Search Results - "Bunzarov, I."

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  1. 1

    Global Λ hyperon polarization in nuclear collisions by Agakishiev, G., Ahammed, Z., Aoyama, R., Arkhipkin, D., Behera, A., Bielcik, J., Bland, L. C., Brandin, A. V., Butterworth, J., Campbell, J. M., Chakaberia, I., Chaloupka, P., Crawford, H. J., Dedovich, T. G., Didenko, L., Drachenberg, J. L., Dunkelberger, L. E., Fatemi, R., Federic, P., Federicova, P., Fisyak, Y., Garand, D., He, L., Heppelmann, S., Huang, X., Humanic, T. J., Huo, P., Igo, G., Jowzaee, S., Kalinkin, D., Kauder, K., Kechechyan, A., Khan, Z., Kikoła, D. P., Kocmanek, M., Kraishan, A. F., Kvapil, J., Lauret, J., Lednicky, R., Li, X., Li, W., Li, Y., Liu, Y., Liu, F., Lomnitz, M., Ma, G. L., Matis, H. S., Meehan, K., Mei, J. C., Miller, Z. W., Nasim, Md, Nelson, J. M., Odyniec, G., Pak, R., Perkins, C., Pile, P., Poskanzer, A. M., Qiu, H., Quintero, A., Ramachandran, S., Ray, R. L., Reed, R., Rehbein, M. J., Ritter, H. G., Roberts, J. B., Romero, J. L., Roth, J. D., Sahoo, N. R., Schmah, A. M., Schmidke, W. B., Seger, J., Shah, N., Singha, S., Skoby, M. J., Smirnov, N., Song, L., Stanislaus, T. D. S., Strikhanov, M., Sugiura, T., Sumbera, M., Sun, Y., Sun, X., Surrow, B., Tang, Z., Tawfik, A., Trentalange, S., Tribble, R. E., Underwood, D. G., van Nieuwenhuizen, G., Vasiliev, A. N., Vokal, S., Voloshin, S. A., Webb, G., Xu, J., Yang, Q., Yang, C., Yoo, I. -K., Zhang, J. B., Zhang, S., Zhu, Z.

    Published in Nature (London) (03-08-2017)
    “…The measurement of an alignment between the angular momentum of a non-central collision between heavy ions and the spin of emitted particles reveals that the…”
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  2. 2

    Polarization of Λ (Λ¯) Hyperons along the Beam Direction in Au+Au Collisions at sNN=200  GeV by Adam, J

    Published in Physical review letters (27-09-2019)
    “…The Λ (Λ¯) hyperon polarization along the beam direction has been measured in Au+Au collisions at sNN=200  GeV, for the first time in heavy-ion collisions. The…”
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  3. 3

    Measurement of the Transverse Single-Spin Asymmetry in p ↑ +p → W± / Z0 at RHIC by Agakishiev, G., Aggarwal, M. M., Ahammed, Z., Aparin, A., Averichev, G. S., Banerjee, A., Bhasin, A., Bordyuzhin, I. G., Brandin, A. V., Bunzarov, I., Campbell, J. M., Chakaberia, I., Chaloupka, P., Chattopadhyay, S., Contin, G., Das, S., Derevschikov, A. A., Dunlop, J. C., Engelage, J., Esha, R., Eyser, O., Fedorisin, J., Fisyak, Y., Flores, C. E., Fulek, L., Gupta, A., Hamad, A., Harris, J. W., He, L., Horvat, S., Igo, G., Jacobs, W. W., Kalinkin, D., Kang, K., Kisiel, A., Kochenda, L., Kravtsov, P., Lauret, J., Lee, J. H., Li, W., Llope, W. J., Ma, R., Ma, L., Manion, A., McDonald, D., Meehan, K., Morozov, D. A., Niida, T., Nogach, L. V., Nurushev, S. B., Page, B. S., Pan, Y. X., Panebratsev, Y., Posik, M., Putschke, J., Raniwala, R., Ray, R. L., Rogachevskiy, O. V., Roy, A., Ruan, L., Sahoo, N. R., Sahu, P. K., Sakrejda, I., Sarkar, A., Schmidke, W. B., Seger, J., Seyboth, P., Sharma, B., Shou, Q. Y., Smirnov, N., Song, L., Spinka, H. M., Srivastava, B., Strikhanov, M., Tang, Z., Tawfik, A., Thäder, J., Timmins, A. R., Tsai, O. D., Vandenbroucke, M., Vasiliev, A. N., Vertesi, R., Vokal, S., Voloshin, S. A., Wang, G., Wen, L., Witt, R., Xie, X., Xu, N., Yang, Y., Yang, C., Ye, Z., Yu, N., Zhang, S., Zhang, Z., Zhang, J. B., Zhang, Y., Zhong, C., Zhu, X., Zoulkarneeva, Y.

