Search Results - "Calignano, Giuseppe"
Relations between academic reputation and innovation networks
Published in Scientometrics (01-02-2024)“…Previous empirical analyses have revealed the characteristics a university should possess to be associated with engagement in competitive international…”
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Less-advanced regions in EU innovation networks: Could nanotechnology represent a possible trigger for path upgrading?
Published in PloS one (12-01-2024)“…This paper examines whether nanotechnology projects funded under the European Union (EU) Framework Programmes (FPs) are a possible trigger for path upgrading…”
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Political leaders as agents in regional development
Published in Regional studies, regional science (31-12-2024)“…The study of agency has received increasing attention in recent years. The focus on change processes at the micro-level has brought new insights into the field…”
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How Do Firms Perceive Interactions with Researchers in Small Innovation Projects? Advantages and Barriers for Satisfactory Collaborations
Published in Journal of the knowledge economy (01-09-2020)“…The level of interaction between academics and firms seems to be higher than ever, and policymakers adopt a variety of policies to foster an effective…”
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Does The Nature of Interactions with Higher Education Institutions Influence the Innovative Capabilities of Creative Firms? The Case of a South Western Norwegian County
Published in Quaestiones geographicae (01-12-2018)“…Our study contributes to a limited body of literature and aims to examine the type and frequency of linkages between creative industries and higher education…”
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Increasing innovativeness of SMEs in peripheral areas through international networks? The case of Southern Italy
Published in Region (Louvain-la-Neuve) (14-03-2016)“…Strengthening innovation capacity of European small and medium enterprises (SMEs) by means of their participation in the Sixth (FP6-SME) and Seventh (FP7-SME)…”
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"I want to shake your hand before ...": The role of clients, knowledge exchange and market dynamics in southern Italian software firms
Published in Cogent social sciences (01-01-2018)“…This study aims to assess the importance of clients in multi-scalar networks leading to learning competence and knowledge exchange. Furthermore, the…”
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Editorial: The Impact of Countries' Economy and Wealth on their Research Activities
Published in Frontiers in research metrics and analytics (2022)Get full text
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Not all peripheries are the same: The importance of relative regional innovativeness in transnational innovation networks
Published in Growth and change (01-03-2022)“…This paper aims to test the hypothesis according to which “relative” innovativeness (regions scoring higher than the national average in innovation rankings,…”
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Regional development is not a dinner party: a research agenda on power relations and the use of language in regional development studies
Published in GeoJournal (18-03-2024)“…Regional development is not a dinner party, but rather a largely contested matter in which its political dimension and power relations play key roles. This…”
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Better connected, more reputable? On the association between node centrality and academic reputation in the European Union research and innovation networks
Published in European policy analysis (01-06-2021)“…ABSTRACT Reputation is often overlooked in the geography of innovation studies, but may represent a relevant outcome of the participation in multi‐scalar…”
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Nanotechnology and knowledge relatedness: how to identify optimal regional partners in EU innovation networks?
Published in Science & public policy (15-10-2024)“…Abstract Research & Innovation (R&I) policy initiatives employed by the European Union (EU) across its regional economies are important instruments to ensure…”
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The core in the periphery? The cluster organization as the central node in the Apulian aerospace district
Published in Regional studies (02-11-2018)“…Cluster policy is often ineffective in peripheral regions with weak institutions and significant barriers to knowledge production and exchange. Nonetheless,…”
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Italian organisations within the European nanotechnology network: presence, dynamics and effects
Published in Erde (01-01-2014)“…Nanotechnology is an emerging interdisciplinary field that, according to the European Commission, represents one of the world’s new technological frontiers…”
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Strengthening relationships in clusters: How effective is an indirect policy measure carried out in a peripheral technology district?
Published in The Annals of regional science (01-07-2017)“…Studies of the effects of specific policy measures for innovation have focused mainly on actions based on direct R&D support. However, the innovation studies…”
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Local content in Tanzania: Are local suppliers motivated to improve?
Published in The extractive industries and society (01-01-2018)“…•This study aims at revealing whom potential oil and gas suppliers located in Tanzania blame for their lack of competitiveness.•More motivated and…”
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Norwegian wood, isn't it good? Narratives of the lumber industry and development paths in the Nordic periphery
Published in Journal of rural studies (01-01-2024)“…This paper discusses how and in what way different regional industrial development paths emerge through narratives about a natural resource-based industry in a…”
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Innovation networks and green restructuring: Which path development can EU Framework Programmes stimulate in Norway?
Published in Norsk geografisk tidsskrift (01-01-2019)“…With combined insights from evolutionary economic geography and transition studies, the article examines the engagement of different regions in Norway in the…”
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Small cities: Regional motors or sponges? The case of Inland County, Norway
Published in GeoJournal (01-12-2023)“…In the innovation and regional development literature, regional areas that lie between prosperous core regions and struggling peripheral areas have been…”
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Supplier Development in Tanzania; Experiences, expectations and motivation
Published in The extractive industries and society (01-04-2017)“…•Collaborative experience and preferences improving competitiveness were analysed.•110 Tanzanian companies targeting the emerging oil and gas industry were…”
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