Search Results - "CARROLL, S.P"
Faecal pollution source identification in an urbanising catchment using antibiotic resistance profiling, discriminant analysis and partial least squares regression
Published in Water research (Oxford) (01-03-2009)“…Increasing urbanisation and changes in land use lead to adverse impacts on the quality of natural water resources. The specific sources of contamination are…”
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Evolution on ecological time-scales
Published in Functional ecology (01-06-2007)“…1. Ecologically significant evolutionary change, occurring over tens of generations or fewer, is now widely documented in nature. These findings counter the…”
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The effect of undergraduate education on pain-related attitudes and beliefs in healthcare students: an observational, cross sectional study
Published in Physiotherapy (01-01-2019)Get full text
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Attitudes and confidence of pre-registration healthcare students toward treating people with chronic pain: an observational, cross sectional study
Published in Physiotherapy (01-01-2019)Get full text
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Experimental identification of the lateral human–structure interaction mechanism and assessment of the inverted-pendulum biomechanical model
Published in Journal of sound and vibration (27-10-2014)“…Within the context of crowd-induced lateral bridge vibration, human–structure interaction (HSI) is a widely studied phenomenon. Central to this study is the…”
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Modelling crowd–bridge dynamic interaction with a discretely defined crowd
Published in Journal of sound and vibration (21-05-2012)“…This paper presents a novel method of modelling crowd–bridge interaction using discrete element theory (DET) to model the pedestrian crowd. DET, also known as…”
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A coupled biomechanical/discrete element crowd model of crowd–bridge dynamic interaction and application to the Clifton Suspension Bridge
Published in Engineering structures (01-04-2013)“…► A coupled biomechanical/discrete element crowd model of crowd–bridge interaction is proposed. ► A semi-active inverted pendulum model is used to characterise…”
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Reproduction of lateral ground reaction forces from visual marker data and analysis of balance response while walking on a laterally oscillating deck
Published in Engineering structures (01-04-2013)“…► Balance response to lateral deck oscillations is examined using visual marker data. ► Visual marker data is used to successfully reproduce lateral ground…”
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Influence of genetic architecture on contemporary local evolution in the soapberry bug, Jadera haematoloma: artificial selection on beak length
Published in Journal of evolutionary biology (01-10-2009)“…Little is known about the influence of genetic architecture on local adaptation. We investigated the genetic architecture of the rapid contemporary evolution…”
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Prolonged Efficacy of IR3535 Repellents Against Mosquitoes and Blacklegged Ticks in North America
Published in Journal of medical entomology (01-07-2008)“…Here I report the first findings of consistently high, long-duration efficacy of IR3535 (ethyl butyl acetyl aminopropionate) formulations in the United States…”
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Evaluation of clinical characteristics, diagnostic test results, and outcome in horses with internal infection caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis: 30 cases (1995-2003)
Published in Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (01-08-2005)“…To determine clinical signs, results of diagnostic testing, and outcome in horses with internal Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection. Retrospective…”
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Genetic differentiation of fitness-associated traits among rapidly evolving populations of the soapberry bug
Published in Evolution (01-08-1997)“…In this study we used reciprocal rearing experiments to test the hypothesis that there is a genetic basis for the adaptive differences in host-use traits among…”
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Use of a real-time polymerase chain reaction-based fluorogenic 5' nuclease assay to evaluate insect vectors of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infections in horses
Published in American journal of veterinary research (01-06-2004)“…To develop and use a sensitive molecular assay for detecting the phospholipase D (PLD) exotoxin gene of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in an attempt to…”
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Host race radiation in the soapberry bug: natural history with the history
Published in Evolution (01-08-1992)“…Evolution by natural selection is remarkably well documented in the diversification of soapberry bug populations on their native and recently introduced host…”
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Ectoparasite behavior and its effects on avian nest site selection
Published in Annals of the Entomological Society of America (01-03-1998)“…In planning convervation efforts for birds, nest-site quality must be considered. An important but neglected aspect of nest-site quality is the presence of…”
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The adaptive significance of mate guarding in the soapberry bug, Jadera haematoloma (Hemiptera: Rhopalidae)
Published in Journal of insect behavior (01-07-1991)Get full text
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Sapindaceae, cyanolipids, and bugs
Published in Journal of chemical ecology (1990)“…Scentless plant bugs (Heteroptera: Rhopalidae) are so named because adults of the Serinethinae have vestigial metathoracic scent glands. Serinethines are seed…”
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Male-biased sex ratios, female promiscuity, and copulatory mate guarding in an aggregating tropical bug, Dysdercus bimaculatus
Published in Journal of insect behavior (01-01-1990)“…The ecological and social bases of the mating system of the seed-feeding bug, Dysdercus bimaculatus (Hemiptera: Pyrrhocoridae), were studied in the lab and in…”
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