    Published in Physical review letters (01-04-2016)
    “…We present the measurement of the transverse single-spin asymmetry of weak boson production in transversely polarized proton-proton collisions at s=500 GeV by…”
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    Centrality and Transverse Momentum Dependence of Elliptic Flow of Multistrange Hadrons and φ Meson in Au+Au Collisions at sNN=200 GeV by Agakishiev, G., Ahammed, Z., Averichev, G. S., Bielcik, J., Bland, L. C., Bouchet, J., Butterworth, J., Caines, H., Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M., Cervantes, M. C., Chen, J. H., Cherney, M., Christie, W., Deng, J., di Ruzza, B., Dong, X., Draper, J. E., Du, C. M., Dunkelberger, L. E., Eppley, G., Esha, R., Fazio, S., Filip, P., Geurts, F., Girard, M., Guryn, W., Haque, R., Heppelmann, S., Igo, G., Judd, E. G., Kalinkin, D., Kochenda, L., Krueger, K., Kumar, L., Lamont, M. A. C., Landgraf, J. M., Landry, K. D., Lebedev, A., Lednicky, R., Lisa, M. A., Liu, F., Llope, W. J., Ma, G. L., Margetis, S., Meehan, K., Mishra, D., Mohanty, B., Mondal, M. M., Noh, S. Y., Ogawa, A., Olvitt, D., Pandit, Y., Pawlik, B., Pei, H., Peterson, A., Planinic, M., Poniatowska, K., Posik, M., Poskanzer, A. M., Putschke, J., Raniwala, R., Ray, R. L., Rogachevskiy, O. V., Roy, A., Ruan, L., Sahoo, N. R., Sakrejda, I., Sarkar, A., Seger, J., Seyboth, P., Shou, Q. Y., Sichtermann, E. P., Smirnov, D., Spinka, H. M., Stepanov, M., Summa, B., Sun, X. M., Surrow, B., Svirida, N., Tang, Z., Tawfik, A., Tripathy, S. K., Ullrich, T., Upsal, I., Vokal, S., Voloshin, S. A., Wang, Y., Wen, L., Xiao, Z. G., Xu, N., Xu, Y. F., Ye, Z., Yip, K., Yoo, I. -K., Yu, N., Zha, W., Zhang, J. B., Zhang, X. P., Zhao, J., Zhong, C.

    Published in Physical review letters (10-02-2016)
    “…In this paper, we present high precision measurements of elliptic flow near midrapidity (|y|<1.0) for multistrange hadrons and φ meson as a function of…”
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    The STAR beam energy scan phase II physics and upgrades by Yang, Chi

    Published in Nuclear physics. A (01-11-2017)
    “…The second phase of the Beam Energy Scan at RHIC, BES-II, is scheduled for 2019–2020 and will explore with precision measurements the high baryon density…”
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  7. 7

