Search Results - "COCHRAN, R. C"

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  1. 1

    Postapplication Fipronil Exposure Following Use on Pets by Cochran, R. C., Yu, Liu, Krieger, R. I., Ross, J. H.

    “…Fipronil is a pyrazole acaricide and insecticide that may be used for insect, tick, lice, and mite control on pets. Residents' short-term and long-term…”
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  2. 2

    Effect of rumen-degradable intake protein supplementation on urea kinetics and microbial use of recycled urea in steers consuming low-quality forage by Wickersham, T.A, Titgemeyer, E.C, Cochran, R.C, Wickersham, E.E, Gnad, D.P

    Published in Journal of animal science (01-11-2008)
    “…We evaluated the effect of increasing amounts of rumen-degradable intake protein (DIP) on urea kinetics in steers consuming prairie hay. Ruminally and…”
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  3. 3

    Effect of frequency and amount of rumen-degradable intake protein supplementation on urea kinetics and microbial use of recycled urea in steers consuming low-quality forage by Wickersham, T.A, Titgemeyer, E.C, Cochran, R.C, Wickersham, E.E, Moore, E.S

    Published in Journal of animal science (01-11-2008)
    “…We evaluated the effect of frequency and amount of rumen-degradable intake protein (DIP) on urea kinetics in steers consuming prairie hay. Five ruminally and…”
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  4. 4

    Standardization of in situ techniques for ruminant feedstuff evaluation by Vanzant, E.S, Cochran, R.C, Titgemeyer, E.C

    Published in Journal of animal science (01-10-1998)
    “…Over the last two decades, in situ techniques have been used extensively for measuring ruminal degradation of feedstuffs. Current predictive models put renewed…”
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  5. 5

    Characterization of ruminal dynamics in Holstein dairy cows during the periparturient period by Park, A. F, Shirley, J. E, Titgemeyer, E. C, DeFrain, J. M, Cochran, R. C, Wickersham, E. E, Nagaraja, T. G, Johnson, D. E

    “…We used four pregnant Holstein cows to delineate ruminal adaptations as cows transitioned from one lactation to the next. Cows were fed typical diets through…”
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  6. 6

    Effect of increasing degradable intake protein on intake and digestion of low-quality, tallgrass-prairie forage by beef cows by Koster, H.H. (UOFS, Bloemfontein, South Africa.), Cochran, R.C, Titgemeyer, E.C, Vanzant, E.S, Abdelgadir, I, St Jean, G

    Published in Journal of animal science (01-10-1996)
    “…Five ruminally and duodenally fistulated Angus x Hereford cows were used in a 5 X 5 Latin square to monitor intake, ruminal fermentation responses, and site…”
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  7. 7

    Effects of supplemental degradable intake protein on utilization of medium- to low-quality forages by Mathis, C. P, Cochran, R. C, Heldt, J. S, Woods, B. C, Abdelgadir, I. E, Olson, K. C, Titgemeyer, E. C, Vanzant, E. S

    Published in Journal of animal science (01-01-2000)
    “…Three independent experiments were conducted each using 16 ruminally fistulated beef steers fed bermudagrass (8.2% CP, 71% NDF; Exp. 1), bromegrass (5.9% CP,…”
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  8. 8

    Prediction of the energy content of tallgrass prairie hay by Olson, K.C, Cochran, R.C, Titgemeyer, E.C, Mathis, C.P, Jones, T.J, Heldt, J.S

    Published in Journal of animal science (01-06-2008)
    “…Two experiments were conducted to describe the DE content of tallgrass prairie hay (TPH). In trial 1, steers (n = 13; 277 ± 15 kg of BW) were used in a 13 x 4…”
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  9. 9

    Effects of different supplemental sugars and starch fed in combination with degradable intake protein of low-quality forage use by beef steers by Heldt, J.S, Cochran, R.C, Stokka, G.L, Farmer, C.G, Mathis, C.P, Titgemeyer, E.C, Nagaraja, T.G

    Published in Journal of animal science (01-10-1999)
    “…Twenty ruminally fistulated steers (Exp.1, 448 kg and Exp. 2, 450 kg) were used in two consecutive randomized complete block experiments with five treatments…”
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  10. 10

    Appraisal of Risks from Nonoccupational Exposure to Chlorpyrifos by Cochran, R.C.

