Search Results - "Cachón, Javier"
Systematic Review of the Literature About the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Lives of School Children
Published in Frontiers in psychology (14-10-2020)“…The year 2020 has been marked by the emergence of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This virus has reached many countries and has paralyzed the lives of…”
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Imaging the Photodissociation Dynamics and Fragment Alignment of CH2BrI at 193 nm
Published in The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory (17-11-2022)“…The photodissociation dynamics and photofragment alignment of bromoiodomethane (CH2BrI) have been studied at 193 nm using a double experimental and theoretical…”
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Perception of the Professional Competences of Last Year’s Students of Pre-Primary Education and Primary Education Degrees and Students of Training Teachers Master
Published in Journal of new approaches in educational research (2019)“…This research aims to obtain knowledge of the perception of last year´s students’ in Pre-primary and Primary Education Degrees and Secondary Education,…”
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Motivation toward Physical Activity and Healthy Habits of Adolescents: A Systematic Review
Published in Children (Basel) (30-03-2023)“…Adolescence is a transformative period in which rapid physical, cognitive and psychosocial growth takes place. Laying the foundation for healthy behaviors is…”
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Physical Activity in Natural Environments Is Associated With Motivational Climate and the Prevention of Harmful Habits: Structural Equation Analysis
Published in Frontiers in psychology (29-05-2019)“…Practicing physical activity in a natural environment has various benefits that make it an ideal setting to develop healthy behaviors and thereby diminish…”
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Influence of the characteristics of the house and place of residence in the daily educational activities of children during the period of COVID-19’ confinement
Published in Heliyon (01-03-2021)“…The period of confinement motivated by the COVID-19 pandemic and established by the governments of different countries has influenced the lifestyle of millions…”
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Emotional Status and Psychological Well-Being in the Educational Opposition Process
Published in Social sciences (Basel) (01-12-2023)“…The process to become a public teacher in Spain involves a very strict examination. In order to pass this exam, a high level of emotional competence is…”
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Adapted Utilitarian Judo: The Adaptation of a Traditional Martial Art as a Program for the Improvement of the Quality of Life in Older Adult Populations
Published in Societies (Basel, Switzerland) (01-09-2018)“…This article reports on the Adapted Utilitarian Judo project. The use of the foundations and technical elements of traditional Judo, adapted and contextualised…”
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Sleep, physical activity and screens in 0-4 years Spanish children during the COVID-19 pandemic: Were the WHO recommendations met?
Published in Journal of human sport and exercise (2020)“…The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned in recent years about child physical inactivity. The pandemic caused by COVID-19 meant in many countries the…”
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On What Tasks Did Children between the Ages of 3 and 12 Years Spend Their Time during the COVID-19 Pandemic? An International Comparative Study between Ibero-America and Europe
Published in Children (Basel) (29-06-2022)“…The pandemic caused by COVID-19 meant, in many countries, the establishment of a period of confinement in which families were forced to restrict movement and…”
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The Physical Education Class Perceived by Schoolchildren from 6 to 8 Years Old Expressed through Drawings
Published in Children (Basel) (30-07-2021)“…Physical Education is one of the subjects that arouses the most interest in children. The aim of this study is to find out the opinion that primary school…”
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Study on the relationship between physical activity and the development of professional competence: Findings from a study in Ukraine
Published in Journal of human sport and exercise (01-01-2020)“…The search for motivation for physical activity is always relevant, competitive advantages in the labour market are one of type of such motivation. This…”
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Impacto de un programa de aprendizaje socioemocional en la autoestima de los escolares pertenecientes a comunidades educativas interculturales Mapuches en la región de la Araucanía-Chile
Published in Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação (01-01-2023)“…Este estudio describe los resultados de un programa de intervención en Aprendizaje Socioemocional (ASE), y el fortalecimiento de la autoestima de estudiantes…”
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Del trastorno del diálogo tónico a la inestabilidad psicomotriz: Taxonomía diagnóstica
Published in Sport TK (Internet) (01-01-2022)“…El objetivo de este trabajo es profundizar en la relación entre hiperactividad y diálogo tónico al considerar el cuerpo como elemento común de comunicación,…”
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Structural Effects on the Energy Disposal and Atomic Photofragment Alignment for the Photodissociation of Alkyl Iodides at Excitation Wavelengths of 254 and 268 nm
Published in The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory (03-10-2024)“…This work represents a step forward in the understanding of the widely studied photodynamics of alkyl iodides in the first absorption band. Ultraviolet (UV)…”
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Visualisation and goal-setting in footballers
Published in Journal of human sport and exercise (01-01-2016)“…The footballer needs to utilise useful psychological tools along his/her sports career. The avatars footballers need to overcome when facing their tasks make…”
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Influencia del control del estrés en el rendimiento deportivo: la autoconfianza, la ansiedad y la concentración en deportistas (Influence of stress control in the sports performance: self-confidence, anxiety and concentration in athletes)
Published in Retos (Madrid) (01-01-2017)“…En esta investigación se realiza un estudio sobre el control del estrés en deportistas, utilizando como muestra 100 jugadores de fútbol semiprofesionales. Se…”
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Correlational study of psychological variables self-confidence and anxiety
Published in Motriz : Revista de Educação Física. Unesp (01-12-2015)“…Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the concurrent validity of the psychological variables self-confidence and anxiety among the psychological…”
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Uso y abuso de los libros de Educación Física (EF) en la formación del profesorado y en los centros de enseñanza a finales del siglo XX y principios del XXI = Use and abuse of Physical Education (PhE) books in teacher training and in teaching centers at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st
Published in Materiales para la historia del deporte (01-05-2022)“…ResumenIntroducción: El artículo plantea la necesidad de práctica física en las etapas escolares para las que se programan pocas horas de clase desde la…”
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Analysis of the characteristics of Federated Carpfishing Anglers in Spain
Published in Journal of human sport and exercise (01-01-2015)“…The objective of this work is to know the characteristics of the federated sport anglers who practice the method of fishing known as Carpfishing. The sample is…”
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