    Charge-Dependent Directed Flow in Cu+Au Collisions at sNN=200 GeV by Agakishiev, G., Ahammed, Z., Anderson, D. M., Arkhipkin, D., Ashraf, M. U., Attri, A., Bai, X., Bellwied, R., Brandenburg, J. D., Butterworth, J., Caines, H., Chen, J. H., Cheng, J., Christie, W., Deng, J., di Ruzza, B., Dilks, C., Dong, X., Draper, J. E., Du, C. M., Esha, R., Fazio, S., Finch, E., Fisyak, Y., Fulek, L., Greiner, L., Gupta, A., Hamed, A., Jacobs, W. W., Jia, J., Jiang, K., Kabana, S., Kang, K., Kauder, K., Keane, D., Khan, Z. H., Kisel, I., Kosarzewski, L. K., Kumar, L., Landgraf, J. M., Landry, K. D., Lebedev, A., Lednicky, R., Lee, J. H., Li, Y., Li, C., Li, X., Lin, T., Lisa, M. A., Liu, Y., Markert, C., Matis, H. S., McDonald, D., Mioduszewski, S., Mustafa, M. K., Nandi, B. K., Nayak, T. K., Ogawa, A., Okorokov, V. A., Olvitt, D., Pan, Y. X., Pawlik, B., Porter, J., Rusnak, J., Rusnakova, O., Schmitz, N., Shahaliev, E., Shao, M., Sharma, A., Sharma, M. K., Smirnov, D., Smirnov, N., Srivastava, B., Strikhanov, M., Sugiura, T., Surrow, B., Tang, A. H., Tang, Z., Thäder, J., Thomas, J. H., Timmins, A. R., Tribedy, P., Tsai, O. D., Vasiliev, A. N., Vertesi, R., Vokal, S., Vossen, A., Wissink, S. W., Xiao, Z. G., Xie, G., Xin, K., Xu, H., Xu, Z., Yang, Q., Ye, Z., Yip, K., Zha, W., Zhang, J. B., Zhao, J., Zyzak, M.

    Published in Physical review letters (05-01-2017)
    “…Here we present the first measurement of charge-dependent directed flow in Cu + Au collisions at $\sqrt{s}$$_ {NN}$ = 200 GeV . The results are presented as a…”
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  8. 8

    Probing strangeness canonical ensemble with K−, ϕ(1020) and Ξ− production in Au+Au collisions at s NN = 3 GeV by Abdallah, M.S., Aboona, B.E., Adam, J., Adamczyk, L., Adams, J.R., Adkins, J.K., Agakishiev, G., Aggarwal, I., Aggarwal, M.M., Ahammed, Z., Alekseev, I., Anderson, D.M., Aparin, A., Aschenauer, E.C., Ashraf, M.U., Atetalla, F.G., Attri, A., Averichev, G.S., Bairathi, V., Baker, W., Ball Cap, J.G., Barish, K., Behera, A., Bellwied, R., Bhagat, P., Bhasin, A., Bielcik, J., Bielcikova, J., Bordyuzhin, I.G., Brandenburg, J.D., Brandin, A.V., Bunzarov, I., Butterworth, J., Cai, X.Z., Caines, H., Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M., Cebra, D., Chakaberia, I., Chaloupka, P., Chan, B.K., Chang, F.-H., Chang, Z., Chankova-Bunzarova, N., Chatterjee, A., Chattopadhyay, S., Chen, D., Chen, J., Chen, J.H., Chen, X., Chen, Z., Cheng, J., Chevalier, M., Choudhury, S., Christie, W., Chu, X., Crawford, H.J., Csanád, M., Daugherity, M., Dedovich, T.G., Deppner, I.M., Derevschikov, A.A., Dhamija, A., Di Carlo, L., Didenko, L., Dixit, P., Dong, X., Drachenberg, J.L., Duckworth, E., Dunlop, J.C., Elsey, N., Engelage, J., Eppley, G., Esumi, S., Evdokimov, O., Ewigleben, A., Eyser, O., Fatemi, R., Fawzi, F.M., Fazio, S., Federic, P., Fedorisin, J., Feng, C.J., Feng, Y., Filip, P., Finch, E., Fisyak, Y., Francisco, A., Fu, C., Fulek, L., Gagliardi, C.A., Galatyuk, T., Geurts, F., Ghimire, N., Gibson, A., Gopal, K., Gou, X., Grosnick, D., Gupta, A., Guryn, W., Hamad, A.I.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-08-2022)
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    Measurements of H Λ 3 and H Λ 4 Lifetimes and Yields in Au + Au Collisions in the High Baryon Density Region by Abdallah, M. S., Aboona, B. E., Adam, J., Adamczyk, L., Adams, J. R., Adkins, J. K., Agakishiev, G., Aggarwal, I., Aggarwal, M. M., Ahammed, Z., Alekseev, I., Anderson, D. M., Aparin, A., Aschenauer, E. C., Ashraf, M. U., Atetalla, F. G., Attri, A., Averichev, G. S., Bairathi, V., Baker, W., Ball Cap, J. G., Barish, K., Behera, A., Bellwied, R., Bhagat, P., Bhasin, A., Bielcik, J., Bielcikova, J., Bordyuzhin, I. G., Brandenburg, J. D., Brandin, A. V., Bunzarov, I., Cai, X. Z., Caines, H., Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M., Cebra, D., Chakaberia, I., Chaloupka, P., Chan, B. K., Chang, F-H., Chang, Z., Chankova-Bunzarova, N., Chatterjee, A., Chattopadhyay, S., Chen, D., Chen, J., Chen, J. H., Chen, X., Chen, Z., Cheng, J., Chevalier, M., Choudhury, S., Christie, W., Chu, X., Crawford, H. J., Csanád, M., Daugherity, M., Dedovich, T. G., Deppner, I. M., Derevschikov, A. A., Dhamija, A., Di Carlo, L., Didenko, L., Dixit, P., Dong, X., Drachenberg, J. L., Duckworth, E., Dunlop, J. C., Elsey, N., Engelage, J., Eppley, G., Esumi, S., Evdokimov, O., Ewigleben, A., Eyser, O., Fatemi, R., Fawzi, F. M., Fazio, S., Federic, P., Fedorisin, J., Feng, C. J., Feng, Y., Filip, P., Finch, E., Fisyak, Y., Francisco, A., Fu, C., Fulek, L., Gagliardi, C. A., Galatyuk, T., Geurts, F., Ghimire, N., Gibson, A., Gopal, K., Gou, X., Grosnick, D., Gupta, A., Guryn, W., Hamad, A. I., Hamed, A.

