Search Results - "Cabello, Otavio Gomes"
Tax avoidance in management-owned firms: evidence from Brazil
Published in International journal of managerial finance (05-08-2019)“…PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to test if companies with a greater concentration of management ownership (and thus more risk-averse managers) avoid less…”
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The information technology and the university: use of educational applications by students
Published in Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade (01-05-2017)Get full text
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Complexidade, conformidade e arrecadação tributária
Published in Economia e Sociedade (01-12-2021)“…Resumo Este trabalho objetiva apresentar qual é o custo de conformidade tributário nos Estados brasileiros e examinar se a complexidade tributária afeta os…”
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Exploring the scientific literature on clean development mechanisms: A bibliometric analysis
Published in Energy policy (01-12-2023)“…The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was established under Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol to assist developed countries in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG)…”
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Cash Holding em Governos Locais Brasileiros
Published in Administração Pública e Gestão Social (13-01-2024)“…Objetivo da pesquisa - A pesquisa teve como objetivo examinar os determinantes de retenção de caixa dos governos locais brasileiros. Enquadramento teórico –…”
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Analysis of the practices of value based management: a study of case on sugar plant of Brazil
Published in Revista contemporânea de contabilidade (01-11-2009)“…This research proposes to answer the following problem: The practices of Value Based Management, used on companies, is consistent with the postulated practices…”
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Published in Revista de administração FACES journal (01-02-2024)“…This research aimed to analyze whether the innovative factors, financial and Corporate Governance criteria of publicly traded companies are related to the…”
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Controle e Transparência sobre os Gastos Tributários em Municípios Brasileiros
Published in Sociedade, contabilidade e gestão (17-02-2020)“…O trabalho analisou o controle e a transparência dos gastos tributários em municípios brasileiros acima de 500 mil habitantes. Para tanto, foram verificados:…”
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Alternativas de Investimentos em Renda Fixa no Brasil: Comparação entre um Banco de Investimento e um Banco de Varejo
Published in Revista evidenciação contábil & finanças (2018)“…Objective: the objective of this research was to compare fixed income options in the Brazilian finan-cial market in a retail bank and an investment bank…”
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Análise das Práticas de Gestão Baseada em Valor: Um Estudo de Caso em Usina Açucareira do Brasil
Published in Revista contemporânea de contabilidade (01-01-2008)“…This research seeks to provide an answer to the following question: are the Value-Based Management (VBM) practices used by companies coherent with the…”
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