Search Results - "Cardwell, K.F"
Dietary exposure to aflatoxin from maize and groundnut in young children from Benin and Togo, West Africa
Published in International journal of food microbiology (15-10-2005)“…Aflatoxins are a family of fungal toxins that are carcinogenic to man and cause immunosuppression, cancer and growth reduction in animals. We conducted a…”
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Storage structures and aflatoxin content of maize in five agroecological zones of Nigeria
Published in Journal of stored products research (01-04-2000)“…A survey was conducted in 1994 to describe the maize storage systems, quantify the aflatoxin levels in these storage systems, and identify the main problems of…”
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A systems approach to assess crop health and maize yield losses due to pests and diseases in Cameroon
Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (01-10-1997)“…Three surveys of maize fields were undertaken in 1993 in Cameroon, ranging from low to high altitudes, and from forests in the south with bimodal rainfall (two…”
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Effect of soils, cropping system and host phenotype on incidence and severity of Striga gesnerioides on cowpea in West Africa
Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (01-05-1995)“…Striga gesnerioides, a plant parasitic phanerogam, is a known constraint to cowpea production in the sahelian and northern guinea savanna zones of West and…”
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Occurrence and distribution of Peronosclerospora sorghi [Weston and Uppal (Shaw)] in selected countries of West and Southern Africa
Published in Crop protection (01-07-1998)“…Surveys of sorghum and maize crops were undertaken in Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique and Rwanda during 1991 and 1992. The occurrence and prevalence of…”
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The influence of storage practices on aflatoxin contamination in maize in four agroecological zones of Benin, west Africa
Published in Journal of stored products research (15-10-2000)“…Aflatoxin level in 300 farmers’ stores in four agro-ecological zones in Benin, a west African coastal country, were determined over a period of 2 years. At…”
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Variability of Peronosclerospora sorghi isolates from different geographic locations and hosts in Africa
Published in Mycological research (01-01-2000)“…Nine isolates of Peronosclerospora sorghi from maize, sorghum and wild sorghum were sampled from Zimbabwe, Zambia, Rwanda, Mozambique and Kenya. They were…”
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Yam chip food sub-sector: hazardous practices and presence of aflatoxins in Benin
Published in Journal of stored products research (2004)“…A survey of the sanitary quality, particularly concerning aflatoxin contamination and practices of the dried yam chips food sub-sector was carried out in…”
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Effect of dew point temperature and conidium age on germination, germ tube growth and infection of maize and sorghum by Peronosclerospora sorghi
Published in Mycological research (01-07-1999)“…The effect of the environment on the germination, survival and infection of sorghum by conidia of Peronosclerospora sorghi is unknown in Africa. Dew point…”
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Effect of insect damage to maize ears, with special reference to Mussidia nigrivenella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), on Aspergillus flavus (Deuteromycetes: Monoliales) infection and aflatoxin production in maize before harvest in the Republic of Benin
Published in Journal of economic entomology (01-04-1998)“…Maize infection by Aspergillus flavus Link and subsequent aflatoxin contamination as affected by insect damage to maize ears before harvest was studied with…”
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Timing of harvest in maize: effects on post harvest losses due to insects and fungi in central Benin, with particular reference to Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae)
Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (01-07-1998)“…A storage experiment was conducted in Banté, central Benin between autumn 1994 and spring 1995. The maize was harvested 1, 3, and 7 weeks after physiological…”
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Methods for screening maize against downy mildew Peronosclerospora sorghi
Published in Plant breeding (01-07-1997)“…Methods of inoculum delivery and timing of test‐row planting were assessed for efficacy in promoting development of downy mildew (Peronosclerospora sorghi) in…”
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Production of conidia by Peronosclerospora sorghi on sorghum crops in Zimbabwe
Published in Plant pathology (01-06-1998)“…Factors affecting the production of conidia of Peronosclerospora sorghi, causing sorghum downy mildew (SDM), were investigated during 1993 and 1994 in…”
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Reaction of maize, sorghum and Johnson grass to Peronosclerospora sorghi
Published in International journal of pest management (2000)“…Development of sorghum downy mildew, incited by Peronoscleospora sorghi (Weston and Uppal) C.G. Shaw, on maize, sorghum and Johnson grass was investigated at…”
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Assessment of crop loss in cowpea [ Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] caused by Sphaceloma sp., causal agent of scab disease
Published in Crop protection (01-05-1995)“…IT 84S-2140 and IT 85F-1517 (cowpea varieties) susceptible to scab disease caused by Sphaceloma sp. were treated with severely infected cowpea plants in 1989…”
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Survey of the incidence and the severity of Stenocarpella macrospora (Earle) leaf blight of maize in the mid-altitude zone of Nigeria
Published in International journal of pest management (01-01-1999)“…Surveys were conducted on the incidence and severity of Stenocarpella macrospora (Earle) Sutton (= Diplodia macrospora Earle) on maize in the mid-altitude zone…”
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Variability of Peronosclerospora sorghi isolates from different geographic locations and hosts in Africa
Published in Mycological research (2000)Get full text
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