    Published in Physical review letters (01-05-2022)
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  10. 10

    Measurements of Proton High-Order Cumulants in s N N = 3     GeV Au + Au Collisions and Implications for the QCD Critical Point by Abdallah, M. S., Aboona, B. E., Adam, J., Adamczyk, L., Adams, J. R., Adkins, J. K., Agakishiev, G., Aggarwal, I., Aggarwal, M. M., Ahammed, Z., Alekseev, I., Anderson, D. M., Aparin, A., Aschenauer, E. C., Ashraf, M. U., Atetalla, F. G., Attri, A., Averichev, G. S., Bairathi, V., Baker, W., Ball Cap, J. G., Barish, K., Behera, A., Bellwied, R., Bhagat, P., Bhasin, A., Bielcik, J., Bielcikova, J., Bordyuzhin, I. G., Brandenburg, J. D., Brandin, A. V., Bunzarov, I., Cai, X. Z., Caines, H., Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M., Cebra, D., Chakaberia, I., Chaloupka, P., Chan, B. K., Chang, F-H., Chang, Z., Chankova-Bunzarova, N., Chatterjee, A., Chattopadhyay, S., Chen, D., Chen, J., Chen, J. H., Chen, X., Chen, Z., Cheng, J., Chevalier, M., Choudhury, S., Christie, W., Chu, X., Crawford, H. J., Csanád, M., Daugherity, M., Dedovich, T. G., Deppner, I. M., Derevschikov, A. A., Dhamija, A., Di Carlo, L., Didenko, L., Dixit, P., Dong, X., Drachenberg, J. L., Duckworth, E., Dunlop, J. C., Elsey, N., Engelage, J., Eppley, G., Esumi, S., Evdokimov, O., Ewigleben, A., Eyser, O., Fatemi, R., Fawzi, F. M., Fazio, S., Federic, P., Fedorisin, J., Feng, C. J., Feng, Y., Filip, P., Finch, E., Fisyak, Y., Francisco, A., Fu, C., Fulek, L., Gagliardi, C. A., Galatyuk, T., Geurts, F., Ghimire, N., Gibson, A., Gopal, K., Gou, X., Grosnick, D., Gupta, A., Guryn, W., Hamad, A. I., Hamed, A.

