Search Results - "CALES, J"
Capnography monitoring during neurosurgery : Reliability in relation to various intraoperative positions
Published in Anesthesia and analgesia (1999)“…In neurosurgery, estimation of PaCO2 from PETCO2 has been questioned. The aim of this study was to reevaluate the accuracy of PETCO2 in estimating PaCO2 during…”
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The distribution of glial fibrillary acidic protein in the adult rat brain is influenced by the neonatal levels of sex steroids
Published in Brain research (26-07-1988)“…Sex steroids during the perinatal period are able to modify the postnatal development of neurons within steroid-sensitive areas in the rat brain. This study…”
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Perinatal administration of diazepam alters sexual dimorphism in the rat accessory olfactory bulb
Published in Brain research (14-01-1994)“…The present study examines the effects of pre and/or early postnatal administration of diazepam on the mitral cell and on the light and dark granule cell…”
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Effects of perinatal diazepam exposure on the sexually dimorphic rat locus coeruleus
Published in Neurotoxicology and teratology (01-03-1993)“…Diazepam (DZ) administration over prenatal, postnatal, and pre plus postnatal periods altered the normal expression of the morphological sex differences of the…”
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Female's DHT controls sex differences in the rat bed nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract
Published in Neuroreport (01-04-1992)“…In the present study the regulatory action of the non-aromatic androgen dihydrotestoterone (DHT) on the volume of the sexually dimorphic bed nucleus of the…”
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Early postnatal estrogen organizes sex differences in the extinction of a CRF running response
Published in Brain research bulletin (1993)“…In the present study the organizational effects of sex steroids on the sexually dimorphic extinction of a continuously food-rewarded running response were…”
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Early postnatal diazepam exposure alters sex differences in the rat brain
Published in Brain research bulletin (01-06-1991)“…The volume and neuron number of the sexually dimorphic accessory olfactory bulb and locus coeruleus are altered by early postnatal exposure (from the day of…”
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Effects of early postnatal sex steroids on acquisition and extinction of a continuously reinforced lever-pressing response
Published in Brain research bulletin (01-06-1992)“…The effects of early postnatal dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estradiol on the sexually dimorphic continuously reinforced lever-pressing response were…”
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Effects of early postnatal gonadal steroids on the successive conditional discrimination reversal learning in the rat
Published in Physiology & behavior (1986)“…In the present study the existence of sex differences in the acquisition, retraining and reversal of a successive conditional discrimination learning…”
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Postnatal administration of dihydrotestosterone to the male rat abolishes sexual dimorphism in the accessory olfactory bulb: a volumetric study
Published in Brain research. Developmental brain research (24-07-1992)“…The regulatory action of the non-aromatizable androgen dihydrotestosterone (DHT) on sexual differentiation of the volume of the rat accessory olfactory bulb…”
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Effects of early postnatal gonadal steroids on extinction of a continuously food-rewarded running response
Published in Physiology & behavior (01-01-1991)“…In the present work the existence of sex differences (Experiment 1) on the acquisition and extinction of a continuously reinforced response in a short and…”
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Effects of early postnatal gonadal steroids on acquisition and extinction of a single alternation response in discrete-trials lever pressing
Published in Physiology & behavior (1988)“…The present report studies the effect of sex on the acquisition and extinction of a single alternation schedule of reinforced (R) and nonreinforced (N) trials…”
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Electrolyte studies in Menière's disease
Published in The Laryngoscope (01-07-1953)Get more information
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Effects of perinatal diazepam administration on two sexually dimorphic nonreproductive behaviors
Published in Brain research bulletin (01-12-1990)“…The effects of prenatal and/or early postnatal diazepam (DZ) administration on open field activity and continuously reinforced lever-pressing response were…”
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Effects of sex steroids on the development of two granule cell subpopulations in the rat accessory olfactory bulb
Published in Brain research (01-12-1986)“…The effects of postnatal male castration on day 1 (D1) after birth and female androgenization on accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) light and dark granule cell…”
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Early assessment of ESD benefit
Published in International shipbuilding progress (01-01-2017)“…One of the first stages during the evaluation of the viability of an Energy Saving Devices (ESDs) for existing ships is a global scan of the field of…”
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Clinical incidence of thromboembolism in neurosurgery
Published in Agressologie: revue internationale de physio-biologie et de pharmacologie appliquees aux effets de l'agression (01-05-1989)“…Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism are known complications in neurosurgical patients, but prophylactic treatment is not commonly used in neurosurgical…”
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Severe hyperthermia caused by sudden withdrawal of continuous intrathecal administration of baclofen
Published in Annales françaises d'anesthésie et de réanimation (1996)“…Baclofen is used for the treatment of post-traumatic spasticity. It carries a risk of overdose as well as of an acute withdrawal syndrome. We report two cases…”
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Lumbar puncture: indications and limitations
Published in Cahiers d'anesthesiologie (01-03-1984)“…Fast deterioration of the neurological status of patients with raised intracranial pressure after lumbar puncture is not rare. Cerebral coning or rebleeding…”
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