Search Results - "Cantú, Ricardo"
Banana crop nutrition: insights into different nutrient sources and soil fertilizer application strategies
Published in Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo (01-01-2020)“…ABSTRACT Considerable attention has been given to the development of new nutritional management strategies that can contribute to banana production be…”
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Integrated preservation and sample clean up procedures for studying water ingestion by recreational swimmers via urinary biomarker determination
Published in Analytica chimica acta (22-08-2017)“…The use of cyanuric acid as a biomarker for ingestion of swimming pool water may lead to quantitative knowledge of the volume of water ingested during…”
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Published in Química Nova (2016)“…The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of composted pig slurry (PS) on the organic matter concentration and distribution of humic acid (HA),…”
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HPLC Determination of Cyanuric Acid in Swimming Pool Waters Using Phenyl and Confirmatory Porous Graphitic Carbon Columns
Published in Analytical chemistry (Washington) (15-07-2001)“…The chlorinated salts of cyanuric acid have found an important role in recreational swimming pool waters across the United States. Upon application to pool…”
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An HPLC Method with UV Detection, pH Control, and Reductive Ascorbic Acid for Cyanuric Acid Analysis in Water
Published in Analytical chemistry (Washington) (01-12-2000)“…Every year over 250 million pounds of cyanuric acid (CA) and chlorinated isocyanurates are produced industrially. These compounds are standard ingredients in…”
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Lubrication Performance of Sunflower Oil Reinforced with Halloysite Clay Nanotubes (HNT) as Lubricant Additives
Published in Lubricants (01-07-2022)“…This study evaluates the tribological performance of nanolubricants of a vegetable oil (sunflower oil) reinforced with different concentrations of…”
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Stable association complex electrospray mass spectrometry for the determination of cyanuric acid
Published in Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (01-10-2001)“…Cyanuric acid, a suspected gastrointestinal or liver toxicant, has gained interest as a potential degradation product of triazine herbicides, such as simazine…”
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Surfactant-Enhanced Partitioning of Nickel and Vanadyl Deoxophylloerythroetioporphyrins from Crude Oil into Water and Their Analysis Using Surface-Enhanced Resonance Raman Spectroscopy
Published in Environmental science & technology (01-01-2000)“…The authors have addressed the identification of molecular fossils of deoxophylloerythroetioporphyrin (DPEP) complexes of vanadium (V) and nickel (Ni) and its…”
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Mitigação das emissões de amônia por zeólitas naturais durante a compostagem de dejetos de suínos
Published in Pesquisa agropecuaria brasileira (01-07-2014)“…O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência das zeólitas naturais clinoptilolita e estilbita em mitigar as perdas de amônia (NH3) na fase inicial da…”
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Reação e resistência de porta-enxertos de tomateiro à murcha de fusário
Published in Ciência rural (01-07-2014)“…O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a reação de resistência de porta-enxertos e cultivares de tomateiro à raça 3 de F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici e a…”
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Water ingestion during swimming activities in a pool: a pilot study
Published in Journal of water and health (01-12-2006)“…Chloroisocyanurates are commonly added to outdoor swimming pools to stabilize chlorine disinfectants. The chloroisocyanurates decompose slowly to release…”
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Anders, G., 2011, La obsolescencia del hombre; sobre la destrucción de la vida en la época de la tercera revolución industrial, Pre-Textos, Valencia
Published in Stoa (10-02-2014)Get full text
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Use of Compost in Onion Cultivation under No-Tillage System: Effect on Nutrient Uptake
Published in Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (15-05-2023)“…The nutrition of onion grown in a no-tillage system with compost requires research to provide alternatives to mineral fertilizers. Our objective was to…”
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Aplicações anuais de adubação mineral e orgânica em plantio direto de cebola
Published in Revista Thema (01-03-2022)“…A busca por fontes alternativas de nutrientes para as plantas é essencial para a nossa agricultura que é dependente da importação de fertilizantes minerais. O…”
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Do Walmartians Rule?: The Political Influence of the Emerging Middle Class
Published in Estudios económicos de el Colegio de México (01-01-2009)“…Se pretende responder la siguiente pregunta: ¿el incremento en el consumo de bienes durables -como los electrodomésticos- ayudó a que el partido en el poder…”
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Vulnerability assessment of industrial systems using Shodan
Published in Cluster computing (01-06-2022)“…The Internet, and many of the related things, hence the term Internet of Things, IoT , continue to expand and take more roles in human lives. Indeed, this…”
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Gobiernan los walmartianos? La influencia política de la clase media emergente
Published in Estudios económicos de el Colegio de México (01-01-2009)“…Se pretende responder la siguiente pregunta: ¿el incremento en el consumo de bienes durables –como los electrodomésticos– ayudó a que el partido en el poder…”
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Gobiernan los walmartianos? La influencia política de la clase media emergente
Published in Estudios económicos de el Colegio de México (01-01-2009)“…Se pretende responder la siguiente pregunta: ¿el incremento en el consumo de bienes durables –como los electrodomésticos– ayudó a que el partido en el poder…”
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Aplicações anuais de adubação mineral e orgânica em plantio direto de cebola: efeito no rendimento e na fertilidade do solo
Published in Revista Thema (31-03-2022)“…A busca por fontes alternativas de nutrientes para as plantas é essencial para a nossa agricultura que é dependente da importação de fertilizantes minerais. O…”
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Reação e resistência de porta-enxertos de tomateiro à murcha de fusário
Published in Ciência rural (01-07-2014)“…O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a reação de resistência de porta-enxertos e cultivares de tomateiro à raça 3 de F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici e a…”
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