    Published in Physical review letters (01-05-2022)
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  11. 11

    Disappearance of partonic collectivity in s NN = 3 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC by Abdallah, M.S., Aboona, B.E., Adam, J., Adamczyk, L., Adams, J.R., Adkins, J.K., Agakishiev, G., Aggarwal, I., Aggarwal, M.M., Ahammed, Z., Alekseev, I., Anderson, D.M., Aparin, A., Aschenauer, E.C., Ashraf, M.U., Atetalla, F.G., Attri, A., Averichev, G.S., Bairathi, V., Baker, W., Ball Cap, J.G., Barish, K., Behera, A., Bellwied, R., Bhagat, P., Bhasin, A., Bielcik, J., Bielcikova, J., Bordyuzhin, I.G., Brandenburg, J.D., Brandin, A.V., Bunzarov, I., Butterworth, J., Cai, X.Z., Caines, H., Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M., Cebra, D., Chakaberia, I., Chaloupka, P., Chan, B.K., Chang, F.-H., Chang, Z., Chankova-Bunzarova, N., Chatterjee, A., Chattopadhyay, S., Chen, D., Chen, J., Chen, J.H., Chen, X., Chen, Z., Cheng, J., Chevalier, M., Choudhury, S., Christie, W., Chu, X., Crawford, H.J., Csanád, M., Daugherity, M., Dedovich, T.G., Deppner, I.M., Derevschikov, A.A., Dhamija, A., Di Carlo, L., Didenko, L., Dixit, P., Dong, X., Drachenberg, J.L., Duckworth, E., Dunlop, J.C., Elsey, N., Engelage, J., Eppley, G., Esumi, S., Evdokimov, O., Ewigleben, A., Eyser, O., Fatemi, R., Fawzi, F.M., Fazio, S., Federic, P., Fedorisin, J., Feng, C.J., Feng, Y., Filip, P., Finch, E., Fisyak, Y., Francisco, A., Fu, C., Fulek, L., Gagliardi, C.A., Galatyuk, T., Geurts, F., Ghimire, N., Gibson, A., Gopal, K., Gou, X., Grosnick, D., Gupta, A., Guryn, W., Hamad, A.I.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-04-2022)
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  12. 12

    Search for the Chiral Magnetic Effect via Charge-Dependent Azimuthal Correlations Relative to Spectator and Participant Planes in Au + Au Collisions at s N N = 200     GeV by Abdallah, M. S., Adam, J., Adamczyk, L., Adams, J. R., Adkins, J. K., Agakishiev, G., Aggarwal, I., Aggarwal, M. M., Ahammed, Z., Alekseev, I., Anderson, D. M., Aparin, A., Aschenauer, E. C., Ashraf, M. U., Atetalla, F. G., Attri, A., Averichev, G. S., Bairathi, V., Baker, W., Ball Cap, J. G., Barish, K., Behera, A., Bellwied, R., Bhagat, P., Bhasin, A., Bielcik, J., Bielcikova, J., Bordyuzhin, I. G., Brandenburg, J. D., Brandin, A. V., Bunzarov, I., Butterworth, J., Cai, X. Z., Caines, H., Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M., Cebra, D., Chakaberia, I., Chaloupka, P., Chan, B. K., Chang, F-H., Chang, Z., Chankova-Bunzarova, N., Chatterjee, A., Chattopadhyay, S., Chen, D., Chen, J., Chen, J. H., Chen, X., Chen, Z., Cheng, J., Chevalier, M., Choudhury, S., Christie, W., Chu, X., Crawford, H. J., Csanád, M., Daugherity, M., Dedovich, T. G., Deppner, I. M., Derevschikov, A. A., Dhamija, A., Di Carlo, L., Didenko, L., Dong, X., Drachenberg, J. L., Dunlop, J. C., Elsey, N., Engelage, J., Eppley, G., Esumi, S., Ewigleben, A., Eyser, O., Fatemi, R., Fawzi, F. M., Fazio, S., Federic, P., Fedorisin, J., Feng, C. J., Feng, Y., Filip, P., Finch, E., Fisyak, Y., Francisco, A., Fu, C., Fulek, L., Gagliardi, C. A., Galatyuk, T., Geurts, F., Ghimire, N., Gibson, A., Gopal, K., Gou, X., Grosnick, D., Gupta, A., Guryn, W., Hamad, A. I., Hamed, A., Han, Y., Harabasz, S., Harasty, M. D.

