Well-being and harm reduction, the consolidated reality of electronic cigarettes ten years later from this emerging phenomenon: A narrative review
Published in Health psychology research (12-01-2021)“…Tobacco use is the greatest threat to public health worldwide, killing more than seven million people annually. This paper, about 10 years after the first…”
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Current smoking, former smoking, and adverse outcome among hospitalized COVID-19 patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Published in Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease (2020)“…Background: The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence and effects of current smoking on adverse outcomes among hospitalized COVID-19 patients…”
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Book Review Journal Article -
EffiCiency and Safety of an eLectronic cigAreTte (ECLAT) as tobacco cigarettes substitute: a prospective 12-month randomized control design study
Published in PloS one (24-06-2013)“…Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are becoming increasingly popular with smokers worldwide. Users report buying them to help quit smoking, to reduce…”
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Common predictors of smoking cessation in clinical practice
Published in Respiratory medicine (01-08-2008)“…Summary Although smoking cessation is clearly beneficial, many smokers respond poorly to smoking cessation efforts with rather disappointing overall success…”
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Psychological and psychopathological sequelae in cardiovascular acute disease
Published in Mental illness (05-12-2018)“…The burden of mental illness is profound and growing. Each year, almost one in three adults in the non-institutionalized community has a diagnosable mental or…”
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Effect of an electronic nicotine delivery device (e-Cigarette) on smoking reduction and cessation: a prospective 6-month pilot study
Published in BMC public health (11-10-2011)“…Cigarette smoking is a tough addiction to break. Therefore, improved approaches to smoking cessation are necessary. The electronic-cigarette (e-Cigarette), a…”
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Are we addressing relevant determinants of smoking cessation?
Published in The European respiratory journal (01-11-2017)“…The identification of factors that may predict success in smoking cessation efforts is highly desirable as this could help to match smokers with a strategy…”
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Lifetime prevalence of suicidal ideation and suicidal behaviors in gender non-conforming youths: a meta-analysis
Published in European child & adolescent psychiatry (01-08-2021)“…Gender identity represents a topic of growing interest in mental health research. People with non-conforming gender identity are prone to suffer from…”
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Evidence for harm reduction in COPD smokers who switch to electronic cigarettes
Published in Respiratory research (16-12-2016)“…Electronic cigarettes (ECs) are battery-operated devices designed to vaporise nicotine, which may help smokers quitting or reducing their tobacco consumption…”
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Effect of smoking abstinence and reduction in asthmatic smokers switching to electronic cigarettes: evidence for harm reversal
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (08-05-2014)“…Electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) are marketed as safer alternatives to tobacco cigarettes and have shown to reduce their consumption. Here we report for the…”
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Carbon monoxide levels after inhalation from new generation heated tobacco products
Published in Respiratory research (31-08-2018)“…Heated tobacco products (HTPs) are new tech devices that release nicotine and other volatile compounds into an inhalable aerosol by heating the tobacco. At…”
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COPD smokers who switched to e-cigarettes: health outcomes at 5-year follow up
Published in Therapeutic advances in chronic disease (2020)“…Background and Aims: The long-term health effects of the use of electronic cigarettes (ECs) in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are…”
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Smoking behavior and psychological dynamics during COVID-19 social distancing and stay-at-home policies: A survey
Published in Health psychology research (27-05-2020)“…During the COVID-19 pandemic, about 60 million of Italians stayed at home. These circumstances may generate exceptional challenges and stress for people who…”
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Respiratory symptoms among e-cigarette users without an established smoking history in the VERITAS cohort
Published in Scientific reports (18-11-2024)“…Prior research on e-cigarettes’ health impacts is inconclusive due to confounding by previous tobacco smoking. Studies of e-cigarette use among people without…”
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Saccharin test: Methodological validation and systematic review of the literature
Published in Ear, nose, & throat journal (01-08-2024)“…Objectives Saccharin test (ST) is a convenient method to assess the efficiency of mucociliary clearance, the primary defense mechanism of the upper airways’…”
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AI Chatbots for Mental Health: A Scoping Review of Effectiveness, Feasibility, and Applications
Published in Applied sciences (01-07-2024)“…Mental health disorders are a leading cause of disability worldwide, and there is a global shortage of mental health professionals. AI chatbots have emerged as…”
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Varenicline and counseling for vaping cessation: a double-blind, randomized, parallel-group, placebo-controlled trial
Published in BMC medicine (05-07-2023)“…Vaping cessation is virtually unexplored. The efficacy and safety of varenicline for vaping cessation has not been studied and rigorous research is required to…”
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Cyber Health Psychology: The use of new technologies at the service of psychological well being and health empowerment
Published in Health psychology research (04-12-2019)“…Man and technology seem to co-evolve into a process of reciprocal conditioning. On the one hand, the man modifies (and evolves) the technology according to his…”
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Approved and emerging smoking cessation treatments for people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: A narrative review
Published in Health psychology research (13-10-2020)“…This review focuses on smoking cessation treatments for people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. It concludes with comments on the significance of the…”
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Rolling the Dice: A Comprehensive Review of the New Forms of Gambling and Psychological Clinical Recommendations
Published in Psychiatry international (Basel) (01-06-2023)“…This study aims to analyze the main and most recent forms of gambling and related psychopathological disorders, also proposing psychological clinical…”
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