Search Results - "Calvès"
Evidence for simple volcanic rifting not complex subduction initiation in the Laxmi Basin
Published in Nature communications (01-06-2020)“…Recently, Pandey et al proposed relict subduction initiation occurred along a passive margin in the northwest Indian Ocean. Here, Clift et al question the…”
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First union formation in urban Burkina Faso: Competing relationship transitions to marriage or cohabitation
Published in Demographic research (2016)“…In several African cities the prevalence of unmarried cohabitation among youth has risen considerably. Because of its potentially negative implications for…”
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Seismic volcanostratigraphy of the western Indian rifted margin: The pre-Deccan igneous province
Published in Journal of Geophysical Research (01-01-2011)“…The Indian Plate has been the focus of intensive research concerning the flood basalts of the Deccan Traps. Here we document a volcanostratigraphic analysis of…”
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Genetic structure of European flounder Platichthys flesus: effects of both the southern limit of the species’ range and chemical stress
Published in Marine ecology. Progress series (Halstenbek) (09-01-2013)“…The genetic structure of European flounder Platichthys flesus populations was analysed in the southern part of the species’ distribution area, from England to…”
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Carbonate platform or volcanic mound? Seismic characterization of a synrift buildup along the outer high of the Lüderitz Basin, Namibia
Published in AAPG bulletin (01-02-2024)Get full text
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Provenance constraints on the Cretaceous-Paleocene erosional history of the Guiana Shield as determined from the geochemistry of clay-size fraction of sediments from the Arapaima-1 well (Guyana-Suriname basin)
Published in Marine geology (01-04-2021)“…Recent studies have emphasized the role of the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean opening on the drainage reorganization and erosion of the West African and…”
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Genetic structure and heterozygosity–fitness correlation in young-of-the-year sole (Solea solea L.) inhabiting three contaminated West-European estuaries
Published in Journal of sea research (01-07-2013)“…Anthropogenic pressures in estuaries may impair not only the fitness of organisms and the evolutionary processes necessary to the survival, but also the…”
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Privatization of Education and Labor Force Inequality in Urban Francophone Africa: The Transition from School to Work in Ouagadougou
Published in World development (01-07-2013)“…As in many other francophone African countries, there has been increased privatization of the school system in Burkina Faso since the 1990s, especially in…”
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Deteriorating Economic Context and Changing Patterns of Youth Employment in Urban Burkina Faso: 1980–2000
Published in World development (01-08-2004)“…Based on unique retrospective survey data collected in Burkina Faso in 2000, this article examines the changes that urban youth employment has undergone over…”
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Successive shifts of the India-Africa transform plate boundary during the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene interval: Implications for ophiolite emplacement along transforms
Published in Journal of Asian earth sciences (15-04-2020)“…•The Late Cretaceous India-Africa Transform plate boundary is identified at Chain Ridge.•The Paleogene India-Africa transform plate boundary is identified at…”
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Mass Balance of Cenozoic Andes-Amazon Source to Sink System—Marañón Basin, Peru
Published in Geosciences (Basel) (01-05-2018)“…We investigate the mass balance of the Cenozoic Andes-Amazon source to sink system using rock uplift proxies and solid sedimentation of the Marañón Basin in…”
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Inferring denudation variations from the sediment record; an example of the last glacial cycle record of the Golo Basin and watershed, East Corsica, western Mediterranean sea
Published in Basin research (01-04-2013)“…Geophysical data and sampling of the Golo Basin (East Corsica margin) provide the opportunity to study mass balance in a single drainage system over the last…”
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Abortion Risk and Decisionmaking among Young People in Urban Cameroon
Published in Studies in family planning (01-09-2002)“…This study examines the use of induced abortion among Cameroonian adolescents and young women, based on biographical data collected in 1997 among young women…”
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Parental death and children's schooling in Burkina Faso
Published in Comparative education review (01-11-2005)“…The authors first review the literature on orphanhood, schooling, and the role of the extended family system in supporting the education of orphans. Next they…”
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Compte rendu de S. Hennette-Vauchez et V.Valentin, L’affaire Baby Loup ou la Nouvelle Laïcité, LGDJ, 2014
Published in Revue française de science politique (31-12-2015)Get full text
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Cretaceous continental margin evolution revealed using quantitative seismic geomorphology, offshore northwest Africa
Published in Basin research (01-02-2021)“…The application of high‐resolution seismic geomorphology, integrated with lithological data from the continental margin offshore The Gambia, northwest Africa,…”
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Effect of exercise training on respiration and reactive oxygen species metabolism in eel red muscle
Published in Respiratory physiology & neurobiology (31-07-2010)“…Abstract This paper deals with the effects of exercise training on oxygen consumption (MO2 ) and ROS metabolism in the red muscle of trained and untrained…”
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Hyperbolic limit on the early arrival time of bright pulses from PSR J0835−4510 (Vela)
Published in Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (04-07-2023)“…ABSTRACT Astronomers have studied the Vela pulsar (PSR J0835−4510) for decades. This study analyses almost 100 h of single-pulse data collected over three…”
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