    Published in Physical review letters (01-03-2022)
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  13. 13

    Measurements of the chiral magnetic effect with background isolation in 200 GeV Au+Au collisions at STAR by Zhao, Jie

    Published in Nuclear physics. A (01-02-2019)
    “…Using two novel methods, pair invariant mass (minv) and comparative measurements with respect to reaction plane (ΨRP) and participant plane (ΨPP), we isolate…”
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    Corrigendum to “Suppression of Υ production in d+Au and Au+Au collisions at √ SNN = 200 GeV" [Phys. Lett. B 735 (2014) 127-137] by Adamczyk, L.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-04-2015)
    “…We report measurements of Υ meson production in p + p, d + Au, and Au+Au collisions using the STAR detector at RHIC. We compare the Υ yield to the measured…”
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  16. 16

    First Observation of the Directed Flow of D0 and D0 ¯ in Au+Au Collisions at sNN=200GeV by Aggarwal, M. M., Alekseev, I., Averichev, G. S., Bordyuzhin, I. G., Brandin, A. V., Butterworth, J., Cebra, D., Chan, B. K., Cheng, J., Dedovich, T. G., Deppner, I. M., Didenko, L., Drachenberg, J. L., Edmonds, T., Eppley, G., Esha, R., Esumi, S., Fedorisin, J., Galatyuk, T., Grosnick, D., Harris, J. W., Holub, L., Huang, T., Humanic, T. J., Huo, P., Jiang, K., Ju, X., Kagamaster, S., Kauder, K., Kechechyan, A., Kisiel, A., Kochenda, L., Kramarik, L., Kulathunga Mudiyanselage, N., Li, W., Li, Y., Licenik, R., Lin, T., Lipiec, A., Lisa, M. A., Liu, F., Liu, H., Liu, P., Liu, Y., Lomnitz, M., Luo, S., Markert, C., Matis, H. S., Mazer, J. A., Niida, T., Odyniec, G., Oh, S., Pak, R., Panebratsev, Y., Pawlowska, D., Perkins, C., Pintér, R. L., Quintero, A., Rusnakova, O., Salur, S., Schmidke, W. B., Seto, R., Shahaliev, E., Shanmuganathan, P. V., Shao, M., Sikora, R., Simko, M., Singh, J., Stanislaus, T. D. S., Stewart, D. J., Stringfellow, B., Suaide, A. A. P., Summa, B., Szelezniak, M. A., Szymanski, P., Thomas, J. H., Tokarev, M., Tripathy, S. K., Tu, B., Tu, Z., Vassiliev, I., Videbæk, F., Voloshin, S. A., Wang, F., Wang, P., Webb, J. C., Wieman, H., Wu, Y., Xie, G., Xu, Y. F., Xu, Z., Yang, Q., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yip, K., Zha, W., Zhang, S., Zhao, J., Zurek, M., Zyzak, M.

