Search Results - "Callebaut, Hans"
3.4-THz quantum cascade laser based on longitudinal-optical-phonon scattering for depopulation
Published in Applied physics letters (17-02-2003)“…We report the development of a quantum cascade laser, at λ=87.2 μm, corresponding to 3.44 THz or 14.2 meV photon energy. The GaAs/Al0.15Ga0.85As laser…”
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Terahertz quantum-cascade laser operating up to 137 K
Published in Applied physics letters (22-12-2003)“…We report operation of a terahertz quantum-cascade laser at 3.8 THz (λ≈79 μm) up to a heat-sink temperature of 137 K. A resonant phonon depopulation design was…”
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Journal Article -
Importance of electron-impurity scattering for electron transport in terahertz quantum-cascade lasers
Published in Applied physics letters (02-02-2004)“…Using an ensemble Monte Carlo simulation, including both electron–electron and electron–phonon scattering as well as electron-impurity scattering, the current…”
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Analysis of transport properties of tetrahertz quantum cascade lasers
Published in Applied physics letters (14-07-2003)“…We present a self-consistent modeling of a 3.4-THz intersubband laser device. An ensemble Monte Carlo simulation, including both carrier–carrier and…”
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Terahertz quantum cascade lasers based on resonant phonon scattering for depopulation
Published in Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences (15-02-2004)“…40 K. Using a novel double–sided metal waveguide for mode confinement, which yields a unity mode confinement factor and therefore a low total cavity loss at…”
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Terahertz quantum-cascade laser at λ≈100 μm using metal waveguide for mode confinement
Published in Applied physics letters (15-09-2003)“…We report lasing at ∼3.0 THz (λ≈98–102 μm) in a quantum-cascade structure in which mode confinement is provided by a double-sided metal waveguide. The…”
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Magnetotunneling spectroscopy of resonant anticrossing in terahertz intersubband emitters
Published in Applied physics letters (24-12-2001)“…Intersubband transport and electroluminescence has been investigated in a double-quantum-well structure based on an intrawell (vertical) THz radiative…”
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Terahertz quantum cascade lasers
Published in The 16th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 2003. LEOS 2003 (2003)“…We report our successful development of THz quantum cascade lasers with two unique features. The intersubband gain medium is based on resonant optical phonon…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Resonant-phonon terahertz quantum-cascade lasers using metal-metal waveguides
Published in Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Conference Digest of the 2004 Joint 29th International Conference on 2004 and 12th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, 2004 (2004)“…We report the development and progress of terahertz quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) that use the resonant-phonon depopulation scheme to obtain population…”
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Conference Proceeding