Search Results - "CHI-JEN LEE"
The exact SL(K+3,C) symmetry of string theory
Published in Physics letters. B (10-09-2022)“…By using on-shell recursion relation of string scattering amplitudes (SSA), we show that all n-point SSA of the open bosonic string theory can be expressed in…”
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Residues of bosonic string scattering amplitudes and the Lauricella functions
Published in Nuclear physics. B (01-06-2023)“…We calculate explicitly residues of all n-point Koba-Nielsen (KN) amplitudes by using on-shell recursion relation of string scattering amplitudes (SSA). In…”
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Stringy scaling of n-point Regge string scattering amplitudes
Published in The journal of high energy physics (18-09-2023)“…A bstract We discover a stringy scaling behavior for a class of n -point Regge string scattering amplitudes (RSSA). The number of independent kinematics…”
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The SL(K+3,C) symmetry of string scatterings from D-branes
Published in Nuclear physics. B (01-02-2023)“…By using the solvability of Lauricella function FD(K)(α;β1,...,βK;γ;x1,...,xK) with nonpositive integer βJ, we show that each scattering or decay process of…”
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Spin polarization independence of hard polarized fermion string scattering amplitudes
Published in Physics letters. B (10-10-2019)“…We calculate a class of polarized fermion string scattering amplitudes (PFSSA) at arbitrary mass levels. We discover that, in the hard scattering limit, the…”
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New bosonic hard string scattering amplitudes and extended Gross conjecture in superstring theory
Published in Physics letters. B (10-05-2021)“…We discover new hard string scattering amplitudes (HSSA) with polarizations orthogonal to the scattering plane in the NS sector of 10D open superstring theory…”
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The SL(K+3,C) symmetry of the bosonic string scattering amplitudes
Published in Nuclear physics. B (01-04-2019)“…We discover that the exact string scattering amplitudes (SSA) of three tachyons and one arbitrary string state, or the Lauricella SSA (LSSA), in the 26D open…”
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String scattering amplitudes and deformed cubic string field theory
Published in Physics letters. B (10-01-2018)“…We study string scattering amplitudes by using the deformed cubic string field theory which is equivalent to the string field theory in the proper-time gauge…”
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A myeloid leukemia factor homolog is involved in tolerance to stresses and stress-induced protein metabolism in Giardia lamblia
Published in Biology direct (24-04-2023)“…The eukaryotic membrane vesicles contain specific sets of proteins that determine vesicle function and shuttle with specific destination. Giardia lamblia…”
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Overview of High Energy String Scattering Amplitudes and Symmetries of String Theory
Published in Symmetry (Basel) (01-08-2019)“…In this paper, we studied symmetries of string scattering amplitudes in the high energy limits of both the fixed angle or Gross regime (GR) and the fixed…”
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Solving Lauricella string scattering amplitudes through recurrence relations
Published in The journal of high energy physics (01-09-2017)“…A bstract We show that there exist infinite number of recurrence relations valid for all energies among the open bosonic string scattering amplitudes (SSA) of…”
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The Appell function F1 and Regge string scattering amplitudes
Published in Physics letters. B (12-12-2014)“…We show that each 26D open bosonic Regge string scattering amplitude (RSSA) can be expressed in terms of one single Appell function F1 in the Regge limit. This…”
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Recent Developments of the Lauricella String Scattering Amplitudes and Their Exact SL(K + 3,C) Symmetry
Published in Symmetry (Basel) (01-03-2021)“…In this review, we propose a new perspective to demonstrate the Gross conjecture regarding the high-energy symmetry of string theory. We review the…”
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Zero-norm states and high-energy symmetries of string theory
Published in Nuclear physics. B (05-07-2004)“…We derive stringy Ward identities from the decoupling of two types of zero-norm states in the old covariant first quantized (OCFQ) spectrum of open bosonic…”
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Solving all 4-point correlation functions for bosonic open string theory in the high-energy limit
Published in Nuclear physics. B (03-10-2005)“…We study the implication of decoupling zero-norm states in the high-energy limit, for the 26-dimensional bosonic open string theory. Infinitely many linear…”
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The Lauricella functions and exact string scattering amplitudes
Published in The journal of high energy physics (01-11-2016)“…A bstract We discover that the 26 D open bosonic string scattering amplitudes (SSA) of three tachyons and one arbitrary string state can be expressed in terms…”
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High-Energy String Scattering Amplitudes and Signless Stirling Number Identity
Published in Symmetry, integrability and geometry, methods and applications (01-01-2012)“…We give a complete proof of a set of identities (7) proposed recently from calculation of high-energy string scattering amplitudes. These identities allow one…”
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Recurrence relations of Kummer functions and Regge string scattering amplitudes
Published in The journal of high energy physics (01-04-2013)“…A bstract We discover an infinite number of recurrence relations among Regge string scattering amplitudes [11, 30] of different string states at arbitrary mass…”
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The string BCJ relations revisited and extended recurrence relations of nonrelativistic string scattering amplitudes
Published in The journal of high energy physics (01-05-2016)“…A bstract We review and extend high energy four point string BCJ relations in both the fixed angle and Regge regimes. We then give an explicit proof of four…”
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Exponential Fall-Off Behavior of Regge Scatterings in Compactified Open String Theory
Published in Progress of theoretical physics (01-11-2012)“…Abstract We calculate massive string scattering amplitudes of compactified open string in the Regge regime. We extract the complete infinite ratios among…”
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