    Published in Physical review letters (16-10-2019)
    “…We report the first measurement of rapidity-odd directed flow ($v_{1}$) for $D^{0}$ and $\overline{D^{0}}$ mesons at midrapidity (|y|<0.8) in Au+Au collisions…”
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    First Observation of the Directed Flow of D 0 and D 0 ¯ in Au + Au Collisions at s N N = 200     GeV by Adam, J., Adamczyk, L., Adams, J. R., Adkins, J. K., Agakishiev, G., Aggarwal, M. M., Ahammed, Z., Alekseev, I., Anderson, D. M., Aoyama, R., Aparin, A., Aschenauer, E. C., Ashraf, M. U., Atetalla, F. G., Attri, A., Averichev, G. S., Bairathi, V., Barish, K., Bassill, A. J., Behera, A., Bellwied, R., Bhasin, A., Bhati, A. K., Bielcik, J., Bielcikova, J., Bland, L. C., Bordyuzhin, I. G., Brandenburg, J. D., Brandin, A. V., Bryslawskyj, J., Bunzarov, I., Butterworth, J., Caines, H., Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M., Cebra, D., Chakaberia, I., Chaloupka, P., Chan, B. K., Chang, F-H., Chang, Z., Chankova-Bunzarova, N., Chatterjee, A., Chattopadhyay, S., Chen, J. H., Chen, X., Cheng, J., Cherney, M., Christie, W., Contin, G., Crawford, H. J., Csanád, M., Das, S., Dedovich, T. G., Deppner, I. M., Derevschikov, A. A., Didenko, L., Dilks, C., Dong, X., Drachenberg, J. L., Dunlop, J. C., Edmonds, T., Elsey, N., Engelage, J., Eppley, G., Esha, R., Esumi, S., Evdokimov, O., Ewigleben, J., Eyser, O., Fatemi, R., Fazio, S., Federic, P., Fedorisin, J., Feng, Y., Filip, P., Finch, E., Fisyak, Y., Fulek, L., Gagliardi, C. A., Galatyuk, T., Geurts, F., Gibson, A., Gopal, K., Greiner, L., Grosnick, D., Gupta, A., Guryn, W., Hamad, A. I., Hamed, A., Harris, J. W., He, L., Heppelmann, S., Herrmann, N., Holub, L., Hong, Y., Horvat, S., Huang, B., Huang, H. Z., Huang, S. L., Huang, T.

    Published in Physical review letters (01-10-2019)
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  18. 18

    Charge-dependent pair correlations relative to a third particle in p + Au and d + Au collisions at RHIC by Aggarwal, M. M., Alekseev, I., Arkhipkin, D., Aschenauer, E. C., Bhasin, A., Brandin, A. V., Bryslawskyj, J., Chakaberia, I., Chan, B. K., Chang, F. -H., Chang, Z., Chen, J. H., Cheng, J., Christie, W., Dedovich, T. G., Deppner, I. M., Didenko, L., Drachenberg, J. L., Edmonds, T., Eppley, G., Esha, R., Esumi, S., Fedorisin, J., Galatyuk, T., Guryn, W., Herrmann, N., Huang, B., Huang, T., Humanic, T. J., Igo, G., Jentsch, A., Ji, Y., Jia, J., Jiang, K., Judd, E. G., Kapukchyan, D., Kelsey, M., Kikoła, D. P., Kim, C., Kisel, I., Kosarzewski, L. K., Kulathunga Mudiyanselage, N., Lauret, J., Lednicky, R., Li, W., Li, Y., Lin, T., Liu, F., Liu, P., Liu, Y., Llope, W. J., Margetis, S., Matis, H. S., Mooney, I., Nasim, Md, Nayak, K., Nelson, J. M., Nigmatkulov, G., Odyniec, G., Pak, R., Panebratsev, Y., Pawlowska, D., Perkins, C., Pintér, R. L., Quintero, A., Rusnakova, O., Salur, S., Schmidke, W. B., Seto, R., Shahaliev, E., Shanmuganathan, P. V., Shao, M., Sikora, R., Simko, M., Singh, J., Stanislaus, T. D. S., Stringfellow, B., Suaide, A. A. P., Summa, B., Taranenko, A., Tlusty, D., Todoroki, T., Tomkiel, C. A., Tribble, R. E., Tripathy, S. K., Tu, B., Tu, Z., Vokal, S., Wissink, S. W., Xiao, Z. G., Xu, N., Xu, Q. H., Yang, C., Ye, Z., Yi, L., Zbroszczyk, H., Zhang, D., Zhang, X. P., Zhang, Z., Zyzak, M.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-11-2019)
    “…Quark interactions with topological gluon configurations can induce chirality imbalance and local parity violation in quantum chromodynamics. This can lead to…”
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  19. 19

