Search Results - "CONWAY, D. V. P"

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  1. 1

    Temperature effects on Calanus helgolandicus (Copepoda: Calanoida) development time and egg production by Bonnet, D., Harris, R. P., Yebra, L., Guilhaumon, F., Conway, D. V. P., Hirst, A. G.

    Published in Journal of plankton research (01-01-2009)
    “…Effects of temperature on aspects of the life cycle and physiology of the copepod Calanus helgolandicus (C. helgolandicus) were investigated in the laboratory…”
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  2. 2

    Does predation control adult sex ratios and longevities in marine pelagic copepods? by Hirst, A. G., Bonnet, D., Conway, D. V. P., Kiørboe, T.

    Published in Limnology and oceanography (01-09-2010)
    “…We assess the causes of adult sex ratio skew in marine pelagic copepods by examining changes in these ratios between the juveniles and adults, sexual…”
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  3. 3

    A blooming jellyfish in the northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean by Licandro, P., Conway, D. V. P., Daly Yahia, M. N., Fernandez de Puelles, M. L., Gasparini, S., Hecq, J. H., Tranter, P., Kirby, R. R.

    Published in Biology letters (2005) (23-10-2010)
    “…A long-term time series of plankton records collected by the continuous plankton recorder (CPR) Survey in the northeast Atlantic indicates an increased…”
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  4. 4

    Temporal variability and community composition of zooplankton at station L4 in the Western Channel: 20 years of sampling by Eloire, Damien, Somerfield, Paul J., Conway, David V. P., Halsband-Lenk, Claudia, Harris, Roger, Bonnet, Delphine

    Published in Journal of plankton research (01-05-2010)
    “…Zooplankton community composition and diversity have been analysed for the period 1988–2007 at the coastal station L4 off Plymouth in the Western Channel. The…”
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  5. 5

    Seasonal dynamics of meroplankton assemblages at station L4 by Highfield, James M., Eloire, Damien, Conway, David V. P., Lindeque, Penelope K., Attrill, Martin J., Somerfield, Paul J.

    Published in Journal of plankton research (01-05-2010)
    “…Zooplankton data from 20 years of weekly sampling were used to determine inter- and intra-annual patterns of meroplankton community change at Station L4, off…”
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    Does predation controls adult sex ratios and longevities in marine pelagic copepods? by Hirst, A. G., Bonnet, D., Conway, D. V. P., Kiørboe, T.

    Published in Limnology and oceanography (01-09-2010)
    “…We assess the causes of adult sex ratio skew in marine pelagic copepods by examining changes in these ratios between the juveniles and adults, sexual…”
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    Buoyancy measurements and vertical distribution of eggs of sardine (Sardina pilckazdus) and anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) by COOMBS, S. H, BOYRA, G, RUEDA, L. D, URIARTE, A, SANTOS, M, CONWAY, D. V. P, HALLIDAY, N. C

    Published in Marine biology (01-10-2004)
    “…Measurements were made of the density and settling velocity of eggs of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), using a…”
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    Suspended particulates in the Irish Sea and feeding conditions for fish larvae by COOMBS, S. H, ROBINS, D. B, CONWAY, D. V. P, HALLIDAY, N. C, POMROY, A. J

    Published in Marine biology (01-03-1994)
    “…The results of a study analyzing the distribution of suspended particulate material in the Irish Sea in relation to hydrography and feeding characteristics of…”
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    Seasonal population structure, vertical distribution and migration of the chaetognath Sagitta elegans in the Celtic Sea by CONWAY, D. V. P, WILLIAMS, R

    Published in Marine biology (01-12-1986)
    “…During a series of eight cruises to a seasonally thermally stratified sampling site in the Celtic Sea in 1978 and 1979, detailed vertical zooplankton profiles…”
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  10. 10

    Vertical distribution, and seasonal and diurnal migration of Calanus helgolandicus in the Celtic Sea by WILLIAMS, R, CONWAY, D. V. P

    Published in Marine biology (01-01-1984)
    “…The vertical distribution and migration (seasonal, diet and ontogenetic) of C. helgolandicus are describe from the shallow shelf-seas to the south-west of the…”
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  11. 11

    Variability in dry weight and vertical distributions of decapod larvae in the Irish Sea and North Sea during the spring by Lindley, JA, Williams, R, Conway, DVP

    Published in Marine biology (01-10-1994)
    “…Decapod larvae and early post-larvae were extracted from detailed vertically stratified samples taken during research cruises in the Irish Sea from Apr-Jun…”
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  12. 12

    Carbon content and nutritional condition of sardine larvae (Sardina pilchardus) off the Atlantic coast of Spain by COOMBS, S. H, CONWAY, D. V. P, MORLEY, S. A, HALLIDAY, N. C

    Published in Marine biology (07-07-1999)
    “…As part of a "European Sardine/Anchovy Recruitment Program (SARP), sardine larvae (Sardina pilchardus) were sampled off the Atlantic coast of Spain through the…”
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    Female-biased sex ratios in marine pelagic copepods: Comment on Gusmão et al. (2013) by Hirst, A. G., Bonnet, D., Conway, D. V. P., Kiørboe, T.

    “…Gusmão et al. (2013; Mar Ecol Prog Ser 482:279–298) review causes of sex ratio skew in pelagic copepods and in doing so repeatedly dispute the paper of Hirst…”
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    Co-occurrence of copepods and dissolved free amino acids in shelf sea waters by Poulet, SA, Williams, R, Conway, DVP, Videau, C

    Published in Marine biology (01-10-1991)
    “…The vertical distribution of chlorophyll a, copepods, dissolved free amino acid concentration and the fixation of super(14)C by phytoplankton were monitored in…”
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  16. 16

    Vertical distribution and seasonal numerical abundance of the Calanidae in oceanic waters to the south-west of the British Isles by WILLIAMS, R, CONWAY, D. V. P

    Published in Hydrobiologia (01-01-1988)
    “…The vertical distribution and seasonal abundance of the copepodite and adult stages of Calanus finmarchicus, C. helgolandicus, C. tenuicornis, Neocalanus…”
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    Sardine (Sardina pilchardus) egg abundance at station L4, Western English Channel, 1988–2008 by Coombs, S. H., Halliday, N. C., Conway, D. V. P., Smyth, T. J.

    Published in Journal of plankton research (01-05-2010)
    “…Results from sampling for sardine (Sardina pilchardus) eggs at station L4 in the coastal Western English Channel over the period 1988–2008 are presented and…”
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    Deep distributions of oceanic cirripede larvae in the Sargasso sea and surrounding North Atlantic ocean by CONWAY, D. V. P, ELLIS, C. J, HUMPHERYES, I. G

    Published in Marine biology (01-10-1990)
    “…From deep ( less than or equal to 1000 m), multi-depth zooplankton samples taken in the Azores frontal region from November 1980 to June 1981, high numbers of…”
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    Vertical distributions of eggs, nauplii and copepodites of Calanus helgolandicus (Copepoda: Crustacea) in the Celtic sea by WILLIAMS, R, CONWAY, D. V. P, COLLINS, N. R

    Published in Marine biology (01-10-1987)
    “…The vertical distribution of eggs, nauplii, copepodites and adults of Calanus helgolandicus (Claus) from five oblique plankton-net hauls taken in May (1980),…”
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