    Published in Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology (01-02-2002)
    “…The toxicological database for chlorpyrifos indicates that humans are not more sensitive than laboratory animals to the toxic effects. Although an oral dose of…”
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  11. 11

    Effects of ruminal administration of supplemental degradable intake protein and starch on utilization of low-quality warm-season grass hay by beef steers by Olson, K.C, Cochran, R.C, Jones, T.J, Vanzant, E.S, Titgemeyer, E.C, Johnson, D.E

    Published in Journal of animal science (01-04-1999)
    “…Hereford X Angus steers were used in a 13-treatment, four-period, incomplete Latin square design to examine the effects of starch and degradable intake protein…”
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  12. 12

    Prediction of the energy content of tallgrass prairie hay1 by Olson, K. C., Cochran, R. C., Titgemeyer, E. C., Mathis, C. P., Jones, T. J., Heldt, J. S.

    Published in Journal of animal science (01-06-2008)
    “…Two experiments were conducted to describe the DE content of tallgrass prairie hay (TPH). In trial 1, steers (n = 13; 277 ± 15 kg of BW) were used in a 13 x 4…”
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  13. 13

    Ruminal and host adaptations to changes in frequency of protein supplementation by Farmer, C.G, Cochran, R.C, Nagaraja, T.G, Titgemeyer, E.C, Johnson, D.E, Wickersham, T.A

    Published in Journal of animal science (01-03-2004)
    “…The effect of altering supplementation frequency on host N balance and key N transactions in the ruminal ecosystem were monitored. Four ruminally fistulated…”
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  14. 14

    In situ dry matter, nitrogen, and fiber degradation of alfalfa, red clover, and eastern gamagrass at four maturities by Coblentz, W K, Fritz, J O, Fick, W H, Cochran, R C, Shirley, J E

    Published in Journal of dairy science (01-01-1998)
    “…This study compared in situ degradation characteristics of dry matter, N, and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) for alfalfa and red clover with those for eastern…”
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    The effects of several supplementation frequencies on forage use and the performance of beef cattle consuming dormant tallgrass prairie forage by Farmer, C. G, Cochran, R. C, Simms, D. D, Klevesahl, E. A, Wickersham, T. A, Johnson, D. E

    Published in Journal of animal science (01-09-2001)
    “…Two experiments were conducted to quantify the impact on forage use and performance of varying supplementation frequency of cattle consuming forage diets…”
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  17. 17

    Effects of level and source of carbohydrate and level of degradable intake protein on intake and digestion of low-quality tallgrass-prairie hay by beef steers by Heldt, J. S, Cochran, R. C, Mathis, C. P, Woods, B. C, Olson, K. C, Titgemeyer, E. C, Nagaraja, T. G, Vanzant, E. S, Johnson, D. E

    Published in Journal of animal science (01-10-1999)
    “…Ruminally fistulated steers (n = 13; 263 kg) were used in an incomplete Latin square with 13 treatments and four periods to evaluate the effects of level and…”
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    Degradability of forage proteins by in situ and in vitro enzymatic methods by Coblentz, W K, Abdelgadir, I E, Cochran, R C, Fritz, J O, Fick, W H, Olson, K C, Turner, J E

    Published in Journal of dairy science (01-02-1999)
    “…The overall objective of these two studies was to evaluate the efficacy of using the proteolytic enzyme from Streptomyces griseus to estimate concentrations of…”
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  19. 19

    Effect of supplementation with pelleted citrus pulp on digestibility and intake in beef cattle fed a tropical grass-based diet ( Cynodon nlemfuensis) by Villarreal, M., Cochran, R.C., Rojas-Bourrillón, A., Murillo, O., Muñoz, H., Poore, M.

    “…Citrus pulp is an important by-product for sub-tropical and tropical ruminant animal production. In this study, three steers (average body weight = 324 ± 16…”
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  20. 20

    Effect of increasing proportion of supplemental N from urea in prepartum supplements on range beef cow performance and on forage intake and digestibility by steers fed low-quality forage by Koster, H. H, Woods, B. C, Cochran, R. C, Vanzant, E. S, Titgemeyer, E. C, Grieger, D. M, Olson, K. C, Stokka, G

    Published in Journal of animal science (01-06-2002)
    “…Four experiments were conducted to evaluate the influence of changing the proportion of supplemental degradable intake protein (DIP) from urea on forage…”
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