Search Results - "Campo Arias, Adalberto"
Healthcare workers’ distress and perceived discrimination related to COVID‐19 in Colombia
Published in Nursing & health sciences (01-09-2021)“…This study examined the association of perceived discrimination related to COVID‐19 with psychological distress in healthcare workers in the Colombian…”
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Social capital and psychological distress during Colombian coronavirus disease lockdown
Published in Journal of community psychology (01-03-2021)“…This study aimed to establish the association of low social capital (SC) with psychological distress indicators. A cross‐sectional study was carried out using…”
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Carrying weapons at school: Prevalence and associated factors in Colombian high‐school students
Published in Psychology in the schools (01-11-2022)“…The purpose of this study is to identify the prevalence and factors associated with weapon carrying in Colombian high‐school students. A cross‐sectional study…”
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Relation of frailty with depression among adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Published in Medicina clínica y social (20-09-2024)“…Introduction: Frailty and depression risk are common in older adults undergoing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) treatment. However, little is…”
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Confirmatory factor analysis of the brief Spanish Zung Self‐Rating Depression Scale in patients with chronic pulmonary obstructive disease
Published in Perspectives in psychiatric care (01-07-2022)“…Purpose To corroborate the factor structure of the brief Spanish Zung Self‐Rating Depression Scale among patients with chronic pulmonary obstructive disease at…”
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Association Between History of Abuse and Falling in Older Adults
Published in Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS) (01-08-2018)“…Objectives To explore the association between history of several types of abuse and falling. Design Cross‐sectional population‐based study. Setting Data from…”
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Internal consistency and dimensionality assessment of the Cognitive Social Capital Scale among Colombian adults
Published in Medicina clínica y social (01-01-2024)“…Introduction: During the last two decades, the concept of social capital has been used increasingly frequently in health sciences due to the direct and…”
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Reply to: The Interplay between Experiences of Abuse, Physical Activity, and Falls in Older Adults
Published in Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS) (01-05-2019)“…This letter comments on the letter by Pooja Subedi…”
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Perceived stress associated with COVID-19 epidemic in Colombia: an online survey
Published in Cadernos de saúde pública (2020)“…This study aimed to assess the prevalence and variables related to perceived stress associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in a sample of Colombian adults using…”
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Depression, perceived stress related to COVID, post-traumatic stress, and insomnia among asthma and COPD patients during the COVID-19 pandemic
Published in Chronic respiratory disease (2020)“…Introduction: The COVID pandemic has had a high psychological impact on healthy populations. Increased levels of perceived stress, depression, and insomnia are…”
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Las cartas al Editor: una necesidad fisiológica y ontológica de las revistas científicas
Published in Duazary (01-01-2018)“…A la fecha, Duazary, Revista Internacional de Ciencias de la Salud ha publicado catorce volúmenes, 28 números regulares y un suplemento en trece años…”
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Problemas de salud mental en la sociedad: un acercamiento desde el impacto del COVID 19 y de la cuarentena
Published in Duazary (01-07-2020)“…La sociedad mundial vive una experiencia sin precedente, que moviliza todas las estructuras gubernamentales, sanitarias y sociales. Desde diciembre de 2019 a…”
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El papel de los médicos generales en la psiquiatría en Colombia
Published in Duazary (01-05-2019)“…En Colombia, según el más reciente estudio de salud mental en la población general, la frecuencia de trastornos mentales alguna vez en la vida es del 9,1%; del…”
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Dimensionalidad, validez nomológica y consistencia interna de la escala breve de Davidson para estrés postraumático en estudiantes de Santa Marta, Colombia
Published in Revista de la Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública (01-09-2020)“…Objetivo: Conocer la dimensionalidad, la validez nomológica y la consistencia interna de la escala breve de Davidson para estrés postraumático en estudiantes…”
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Prodromal questionnaire (PQ-16) dimensionality among Colombian adolescent school students
Published in Early intervention in psychiatry (13-05-2024)“…The study aimed to determine the dimensionality of the Spanish version of the PQ-16 among Colombian adolescent school students. A validation study was designed…”
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Los médicos generales y la salud mental en la pandemia por COVID-19
Published in Duazary (01-07-2020)“…En lo corrido del milenio hemos sido testigos de varios desafíos para el orden social y la estabilidad de la comunidad en el ámbito de salud mental con el…”
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Asociación entre adopción y suicidio en adolescentes
Published in Duazary (01-09-2019)“…Slap G, Goodman E, Huang B. Adoption as a risk factor for attempted suicide during adolescence. Lancet. 2002;360(9331):443-8. von Borczyskowski A, Hjern A, F…”
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The methodological quality is insufficient in clinical practice guidelines in the context of COVID-19: systematic review
Published in Journal of clinical epidemiology (01-07-2021)“…•Our study explored basic methodological standards in COVID-19 guideline development.•Only 4% of the guidelines were classified as the highest methodological…”
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Discrimination Starts with Adjectives
Published in Journal of public health research (14-07-2021)“…Discrimination starts with adjectives…”
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Estructura factorial y consistencia interna de la escala de somnolencia de Epworth
Published in Revista de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (01-04-2020)“…Introducción. En comparación con la polisomnografía (PSG), la escala de somnolencia de Epworth (ESE) tiene propiedades clinimétricas limitadas, por tanto es…”
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