    Polarization of Λ ( Λ ¯ ) Hyperons along the Beam Direction in Au + Au Collisions at s N N = 200     GeV by Adam, J., Adamczyk, L., Adams, J. R., Adkins, J. K., Agakishiev, G., Aggarwal, M. M., Ahammed, Z., Alekseev, I., Anderson, D. M., Aoyama, R., Aparin, A., Arkhipkin, D., Aschenauer, E. C., Ashraf, M. U., Atetalla, F., Attri, A., Averichev, G. S., Bairathi, V., Barish, K., Bassill, A. J., Behera, A., Bellwied, R., Bhasin, A., Bhati, A. K., Bielcik, J., Bielcikova, J., Bland, L. C., Bordyuzhin, I. G., Brandenburg, J. D., Brandin, A. V., Bryslawskyj, J., Bunzarov, I., Butterworth, J., Caines, H., Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M., Cebra, D., Chakaberia, I., Chaloupka, P., Chan, B. K., Chang, F-H., Chang, Z., Chankova-Bunzarova, N., Chatterjee, A., Chattopadhyay, S., Chen, J. H., Chen, X., Cheng, J., Cherney, M., Christie, W., Crawford, H. J., Csanád, M., Das, S., Dedovich, T. G., Deppner, I. M., Derevschikov, A. A., Didenko, L., Dilks, C., Dong, X., Drachenberg, J. L., Dunlop, J. C., Edmonds, T., Elsey, N., Engelage, J., Eppley, G., Esha, R., Esumi, S., Evdokimov, O., Ewigleben, J., Eyser, O., Fatemi, R., Fazio, S., Federic, P., Fedorisin, J., Feng, Y., Filip, P., Finch, E., Fisyak, Y., Fulek, L., Gagliardi, C. A., Galatyuk, T., Geurts, F., Gibson, A., Gopal, K., Grosnick, D., Gupta, A., Guryn, W., Hamad, A. I., Hamed, A., Harris, J. W., He, L., Heppelmann, S., Herrmann, N., Holub, L., Hong, Y., Horvat, S., Huang, B., Huang, H. Z., Huang, S. L., Huang, T., Huang, X.

    Published in Physical review letters (01-09-2019)
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  20. 20

    Measurement of inclusive J/ψ suppression in Au+Au collisions at s NN = 200 GeV through the dimuon channel at STAR by Adam, J., Adamczyk, L., Adams, J.R., Adkins, J.K., Agakishiev, G., Aggarwal, M.M., Ahammed, Z., Alekseev, I., Anderson, D.M., Aoyama, R., Aparin, A., Arkhipkin, D., Aschenauer, E.C., Ashraf, M.U., Atetalla, F., Attri, A., Averichev, G.S., Bairathi, V., Barish, K., Bassill, A.J., Behera, A., Bellwied, R., Bhasin, A., Bhati, A.K., Bielcik, J., Bielcikova, J., Bland, L.C., Bordyuzhin, I.G., Brandenburg, J.D., Brandin, A.V., Bryslawskyj, J., Bunzarov, I., Butterworth, J., Caines, H., Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M., Cebra, D., Chakaberia, I., Chaloupka, P., Chan, B.K., Chang, F.-H., Chang, Z., Chankova-Bunzarova, N., Chatterjee, A., Chattopadhyay, S., Chen, J.H., Chen, X., Cheng, J., Cherney, M., Christie, W., Crawford, H.J., Csanád, M., Das, S., Dedovich, T.G., Deppner, I.M., Derevschikov, A.A., Didenko, L., Dilks, C., Dong, X., Drachenberg, J.L., Dunlop, J.C., Edmonds, T., Elsey, N., Engelage, J., Eppley, G., Esha, R., Esumi, S., Evdokimov, O., Ewigleben, J., Eyser, O., Fatemi, R., Fazio, S., Federic, P., Fedorisin, J., Feng, Y., Filip, P., Finch, E., Fisyak, Y., Fulek, L., Gagliardi, C.A., Galatyuk, T., Geurts, F., Gibson, A., Gopal, K., Grosnick, D., Gupta, A., Guryn, W., Hamad, A.I., Hamed, A., Harris, J.W., He, L., Heppelmann, S., Herrmann, N., Holub, L., Hong, Y., Horvat, S., Huang, B., Huang, H.Z., Huang, S.L., Huang, T., Huang, X.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-10-2019)
    “…J/ψ suppression has long been considered a sensitive signature of the formation of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. In this…”
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