Search Results - "CROUVI, Onn"
Multiple dust sources in the Sahara Desert: The importance of sand dunes
Published in Geophysical research letters (01-07-2012)“…We determine the current sources of dust in the Sahara Desert using quantitative correlation between the number of days with dust storms (NDS), derived from…”
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Locally recycled late Pleistocene loess feeds modern dust storms at the desert margins of the eastern Mediterranean, Israel
Published in Aeolian research (01-10-2020)“…•Proximal dust sources in Israel are active during regional & local dust storms and at non-storm days.•The contribution of proximal dust to the total dust…”
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A multi-proxy shallow marine record for Mid-to-Late Holocene climate variability, Thera eruptions and cultural change in the Eastern Mediterranean
Published in Quaternary science reviews (15-01-2019)“…The River Nile catchment is considered the major source of nutrient-rich freshwater and sediment draining into the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Thus, exceptional…”
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The Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition in the southern Levant: New insights from the late Middle Paleolithic site of Far’ah II, Israel
Published in Quaternary science reviews (01-06-2020)“…Far’ah II is an open-air site in the north western Negev desert (Israel). Previous excavations in the 1970’s revealed a rich, in situ Middle Paleolithic (MP)…”
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The climatic and physiographic controls of the eastern Mediterranean over the late Pleistocene climates in the southern Levant and its neighboring deserts
Published in Global and planetary change (01-02-2008)“…Modern-day synoptic-scale eastern Mediterranean climatology provides a useful context to synthesize the diverse late Pleistocene (60–12 ka) paleohydrologic and…”
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Areal Extent of Dust Emission Events and Source Geomorphology in Northern Africa from MSG-SEVIRI Data
Published in Remote sensing (Basel, Switzerland) (01-09-2020)“…In this study we (1) mapped the areal extent of current dust sources over Northern Africa between 8°W–31°E and 22°N - Mediterranean coast; and (2) identified…”
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Reclamation of oil-induced soil hydrophobicity in the hyper-arid Evrona Nature Reserve, southern Israel
Published in Pedosphere (01-12-2021)“…Two oil spills occurred in the Evrona Nature Reserve (southern Israel), in 1975 and 2014. This oil contamination induced highly persistent soil hydrophobicity…”
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Significance of primary hilltop loess in reconstructing dust chronology, accretion rates, and sources: An example from the Negev Desert, Israel
Published in Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface (01-06-2009)“…Although high‐latitude loess sequences have been studied extensively for reconstructing past climates, loess in desert margins has been mostly overlooked…”
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Collapse-sinkholes and radar interferometry reveal neotectonics concealed within the Dead Sea basin
Published in Geophysical research letters (15-05-2003)“…The Dead Sea (DS) pull‐apart basin is one of the more seismically active segments of the DS Transform plate boundary. In the last decade, hundreds of…”
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Sediment flux dynamics over the shallow (25 m depth) shelf of the Mediterranean Sea along the Israeli coast
Published in Marine geology (01-12-2018)“…In order to study the dynamics of sediment fluxes at the northern end of the Nile littoral cell, sediment traps were deployed for one year over the shallow…”
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The potential influence of dust flux and chemical weathering on hillslope morphology: Convex soil-mantled carbonate hillslopes in the Eastern Mediterranean
Published in Geomorphology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (15-09-2019)“…Convex, soil-covered hillslopes are ubiquitous in various tectonic and climatic settings and their morphologic characteristics can be significantly altered by…”
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Middle to late Pleistocene shift in eolian silts contribution into Mediterranean soils at the fringe of the Negev loess, Israel
Published in Quaternary science reviews (01-07-2018)“…A common spatial feature within loess deposits worldwide is a downwind decrease in thickness and grain size, trends that are powerful tools for reconstructing…”
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Active sand seas and the formation of desert loess
Published in Quaternary science reviews (01-08-2010)“…Loess is a widespread eolian deposit dominated by coarse silt and very fine sand quartz grains (20–80 μm) that serve as an important archive of information on…”
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Pedology of archaeological stone-wall bench terraces
Published in Geoderma (15-12-2022)“…[Display omitted] •Pedogenesis in terrace soils begins chaotically.•Terrace soil pedogenesis partly disaccords with classical soil models.•Early stages of…”
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The influence of climate and microclimate (aspect) on soil creep efficiency: Cinder cone morphology and evolution along the eastern Mediterranean Golan Heights
Published in Earth surface processes and landforms (01-12-2017)“…Although hillslope evolution has been subject to much investigation for more than a century, the effect of climate on the morphology of soil‐mantled hillslopes…”
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Pedology of archaeological soils in tells of the Judean foothills, Israel
Published in Catena (Giessen) (01-09-2018)“…Tells (archaeological mounds) predominantly consist of poorly consolidated to unconsolidated sediments, and soils that are highly anthropogenic. This study…”
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Live and dead deep-sea benthic foraminiferal macrofauna of the Levantine basin (SE Mediterranean) and their ecological characteristics
Published in Deep-sea research. Part I, Oceanographic research papers (01-06-2018)“…The present study sought to quantitatively characterize the live and dead benthic foraminifera communities of the deep southeastern Levantine basin of the…”
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Landscape responses to intraplate deformation in the Kalahari constrained by sediment provenance and chronology in the Okavango Basin
Published in Basin research (26-09-2020)“…The structural depression that occupies the Okavango Basin in southern Africa comprises a depo-centre within the intracratonic Kalahari Basin where sediments…”
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Predicting the thickness and aeolian fraction of soils in upland watersheds of the Mojave Desert
Published in Geoderma (01-03-2013)“…Soil thickness and soil texture, and their spatial variability at hillslope scales, are important inputs for hydrologic models. Recent studies have…”
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