Search Results - "Bui, Minh Binh"
Fast dynamic programming for locally checkable vertex subset and vertex partitioning problems
Published in Theoretical computer science (04-11-2013)“…Given a graph G we provide dynamic programming algorithms for many locally checkable vertex subset and vertex partitioning problems. Their runtime is…”
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How modular structure can simplify tasks on networks: parameterizing graph optimization by fast local community detection
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society. A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences (08-10-2014)“…By considering the task of finding the shortest walk through a Network, we find an algorithm for which the run time is not as O(2n), with n being the number of…”
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Feedback vertex set on graphs of low clique-width
Published in European journal of combinatorics (01-04-2013)“…The Feedback Vertex Set problem asks whether a graph contains q vertices meeting all its cycles. This is not a local property, in the sense that we cannot…”
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The effect of adverse childhood experiences on depression, psychological distress and suicidal thought in Vietnamese adolescents: Findings from multiple cross-sectional studies
Published in Asian journal of psychiatry (01-10-2020)“…•Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are common in Vietnamese adolescents.•The nature of ACEs and the overlap among them vary widely across population.•ACEs…”
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Boolean-width of graphs
Published in Theoretical computer science (09-09-2011)“…We introduce the graph parameter boolean-width, related to the number of different unions of neighborhoods–Boolean sums of neighborhoods–across a cut of a…”
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Computing small temporal modules in time logarithmic in history length
Published in Social network analysis and mining (01-12-2022)“…A temporal graph G is a sequence of static graphs indexed by a set of integers representing time instants. Given Δ an integer, a Δ -module is a set of vertices…”
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H -join decomposable graphs and algorithms with runtime single exponential in rankwidth
Published in Discrete Applied Mathematics (06-04-2010)“…We introduce H -join decompositions of graphs, indexed by a fixed bipartite graph H . These decompositions are based on a graph operation that we call a H…”
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Tree-representation of set families and applications to combinatorial decompositions
Published in European journal of combinatorics (01-07-2012)“…The number of families over ground set V is 22|V| and by this fact it is not possible to represent such a family using a number of bits polynomial in |V|…”
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Competitive graph searches
Published in Theoretical computer science (20-03-2008)“…We exemplify an optimization criterion for divide-and-conquer algorithms with a technique called generic competitive graph search. The technique is then…”
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On Modular Decomposition Concepts: the case for Homogeneous Relations
Published in Electronic notes in discrete mathematics (01-10-2006)Get full text
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How modular structure can simplify tasks on networks: parameterizing graph optimization by fast local community detection
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society. A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences (08-10-2014)“…By considering the task of finding the shortest walk through a Network, we find an algorithm for which the run time is not as O(2n), with n being the number of…”
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Feedback vertex set on graphs of low cliquewidth
Published in European journal of combinatorics (2013)“…The Feedback Vertex Set problem asks whether a graph contains $q$ vertices meeting all its cycles. This is not a local property, in the sense that we cannot…”
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Distributed computation of temporal twins in periodic undirected time-varying graphs
Published 26-04-2024“…Twin nodes in a static network capture the idea of being substitutes for each other for maintaining paths of the same length anywhere in the network. In…”
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Unifying the representation of symmetric crossing families and weakly partitive families
Published in Electronic notes in discrete mathematics (01-08-2009)“…The family of non-trivial minimizers of a symmetric submodular function is symmetric crossing, namely it is closed under the complementation of any member and…”
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Lightweight FEC: Rectangular Codes with Minimum Feedback Information
Published 03-04-2019“…We propose a hybrid protocol combining a rectangular error-correcting code - paired with an error-detecting code - and a backward error correction in order to…”
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Temporal Matching
Published 20-12-2018“…A link stream is a sequence of pairs of the form $(t,\{u,v\})$, where $t\in\mathbb N$ represents a time instant and $u\neq v$. Given an integer $\gamma$, the…”
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Intersection graphs of almost subnormal subgroups in general skew linear groups
Published 16-02-2020“…Let $D$ be a division ring, $n$ a positive integer, and GL$_n(D)$ the general linear group of degree $n$ over $D$. In this paper, we study the induced subgraph…”
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How modular structure can simplify tasks on networks
Published 21-05-2013“…By considering the task of finding the shortest walk through a network we find an algorithm for which the run time is not as O(2^n), with n being the number of…”
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A Note on Graphs of Linear Rank-Width 1
Published 06-06-2013“…We prove that a connected graph has linear rank-width 1 if and only if it is a distance-hereditary graph and its split decomposition tree is a path. An…”
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