Search Results - "Budhiraja, Virendra"
A Unilateral Variation in Triceps Brachii Muscle Demonstrating a Fourth Head
Published in Annals of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India) (01-10-2021)“…Abstract Introduction Triceps brachii muscle is the only muscle of posterior compartment of arm, consisting of three heads—long, lateral, and medial. Radial…”
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Sternalis -An Accessory Muscle of Thoracic Wall
Published in Journal of clinical and diagnostic research (01-08-2018)“…Sternalis muscle is an anatomical aberration among the muscle group of anterior chest wall. This accessory muscle was discovered bilaterally in a 40-year-old…”
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Handling of Cadavers in a Mortuary amidst COVID-19 Pandemic
Published in Annals of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India) (01-10-2020)“…Abstract Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory distress syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has been declared as a pandemic by…”
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CONCURRENT VARIATIONS IN THE FORMATION OF LATERAL CORD AND MEDIAN NERVE OF BRACHIAL PLEXUS. 208 Variaciones en la formación del cordón lateral y el nervio mediano del plexo braquial
Published in Revista Argentina de anatomía clínica (28-03-2016)“…El cordón lateral y el nervio mediano se asocian a variaciones. Observamos variaciones simultáneas en la formación del cordón lateral y nervio mediano en…”
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Variant Anatomy of the Hepatic Vasculature: Importance in Hepatobiliary Resections
Published in Journal of clinical and diagnostic research (01-06-2017)“…A variant anatomy of the hepatic vasculature has a clinically significant role in hepatobiliary transplantation, resection, tumour embolisation as well as in…”
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VARIANT RELATION OF THE SCIATIC NERVE TO THE PIRIFORMIS MUSCLE: A CADAVERIC STUDY FROM NORTH INDIA. Variaciones en la relación del nervio ciático con el músculo piriforme: Un estudio cadavérico en India del Norte
Published in Revista Argentina de anatomía clínica (28-03-2016)“…El nervio ciático sale de la pelvis y entra en la región glútea debajo del músculo piriforme como un único tronco. Tiene dos componentes: el nervio peroneo…”
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Study on epidemiology of cutaneous amyloidosis in northern India and effectiveness of dimethylsulphoxide in cutaneous amyloidosis
Published in Indian Dermatology Online Journal (01-09-2012)“…Amyloidosis, which is characterized by the extracellular deposition of a proteinaceous substance, is usually associated with considerable tissue dysfunction…”
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A cadaveric study of arteriovenous trigone of heart: the triangle of Brocq and Mouchet
Published in Anatomy & cell biology (30-06-2023)“…Left coronary artery divides into anterior interventricular branch and circumflex branch. As both the arteries run in their corresponding grooves, an…”
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Posterior Cord of Brachial Plexus and Its Branches: Anatomical Variations and Clinical Implication
Published in ISRN Anatomy (26-09-2013)“…Background. Knowledge of anatomical variations of posterior cord and its branches is important not only for the administration of anaesthetic blocks but also…”
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Histopathological changes in the arrector pili muscle of normal appearing skin in leprosy patients
Published in International journal of infectious diseases (01-09-2010)“…Abstract Background Leprosy is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae , which affects not only the peripheral nerves and skin, but also…”
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Anatomical Variations in the Branching Pattern of Human Aortic Arch: A Cadaveric Study from Central India
Published in ISRN Anatomy (12-09-2013)“…Variations of the branches of aortic arch are due to alteration in the development of certain branchial arch arteries during embryonic period. Knowledge of…”
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Concurrent variations of median and musculocutaneous nerves and their clinical correlation--a cadaveric study
Published in Italian journal of anatomy and embryology (2011)“…Variations of median nerve, musculocutaneous nerve and their communicating branches are of interest for anatomists and surgeons. These variations may be…”
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Supernumerary Renal Arteries and Their Embryological and Clinical Correlation: A Cadaveric Study from North India
Published in ISRN Anatomy (20-02-2013)“…Background. Classically, each kidney is supplied by a single renal artery originating from abdominal aorta. The present study aimed at its variations and their…”
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Study of Position, Shape, and Size of Mental Foramen Utilizing Various Parameters in Dry Adult Human Mandibles from North India
Published in ISRN Anatomy (2013)“…Background. As the mental foramen (MF) is an important landmark to facilitate surgical, local anesthetic, and other invasive procedures, the present study was…”
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Renal artery variations: embryological basis and surgical correlation
Published in Romanian journal of morphology and embryology (2010)“…Understanding anatomy of the vascular variations of kidney is essential for the clinician to perform procedures such as renal transplantation, interventional…”
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Micropathological changes in the sub-epidermal zone of normal appearing skin in leprosy
Published in Romanian journal of morphology and embryology (2011)“…Leprosy is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, which affects not only the peripheral nerves and skin but also various internal…”
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