Search Results - "Bruno Grossi Costa Homem"
Managing “Marandu” palisadegrass and calopo pastures based on light interception
Published in Grass and forage science (01-12-2020)“…Light interception (LI) in grazing management has been an efficient tool to harvest forage under similar growth stage conditions. The objective was to define…”
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Twenty-five-centimeter pre-grazing canopy height in palisade grass and forage peanut
Published in Scientia agricola (01-01-2022)“…Short-term grazing behavior variables are sensitive to the canopy structure and have an impact on daily forage intake. This study evaluated the effect of pre-…”
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How canopy structural and morphological characteristics, and forage chemical composition affect a pasture-based dairy system?
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (01-11-2021)“…Pasture-based systems are prevalent among small-scale family farms. Many farmers consider that the nutritional value of the plant is more relevant than the…”
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Using swine farming wastewater for Signal grass cultivation
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (01-01-2016)“…The objective of this study was to evaluate forage production and root accumulation in Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk with swine wastewater as a fertilizer…”
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Productivity of beef cattle grazing Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu with and without nitrogen fertilizer application or mixed pastures with the legume Desmodium ovalifolium
Published in Grass and forage science (01-03-2023)“…The use of forage legumes to contribute biologically fixed nitrogen (N) to pastures is an alternative to increase beef cattle production in tropical regions…”
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Agronomic characteristics and nutritional value of cactus pear progenies
Published in Agronomy journal (01-11-2021)“…Cactus is an important fodder in tropical semiarid, but recent insect pressure has devastated cactus crops. Breeding programs are developing cactus varieties…”
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Defoliation frequency affects litter responses and nitrogen excretion by heifers in palisadegrass–forage peanut pastures
Published in Agronomy journal (01-07-2020)“…Legumes can contribute significantly to nitrogen (N) input in grazing systems. Grazing management is a critical factor affecting N cycling in mixed pastures,…”
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Production of beef cattle grazing on Brachiaria brizantha (Marandu grass)—Arachis pintoi (forage peanut cv. Belomonte) mixtures exceeded that on grass monocultures fertilized with 120 kg N/ha
Published in Grass and forage science (01-03-2020)“…Mixed grass/legume pastures are an alternative to grass monocultures for increased beef cattle production in tropical climates. The objective of this study was…”
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Forage intake and nitrogen metabolism of beef cattle grazing palisadegrass‐calopo mixed pasture managed using canopy light interception
Published in Grass and forage science (01-09-2023)“…To define the best grazing management strategy, it is important to assess animals' responses to variations in the structure and composition of tropical…”
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Carbohydrates and protein digestive traits in beef cattle grazing fertilised or mixed tropical pasture
Published in Archives of animal nutrition (01-02-2024)“…This study was performed to investigate the nitrogen (N) and carbohydrate digestive traits of grazing heifers. The experiment was carried out at the Federal…”
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Performance, Intake, Feed Efficiency, and Carcass Characteristics of Young Nellore Heifers under Different Days on Feed in the Feedlot
Published in Animals (Basel) (07-07-2023)“…Two studies evaluated the productive characteristics of young Nellore heifers receiving different days on feed (DOF) to determine the biological slaughter…”
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Herbage accumulation and nutritive value of new bermudagrass accessions and cultivars
Published in Agronomy journal (01-09-2024)“…Bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] is an important forage source for ruminants in tropical and subtropical regions of the world; nevertheless, little…”
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Dehydration and nutrient loss during the haymaking process of tropical forage legumes
Published in New Zealand journal of agricultural research (24-11-2024)Get full text
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Marandu palisade grass‐forage peanut mixed pastures: Forage intake, animal behaviour, and canopy structure as affected by grazing intensities
Published in Grass and forage science (02-09-2024)“…Integrating forage legumes into grasslands offers numerous ecosystem services. However, the management of grass‐legume pastures is challenging because the…”
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Soil carbon sequestration under N fertilized or mixed legume-grass pastures depends on soil type and prior land-use
Published in Geoderma Regional (01-12-2024)“…Grass-fed beef operations with well-managed pastures mixed with stoloniferous forage legumes are an alternative to increase animal productivity and sequester…”
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Rehydrated corn grain silage with wet brewery residue and different inoculants
Published in Boletim de Indústria Animal (01-06-2024)“…The objective was to evaluate the effects of including different proportions of Wet Brewery Residue (WBR) using inoculants on rehydrated ground corn silage…”
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Assessment of the agronomic potential of two types of deep-bedding swine
Published in Vértices (Campos dos Goitacazes) (01-04-2016)“…The aim of this study was to assess two deep-bedding swine with different substrates, shavings woods and sugarcane bagasse through analyses of 6 lots with 40…”
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Assessment of the agronomic potential of two types of deep-bedding swine
Published in Vértices (Campos dos Goitacazes) (01-04-2016)“…The aim of this study was to assess two deep-bedding swine with different substrates, shavings woods and sugarcane bagasse through analyses of 6 lots with 40…”
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Impact of fertirrigation with swine wastewater in an oxisol
Published in Vértices (Campos dos Goitacazes) (01-10-2013)“…The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of swine wastewater (SW) on the chemical and physical properties of a dystrophic Oxisol. The experiment…”
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Impacto da fertirrigação com água residuária da suinocultura em um latossolo vermelho-amarelo
Published in Vértices (Campos dos Goitacazes) (2013)“…O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de Água Residuária de Suínos (ARS) sobre as propriedades químicas e físicas de um Latossolo…”
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