across South America: the habitat generalist Didelphis albiventris , the Atlantic…”
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Factors affecting the home range size of felids (Mammalia, Carnivora) with emphasis on three American species
Published in Ecología austral (01-07-2017)“…We evaluated several factors that might be related to the home-range size of felids at both inter and intraspecific levels. At the interspecific level, we…”
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Big in the tropics: Ecogeographical clines in peccary size reveal the converse of Bergmann’s rule
Published in Journal of biogeography (01-05-2021)“…Aim Bergmann's rule is an ecogeographical rule that describes a negative relationship between body size and temperature. Here, we used a multivariate measure…”
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Morphological variation and sexual dimorphism in two sympatric dipsadine snakes from Southern Brazil
Published in Zoologischer Anzeiger (01-05-2019)“…Snakes have high morphological variation, including between sexes. Most of these variations are evidenced only by linear measurements, which are generally…”
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Mamíferos de médio e grande porte de remanescentes de Floresta Estacional Decidual no Parque Estadual Fritz Plaumann e em áreas adjacentes, Sul do Brasil
Published in Biotemas (13-04-2015)“…As florestas estacionais são um dos ecossistemas mais ameaçados do bioma Mata Atlântica, com poucas áreas protegidas e escasso conhecimento faunístico. Visando…”
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Cooperação judicial internacional pela via do auxílio direto no combate à subtração internacional de menores no Brasil e na Colômbia
Published in Revista do direito público (Londrina) (05-05-2015)“…O presente artigo aborda o tema da cooperação judiciária internacional pela via do auxílio direto. Indaga-se do impacto da globalização em relação ao Estado,…”
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Landscape attributes as drivers of the geographical variation in density of Sapajus nigritus Kerr, 1792, a primate endemic to the Atlantic Forest
Published in Acta oecologica (Montrouge) (01-10-2017)“…Neotropical primates are among the most well studied forest mammals concerning their population densities. However, few studies have evaluated the factors that…”
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Factores que afectan el tamaño del ámbito hogareño de felinos (Mammalia, Carnívora), con énfasis en tres especies americanas
Published in Ecología austral (01-08-2017)Get full text
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