Search Results - "Campbell, L.D"
Degradation of cell wall polysaccharides by combinations of carbohydrase enzymes and their effect on nutrient utilization and broiler chicken performance
Published in Poultry science (2005)“…In vitro incubation studies were carried out to determine if various carbohydrase preparations contained appropriate activities to target nonstarch…”
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The use of enzyme technology for improved energy utilization from full-fat oilseeds. Part I: canola seed
Published in Poultry science (01-06-2006)“…The effect of carbohydrase enzyme supplementation on energy utilization from full-fat canola seed was investigated in a TMEn assay with adult roosters and in a…”
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The effects of protease and carbohydrase supplementation on the nutritive value of canola meal for poultry: In vitro and in vivo studies
Published in Animal feed science and technology (01-09-1996)“…An in vitro incubation system was used to assess a variety of enzyme preparations regarding activities toward protein and carbohydrate components in canola…”
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Patterns of antimicrobial resistance among commensal Escherichia coli isolated from integrated multi-site housing and worker cohorts of humans and swine
Published in Foodborne pathogens and disease (01-03-2005)“…We examined antimicrobial resistance (AR) phenotypes among commensal Escherichia coli isolated from fecal matter of humans and swine housed in a semi-closed…”
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Oligosaccharides in canola meal and their effect on nonstarch polysaccharide digestibility and true metabolizable energy in poultry
Published in Poultry science (01-01-1994)“…Balance studies utilizing laying hens and adult cockerels were conducted to determine the influence of oligosaccharides (raffinose and stachyose) present in…”
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The use of enzyme technology for improved energy utilization from full-fat oilseeds. Part II: flaxseed
Published in Poultry science (01-06-2006)“…An in vitro incubation study was carried out to determine whether various carbohydrase preparations contained appropriate activities to target nonstarch…”
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Effects of interactions on the critical temperature of a trapped Bose gas
Published in Physical review letters (24-06-2011)“…We perform high-precision measurements of the condensation temperature of a harmonically trapped atomic Bose gas with widely tunable interactions. For weak…”
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use of enzyme technlogy for improved energy utilization from full-fat oilseeds. I. Canola seed
Published in Poultry science (2006)“…The effect of carbohydrase enzyme supplementation on energy utilization from full-fat canola seed was investigated in a TME(n) assay with adult roosters and in…”
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use of enzyme technology for improved energy utilization from full-fat oilseeds. II. Flaxseed
Published in Poultry science (2006)“…An in vitro incubation study was carried out to determine whether various carbohydrase preparations contained appropriate activities to target nonstarch…”
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Effect of the addition of varied salt levels on the performance of growing chickens fed rye diets
Published in Poultry science (01-05-1983)“…A series of feeding trials were conducted with Single Comb White Leghorn cockerels and broiler chickens to determine if salt per se was a contributing factor…”
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Vitamin E plus C Inhibits Survivin and Human Prostate Cancer Cell Growth
Published in Journal of investigative medicine (01-01-2004)Get full text
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Studies with chicks on the growth depressing factor(s) in faba beans (Vicia faba L. var. minor)
Published in The Journal of nutrition (01-02-1976)“…The growth response of broiler chicks was improved when they were fed diet containing high levels (greater than 85%) of heat treated as compared to raw faba…”
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Condensed fraction of an atomic Bose gas induced by critical correlations
Published in Physical review letters (04-11-2011)“…We study the condensed fraction of a harmonically trapped atomic Bose gas at the critical point predicted by mean-field theory. The nonzero condensed fraction…”
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Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus faecium Strains Isolated from Community Wastewater from a Semiclosed Agri-Food System in Texas
Published in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (01-10-2005)“…Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium strains (VRE) were isolated from human wastewater but not swine fecal waste from a semiclosed agri-food system in…”
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Rapeseed meal glucosinolates: metabolism and effect on performance in laying hens
Published in Poultry science (01-05-1976)“…Two experiments were conducted with Hyline Leghorn hens to study the metabolism and detrimental effects of rapeseed meal (RSM) glucosinolates. Raw Target RSM…”
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Condensation dynamics in a quantum-quenched Bose gas
Published in Physical review letters (07-09-2012)“…By quenching the strength of interactions in a partially condensed Bose gas, we create a "supersaturated" vapor which has more thermal atoms than it can…”
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Nutritive value of an extruded blend of canola seed and pea (Enermax) for poultry
Published in Canadian journal of animal science (01-03-2007)“…A study was conducted to evaluate the nutritive value of Enermax, which is a blend (50:50 wt/wt) of extruded full-fat canola seed and pea. Four blended samples…”
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Can a Bose gas be saturated?
Published in Physical review letters (10-06-2011)“…We scrutinize the concept of saturation of the thermal component in a partially condensed trapped Bose gas. Using a 39K gas with tunable interactions, we…”
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Quality characteristics of yellow-seeded Brassica seed meals: protein, carbohydrates, and dietary fiber components
Published in Journal of agricultural and food chemistry (01-08-1995)“…A comprehensive evaluation of the nutritive profiles of the meals derived from 26 Brassica seed meals of yellow-seeded B. napus, B. rapa, B. juncea, and B…”
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Nutritive value for broilers of meals derived from newly developed varieties of yellow-seeded canola
Published in Animal feed science and technology (01-04-1999)“…This study was conducted to determine the nutritive value of the meals derived from recently developed lines/varieties of canola. The samples included the…”
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