Search Results - "CHAVKO, Mikulas"
Effects of Exposure to Blast Overpressure on Intracranial Pressure and Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability in a Rat Model
Published in PloS one (01-12-2016)“…Exposure to blast overpressure (BOP) activates a cascade of pathological processes including changes in intracranial pressure (ICP) and blood-brain barrier…”
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Advances in Intracranial Pressure Monitoring and Its Significance in Managing Traumatic Brain Injury
Published in International journal of molecular sciences (04-12-2015)“…Intracranial pressure (ICP) measurements are essential in evaluation and treatment of neurological disorders such as subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhage,…”
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Increase in blood-brain barrier permeability, oxidative stress, and activated microglia in a rat model of blast-induced traumatic brain injury
Published in Journal of neuroscience research (01-12-2010)“…Traumatic brain injury (TBI) as a consequence of exposure to blast is increasingly prevalent in military populations, with the underlying pathophysiological…”
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Protection against Blast-Induced Traumatic Brain Injury by Increase in Brain Volume
Published in BioMed research international (01-01-2017)“…Blast-induced traumatic brain injury (bTBI) is a leading cause of injuries in recent military conflicts and it is responsible for an increased number of…”
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Complement inhibition ameliorates blast-induced acute lung injury in rats: Potential role of complement in intracellular HMGB1-mediated inflammation
Published in PloS one (22-08-2018)“…Complement activation as an early and important inflammatory process contributes to multiple organ dysfunction after trauma. We have recently shown that…”
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Protective Effect of N -Acetylcysteine Amide on Blast-Induced Increase in Intracranial Pressure in Rats
Published in Frontiers in neurology (06-06-2017)“…Blast-induced traumatic brain injury is associated with acute and possibly chronic elevation of intracranial pressure (ICP). The outcome after TBI is dependent…”
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Measurement of blast wave by a miniature fiber optic pressure transducer in the rat brain
Published in Journal of neuroscience methods (30-01-2007)“…Exposure to blast wave that is generated during an explosion may result in brain damage and related neurological impairments. The aim of this study was to…”
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N-acetylcysteine Amide Ameliorates Blast-Induced Changes in Blood-Brain Barrier Integrity in Rats
Published in Frontiers in neurology (26-06-2019)“…Traumatic brain injury resulting from exposure to blast overpressure (BOP) is associated with neuropathology including impairment of the blood-brain barrier…”
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Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression in Rat Cortical Neurons Exposed to Hyperbaric Air and Oxygen
Published in Neurochemical research (01-06-2009)“…To gain a global view of the genomic response of neurons to normobaric and hyperbaric hyperoxic stress, we performed a microarray analysis of gene expression…”
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Protein carbonyls as a biomarker of foetal-neonatal hypoxic stress
Published in Clinical biochemistry (01-05-2007)“…Investigation of the effect of hypoxic conditions during labour on the protein oxidative modifications and changes in plasma antioxidative capacity of…”
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Protective effects of decay-accelerating factor on blast-induced neurotrauma in rats
Published in Acta neuropathologica communications (16-08-2013)“…Blast-induced neurotrauma (BINT) is the signature life threatening injury of current military casualties. Neuroinflammation is a key pathological occurrence of…”
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MicroRNA let-7i is a promising serum biomarker for blast-induced traumatic brain injury
Published in Journal of neurotrauma (01-05-2012)“…Blast-induced traumatic brain injury (TBI) is of significant concern in soldiers returning from the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Incidents of TBI…”
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Relationship between orientation to a blast and pressure wave propagation inside the rat brain
Published in Journal of neuroscience methods (30-01-2011)“…▶ Pressure was measured inside the brains of rats exposed to blast. ▶ Three different orientations to blast was used: head-on, side-on and head away from…”
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Low-Level Primary Blast Induces Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration in Rats
Published in Military medicine (01-03-2019)“…Abstract Objective Mild blast traumatic brain injury is commonly prevalent in modern combat casualty care and has been associated with the development of…”
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Assessment of the effects of acute and repeated exposure to blast overpressure in rodents: toward a greater understanding of blast and the potential ramifications for injury in humans exposed to blast
Published in Frontiers in neurology (2012)“…Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) resulting from exposure to improvised explosive devices (IEDs) has fueled a requirement to develop animals models that…”
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Pathophysiology of blast-induced ocular trauma in rats after repeated exposure to low-level blast overpressure
Published in Clinical & experimental ophthalmology (01-04-2015)“…Background The incidence of blast‐induced ocular injury has dramatically increased due to advances in weaponry and military tactics. A single exposure to blast…”
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Telemetric Intracranial Pressure Monitoring in Blast-Induced Traumatic Brain Injury
Published in IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering (01-03-2014)“…The long-term monitoring of intracranial pressure (ICP) is important for the management of acute and chronic neuropathological conditions which include head…”
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Blast-induced moderate neurotrauma (BINT) elicits early complement activation and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) release in a rat brain
Published in Journal of the neurological sciences (15-07-2012)“…Abstract Blast-induced neurotrauma (BINT) is a major medical concern yet its etiology is largely undefined. Complement activation may play a role in the…”
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Attenuation of pulmonary inflammation after exposure to blast overpressure by N-acetylcysteine amide
Published in Shock (Augusta, Ga.) (01-09-2009)“…Lung contusion is a common problem from blunt chest trauma caused by mechanical forces and by exposure to blast overpressure, often with fatal consequences…”
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Lung Injury and Recovery After Exposure to Blast Overpressure
Published in The Journal of trauma, injury, infection, and critical care (01-10-2006)“…BACKGROUND:A critical immediate determinant of survival after exposure to blast overpressure (BOP) is pulmonary damage, but mechanisms of injury and the course…”
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