Search Results - "Caniuqueo, Alexis"
Effect of Vertical, Horizontal, and Combined Plyometric Training on Explosive, Balance, and Endurance Performance of Young Soccer Players
Published in Journal of strength and conditioning research (01-07-2015)“…ABSTRACTRamírez-Campillo, R, Gallardo, F, Henriquez-Olguín, C, Meylan, CMP, Martínez, C, Álvarez, C, Caniuqueo, A, Cadore, EL, and Izquierdo, M. Effect of…”
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Somatotipo y polimorfismo del gen ACTN3 y ECA en jugadores de tenis de mesa chilenos (Somatotype and polymorphism of the ACTN3 and ACE gene in Chilean table tennis players)
Published in Retos (Madrid) (04-03-2021)“… Introducción. El estudio de variables antropométricas y genéticas son fundamentales como determinantes del rendimiento deportivo. Objetivo. El objetivo del…”
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Level of physical activity and absenteeism in hospital staff
Published in Salud pública de México (01-03-2018)Get full text
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Representaciones sociales: el significado de la educación física para los estudiantes de esa disciplina
Published in Revista electrónica de investigación educativa (2018)“…La presente investigación tuvo por objetivo analizar las representaciones sociales de estudiantes chilenos respecto al significado que tiene para ellos la…”
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Impacto objetivo y percibido del tipo de evaluación sobre el rendimiento académico de estudiantes de Educación Física bajo un modelo curricular por competencias
Published in Retos (Madrid) (01-01-2022)“…This research aimed to analyze the objective and perceived impact the type of assessment has on academic performance in Physical Education Teaching program…”
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Competencias Relevantes en Profesores de Educación Física en Chile: Un análisis más allá de los Estándares de la Profesión Docente (Relevant competencies in a Physical Education teacher in Chile: An analysis beyond the standards of the teaching profession)
Published in Retos (Madrid) (01-01-2024)“…El presente estudio aborda la necesidad de conocimiento sobre desempeños relevantes para egresados de Pedagogía en Educación Física en la Macrozona Sur de…”
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Assessment of the nutritional status and physical condition of basic education students in Chile
Published in Nutrición hospitalaria : organo oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (16-12-2020)“…Introduction: currently, regular physical exercise is the best tool available to promote people's well-being and improve their health. Objective: the objective…”
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Intersession and Intrasession Reliability and Validity of the My Jump App for Measuring Different Jump Actions in Trained Male and Female Athletes
Published in Journal of strength and conditioning research (01-07-2016)“…ABSTRACTGallardo-Fuentes, F, Gallardo-Fuentes, J, Ramírez-Campillo, R, Balsalobre-Fernández, C, Martínez, C, Caniuqueo, A, Cañas, R, Banzer, W, Loturco, I,…”
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Evaluación y comparación de cinco calibres de pliegues cutáneos
Published in Nutrición hospitalaria : organo oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (01-02-2017)“…Introducción: en el campo de la evaluación antropométrica, la validación y precisión de los calibres de pliegues cutáneos son fundamentales en el conocimiento…”
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Effects of plyometric training on maximal-intensity exercise and endurance in male and female soccer players
Published in Journal of sports sciences (17-04-2016)“…In a randomised controlled trial design, effects of 6 weeks of plyometric training on maximal-intensity exercise and endurance performance were compared in…”
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Competencias relevantes en profesores de Educación Física en Chile: Un análisis más allá de los estándares de la profesión docente
Published in Retos (Madrid) (2024)“…This study addresses the need for knowledge about significant performances for graduates of Physical Education Pedagogy in the Southern Macrozone of Chile,…”
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Cinética de marcha, balance postural e índice de masa corporal durante el primer, segundo y tercer trimestre de embarazo
Published in Revista peruana de ginecología y obstetricia (11-10-2014)“…Introducción: El embarazo se caracteriza por un conjunto de cambios en aspectos fisiológicos, psicológicos, emocionales y mecánicos que pueden afectar a la…”
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Formación de Profesores de Educación Física en Chile: Un Análisis de las Mallas Curriculares, Perfil de Egreso y Campo Laboral
Published in Retos (Madrid) (2023)“…Objective. The objective of this work was to analyze the graduation profiles, labor fields and thematic orientation of the curricular subjects of the careers…”
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Effects of plyometric training and creatine supplementation on maximal-intensity exercise and endurance in female soccer players
Published in Journal of science and medicine in sport (01-08-2016)“…Abstract Objectives To investigate the effects of a six-week plyometric training and creatine supplementation intervention on maximal-intensity and endurance…”
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Efecto del entrenamiento pliométrico en la fuerza explosiva de niñas puberes practicantes de voleibol (Effects of plyometric training on explosive strength in pubescent girls volleyball players)
Published in Retos (Madrid) (01-01-2021)“…The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of plyometric training (PT) on muscle power (PR) of the lower limbs in girls volleyball players aged ( n=78;…”
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High-Speed Resistance Training in Older Women: The Role of Supervision
Published in Journal of aging and physical activity (01-01-2017)“…Older women participated in a 12-week high-speed resistance training program under two supervisor-to-subject ratio methods (i.e., high versus low supervision)…”
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Effects of high-intensity interval training and nutritional education in patients with type 2 diabetes
Published in Revista medíca de Chile (01-07-2017)“…High-intensity interval training (HIIT) improves cardiometabolic markers, but its effects on the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) is not…”
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Effects of Plyometric Training and Beta-Alanine Supplementation on Maximal-Intensity Exercise and Endurance in Female Soccer Players
Published in Journal of human kinetics (01-09-2017)“…Plyometric training and beta-alanine supplementation are common among soccer players, although its combined use had never been tested. Therefore, a randomized,…”
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Men and Women Exhibit Similar Acute Hypotensive Responses After Low, Moderate, or High-Intensity Plyometric Training
Published in Journal of strength and conditioning research (01-01-2016)“…ABSTRACTRamírez-Campillo, R, Abad-Colil, F, Vera, M, Andrade, DC, Caniuqueo, A, Martínez-Salazar, C, Nakamura, FY, Arazi, H, Cerda-Kohler, H, Izquierdo, M, and…”
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Polimorfismo del Gen ACTN3 y ECA en Seleccionados de Gimnasia de Brasil y Japón
Published in International journal of morphology (01-03-2015)“…En el rendimiento deportivo, el estudio de la genética ha cobrado un papel fundamental al momento de estudiar el rendimiento deportivo. El objetivo del estudio…”
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