Search Results - "Buunk, Abraham"
Human height is positively related to interpersonal dominance in dyadic interactions
Published in PloS one (26-02-2015)“…Across cultures, taller stature is linked to increased social status, but the potential reasons why this should be are unclear. One potential explanation is…”
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Intimate Partner Violence in Nicaragua: The Role of Possessive Jealousy, Intrasexual Competitiveness, Life History, Mate Value, and Stress
Published in Journal of interpersonal violence (01-08-2021)“…Using an evolutionary perspective, we examined predictors of intimate partner violence (IPV) in the Department of the Rio San Juan in Nicaragua. Specifically,…”
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Social comparison: The end of a theory and the emergence of a field
Published in Organizational behavior and human decision processes (2007)“…The past and current states of research on social comparison are reviewed with regard to a series of major theoretical developments that have occurred in the…”
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There is more: Intrasexual competitiveness, physical dominance, and intrasexual collaboration
Published in The Behavioral and brain sciences (01-01-2017)“…It is emphasized that in organizational settings, the responses to same-sex attractive others are enhanced among individuals high in intrasexual…”
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Cultural Dimensions Associated With Intrasexual Competitiveness
Published in Evolutionary behavioral sciences (01-04-2022)“…In the present study among 80 exchange students from 30 countries studying in The Netherlands, I examined how intrasexual competitiveness (ISC), that is, a…”
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Social Comparison in the Classroom: A Review
Published in Review of educational research (01-12-2008)“…This article reviews research conducted on social comparison processes in the classroom since Festinger proposed his theory of social comparison. It covers the…”
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Are human mating preferences with respect to height reflected in actual pairings?
Published in PloS one (16-01-2013)“…Pair formation, acquiring a mate to form a reproductive unit, is a complex process. Mating preferences are a step in this process. However, due to constraining…”
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Tall claims? Sense and nonsense about the importance of height of US presidents
Published in The Leadership quarterly (01-02-2013)“…According to both the scientific literature and popular media, all one needs to win a US presidential election is to be taller than one's opponent. Yet, such…”
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Preferred Parental Control of Mate Choice, Opposition to Out-Group Mating, and Ethnic Identification in Surinam
Published in Cross-cultural research (01-04-2020)“…This study examined the attitude toward parental control of mate choice, and two potential factors related to this, that is, opposition to out-group mating and…”
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Culture, Gender, and the Self: Variations and Impact of Social Comparison Processes
Published in Journal of personality and social psychology (01-06-2007)“…Psychological differences between women and men, far from being invariant as a biological explanation would suggest, fluctuate in magnitude across cultures…”
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Parental height differences predict the need for an emergency caesarean section
Published in PloS one (29-06-2011)“…More than 30% of all pregnancies in the UK require some form of assistance at delivery, with one of the more severe forms of assistance being an emergency…”
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Intrasexual competition among males: Competitive towards men, prosocial towards women
Published in Personality and individual differences (01-05-2012)“…► Intrasexual competition was manipulated in a series of decomposed social games. ► Males behaved more competitively towards men, and more prosocially towards…”
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Women want taller men more than men want shorter women
Published in Personality and individual differences (01-06-2013)“…► The sexes differ in preferred partner height differences and its importance. ► Women prefer and were most satisfied with greater height differences than men…”
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A curvilinear effect of height on reproductive success in human males
Published in Behavioral ecology and sociobiology (01-03-2012)“…Human male height is associated with mate choice and intra-sexual competition, and therefore potentially with reproductive success. A literature review (n=18)…”
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Age differences in women’s tendency to gossip are mediated by their mate value
Published in Personality and individual differences (2012)“…► We investigated gossiping tendencies among younger and older women. ► Younger women gossip more than older women. ► Younger women have a higher mate value…”
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Ethnic differences in jealousy in Surinam
Published in Journal of social and personal relationships (01-04-2020)“…The present study examined differences in three types of jealousy (reactive, anxious, and preventive jealousy) between the major ethnic groups in Surinam…”
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Men with elevated testosterone levels show more affiliative behaviours during interactions with women
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological sciences (07-01-2012)“…Testosterone (T) is thought to play a key role in male–male competition and courtship in many vertebrates, but its precise effects are unclear. We explored…”
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High intrasexual competition is related to inflated height reports in male junior soccer players
Published in Personality and individual differences (15-07-2017)“…Intrasexual competition refers to the rivalry between same-sex individuals over access to potential mates. Because in many animal species larger males are more…”
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Ethnic Culture as Related to Sexual and Reproductive Behavior in the Republic of Suriname: The Pervasiveness of Culture
Published in Archives of sexual behavior (01-11-2021)“…We examined the effects of culture and ethnicity on life history strategies in terms of sexual and reproductive behaviors. The sample included 500 adults, aged…”
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Intrasexual competitiveness and personality traits: A study in Uruguay
Published in Personality and individual differences (01-04-2017)“…Intrasexual competitiveness refers to a competitive attitude towards same-sex others. The present study examined the relation between intrasexual…”
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