Search Results - "Burton, H W."
Alterations in intramuscular connective tissue after limb casting affect contraction-induced muscle injury
Published in Journal of applied physiology (1985) (01-03-1995)“…This study examined the effect of alterations in rat intramuscular connective tissue (CT), secondary to limb immobilization, on the muscle's susceptibility to…”
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Acoustic myography as an indicator of force during sustained contractions of a small hand muscle
Published in Journal of applied physiology (1985) (01-01-1991)“…To test the hypothesis that muscle sound amplitudes would remain constant during sustained submaximal isometric contractions, we recorded acoustic myograms…”
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Assessment of out-of-kind mitigation success of an artificial reef deployed in Delaware Bay, USA
Published in ICES journal of marine science (01-10-2002)“…An out-of-kind, off-site mitigation reef was constructed in 1989 to replace an oligohaline tidal marsh and subtidal mudflat of the upper Delaware Estuary that…”
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Kinetic changes with fatigue and relationship to injury in female runners
Published in Medicine and science in sports and exercise (01-04-2005)“…This research examined how ground reaction forces (GRF) changed with fatigue induced by an exhaustive treadmill run in female runners. A separate retrospective…”
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High-voltage pulsed current: its influence on diameters of histamine-dilated arterioles in hamster cheek pouches
Published in Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation (01-04-1995)“…Results from five independent studies from our laboratory indicate that cathodal high-voltage pulsed current (HVPC) significantly curbs posttraumatic edema…”
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Force deficit of vascularized skeletal muscle grafts in rabbits
Published in Journal of applied physiology (1985) (01-02-1989)“…Through autografting experiments on 9-g rectus femoris (RFM) muscles in rabbits, we substantiated a previous observation that the maximum isometric tetanic…”
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Effect of a single 30-minute treatment of high voltage pulsed current on edema formation in frog hind limbs
Published in Physical therapy (01-01-1992)“…The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a single treatment of high voltage pulsed current (HVPC) on edema formation. Twenty-four frogs were…”
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Spring distribution and abundance of ichthyoplankton in the tidal Delaware River
Published in Fishery bulletin (Washington, D.C.) (1993)“…Water quality in the tidal freshwaters of the Delaware River has improved substantially over the last decade. Areas near Philadelphia that were once anoxic now…”
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Yellow perch larval survival in the Zekiah swamp watershed (Wicomico River, Maryland) relative to the potential effects of a coal ash storage facility
Published in Water, air, and soil pollution (1994)“…The potential effects of a coal-ash storage facility on a yellow perch (Perca flavescens) spawning area in the Zekiah swamp catchment, Maryland, were…”
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Microcirculatory adaptation to skeletal muscle transplantation
Published in Annual review of physiology (01-01-1987)“…A standard whole muscle graft, in which all neural and vascular connections with the host tissue are severed, reinnervates and revascularizes spontaneously…”
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Total and regional blood flows in vascularized skeletal muscle grafts in rabbits
Published in The American journal of physiology (01-11-1988)“…The transplantation of whole skeletal muscles is a common clinical procedure. Although atypical blood flows have been reported in small free muscle grafts, the…”
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Effect of electrically induced muscle contractions on posttraumatic edema formation in frog hind limbs
Published in Physical therapy (01-02-1992)“…We tested the hypothesis that repeated muscle contractions induced by high voltage pulsed current (HVPC) would limit volume increases in traumatized frog hind…”
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Early life stage survival of striped bass in the Delaware River, USA
Published in Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology (01-10-1992)“…Four 96-h in situ bioassays were conducted on or near the striped bass spawning grounds in the Delaware River within the States of Delaware, New Jersey and…”
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The response of arterioles in skeletal muscle grafts to vasoactive agents
Published in Microvascular research (01-07-1987)“…Arteriolar responses to the vasodilator adenosine and to the vasoconstrictor norepinephrine (NE) were examined in small bundles of extensor digitorum longus…”
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Effect of High-Voltage Pulsed Current and Alternating Current on Macromolecular Leakage in Hamster Cheek Pouch Microcirculation
Published in Physical therapy (01-12-1997)“…Electrical stimulation (ES) is supposed to affect edema formation by inhibiting macromolecular leakage from microvessels. The purpose of the study was to…”
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Selection for high specific gravity of eggs in a flock of Australorp hens
Published in British poultry science (01-01-1982)“…1. A realised heritability of 0.23 was obtained in an Australorp flock (S) selected for five generations for high egg specific gravity. 2. A comparison with an…”
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The influence on subsequent performance of time between the hatching of broiler chickens and their access to feed and water
Published in Australian veterinary journal (01-11-1971)Get more information
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Delayed recovery of endothelium-dependent vasodilation in regenerating arterioles of skeletal muscle autografts
Published in Microvascular research (01-07-1994)“…This study investigated the responses of regenerating arterioles in grafted skeletal muscle to the endothelium-dependent dilator acetylcholine (ACh); the…”
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Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Fluoroalkoxy-and Fluorophenoxy-s-triazines and Related Compounds
Published in Journal of organic chemistry (01-09-1965)Get full text
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Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Fluoroalkoxy- and Fluorophenoxy-s-triazines and Related Compounds
Published in Journal of chemical and engineering data (01-10-1965)Get full text
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