Search Results - "CHARALAMBOUS, Giorgos"
Reclaiming Radicalism: Discursive Wars and the Left
Published in TripleC (01-01-2021)“…The aim of this article is to identify and discuss a number of labels that have been increasingly used to describe, categorise and study the contemporary…”
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(Il)liberal Organisation? Internal Party Democracy on the European Radical Left
Published in Partecipazione e conflitto (01-01-2021)“…The relationship between the European radical left and democracy has come into attention due to the electoral surges of some such parties and their…”
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Bringing Instrumentality In: A Theoretical Case for the Role of Transnational Affiliations in Party-based Europeanisation
Published in Journal of contemporary European research (01-09-2011)“…This article seeks to contribute to the study of party-based Europeanisation. More specifically, I explore, effectively in a theoretical manner, a new avenue…”
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Public health services knowledge and utilization among immigrants in Greece: a cross-sectional study
Published in BMC health services research (13-09-2013)“…During the 90s, Greece has been transformed to a host country for immigrants mostly from the Balkans and Eastern European Countries, who currently constitute…”
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Barriers in Access to Pharmaceutical Care in Greece: The Case Study of the Out-of-Hospital Management of Patients With Acute Asthma
Published in Frontiers in public health (17-07-2018)“…The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of information and administrative assistance regarding patient adherence to asthma guidelines…”
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Far-Right Extremism and Populist Rhetoric: Greece and Cyprus during an Era of Crisis
Published in South European society & politics (02-10-2018)“…Research has highlighted a strong association between far-right parties and populism, although this is often taken as concerning the softer radical right…”
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Cue Theory and International Trust in Europe: The EU as a Proxy for Trust in the UN
Published in International Studies Review (01-09-2018)“…Extending cue theory and arguments about heuristics, in this article we argue that in the European Union (EU) member states, trust in the EU acts as a proxy…”
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All the shades of red: examining the radical left's Euroscepticism
Published in Contemporary politics (01-09-2011)“…This paper seeks to apply the relevance of Euroscepticism literature to the study of radical left party outlooks on European integration and by doing so: (1)…”
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Societal Responses to the Post-2008 Economic Crisis among South European and Irish Radical Left Parties: Continuity or Change and Why?
Published in Government and opposition (London) (01-04-2016)“…The economic crisis has meant that radical left parties in Europe have been faced with changing socioeconomic environments. In this study we examine how…”
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Issue salience and party competition in Southern Europe before and after the Euro crisis: the primacy of the economy holding back cultural issues
Published in Journal of elections, public opinion and parties (02-10-2023)“…Did the crisis period influence party issue salience on the two main dimensions of conflict - economic and cultural - in Europe? How did this happen in terms…”
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No bridge over troubled waters: The Cypriot left in government, 2008-2013
Published in Capital & class (01-06-2015)“…In 2008, leftists across Europe hailed the election of communist leader Dimitris Christofias to executive office in the Republic of Cyprus as a breakthrough,…”
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The political contestation of European integration in Southern Europe: Friction among and within parties
Published in Party politics (01-01-2018)“…The ways in which political actors form positions on European integration in the face of exogenous shocks, such as the financial crisis that spilled over to…”
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The political contestation of European integration in Southern Europe
Published in Party politics (01-01-2018)“…The ways in which political actors form positions on European integration in the face of exogenous shocks, such as the financial crisis that spilled over to…”
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A Society within Society: Linkage in the Case of the Cypriot Communist Party
Published in South European society & politics (01-03-2013)“…In this article we aim to contribute to the study of linkage by focusing on the Cypriot communist party-Progressive Party of the Working People (AKEL), an…”
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Realignment and Entrenchment: The Europeanisation of Rifondazione Comunista
Published in European politics and society (Abingdon, England) (01-04-2011)“…This study explores the impact of European integration on Rifondazione Comunista, through a conceptual approach that draws upon the Europeanisation literature…”
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Bringing Instrumentality In: A Theoretical Case for the Role of Transnational Affiliations in Party-based Europeanisation
Published in Journal of contemporary European research (01-12-2011)“…This article seeks to contribute to the study of party-based Europeanisation. More specifically, I explore, effectively in a theoretical manner, a new avenue…”
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Surprising Elections in Exciting Times? Of Proxies and Second-Order Events in the 2014 European Election in Cyprus
Published in South European society & politics (03-07-2015)“…The concept of second-order national elections has generated a rich literature, but its universality, in particular its predominance in contexts affected by…”
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Left Parties in National Governments
Published in West European Politics (01-11-2011)Get full text
Book Review Journal Article -
Europeanization and National Politics
Published in Political Studies Review (01-09-2011)Get full text
Book Review