Search Results - "Brown, Shannon E"
Globally important nitrous oxide emissions from croplands induced by freeze–thaw cycles
Published in Nature geoscience (01-04-2017)“…Seasonal freezing induces large thaw emissions of nitrous oxide, a trace gas that contributes to stratospheric ozone destruction and atmospheric warming…”
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Long-term variability in N2O emissions and emission factors for corn and soybeans induced by weather and management at a cold climate site
Published in The Science of the total environment (01-04-2022)“…Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions are highly variable in space and time due to the complex interplay between soil, management practices and weather conditions…”
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Micrometeorological measurements over 3 years reveal differences in N2O emissions between annual and perennial crops
Published in Global change biology (01-03-2016)“…Perennial crops can deliver a wide range of ecosystem services compared to annual crops. Some of these benefits are achieved by lengthening the growing season,…”
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Nongrowing season soil nitrous oxide emissions as influenced by cover crops and fall tillage termination
Published in Canadian Journal of Soil Science (01-12-2023)“…Cropland soil is a major driver of global nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. In cold climates, nongrowing season (NGS) emissions can be significant due to high…”
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Overwinter and Spring Thaw Nitrous Oxide Fluxes in a Northern Prairie Cropland Are Limited but a Significant Proportion of Annual Emissions
Published in Global biogeochemical cycles (01-04-2024)“…Croplands that experience seasonal soil freezing and thawing have been shown to be significant sources of N2O emissions. Yet, there is a paucity of year‐round…”
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Differences in field‐scale N2O flux linked to crop residue removal under two tillage systems in cold climates
Published in Global change biology. Bioenergy (01-04-2017)“…Residue removal for biofuel production may have unintended consequences for N2O emissions from soils, and it is not clear how N2O emissions are influenced by…”
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Evaluation of a lower-powered analyzer and sampling system for eddy-covariance measurements of nitrous oxide fluxes
Published in Atmospheric measurement techniques (22-03-2018)“…Nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes measured using the eddy-covariance method capture the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of N2O emissions. Most closed-path…”
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Responses of tree fine roots to temperature
Published in The New phytologist (01-07-2000)“…Soil temperature can influence the functioning of roots in many ways. If soil moisture and nutrient availability are adequate, rates of root length extension…”
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Winter warming effects on soil nitrate leaching under cover crops: A field study using high-frequency weighing lysimeters
Published in Frontiers in environmental science (31-08-2022)“…Leaching of nitrate (NO 3 − )—a reactive nitrogen form with impacts on ecosystem health—increases during the non-growing season (NGS) of agricultural soils…”
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Estimating a Lagrangian Length Scale Using Measurements of CO2 in a Plant Canopy
Published in Boundary-layer meteorology (01-04-2013)“…Analytical Lagrangian equations capable of predicting concentration profiles from known source distributions offer the opportunity to calculate source/sink…”
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Low-power flux gradient measurements for quantifying the impact of agricultural management on nitrous oxide emissions
Published in Agricultural and forest meteorology (15-06-2024)“…•New instrumentation measured N2O fluxes using 88 % to 97 % less power.•N2O fluxes measured via low-power flux-gradient compared well against…”
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Assessment of random errors in multi-plot nitrous oxide flux gradient measurements
Published in Agricultural and forest meteorology (15-08-2017)“…•A novel method calculated random errors of flux-gradient measurements of N2O fluxes.•Errors of fluxes greater than 45ngNm−2s−1 were on average 9% of the…”
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Evaluation of impacts of biosolids application and drainage water management on soil N2O and CH4 emissions using the flux gradient method
Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (01-01-2025)“…Existing studies have shown contradictory findings with respect to whether biosolids applications on agricultural lands lead to intensification of soil…”
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Cover crop mixtures: A powerful strategy to reduce post-harvest surplus of soil nitrate and leaching
Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (28-02-2022)“…Cover cropping is a practice with potential to reduce post-harvest surplus of soil nitrate (NO3-), a mobile form of nitrogen naturally susceptible to losses…”
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High temporal resolution nitrous oxide fluxes from corn (Zea mays L.) in response to the combined use of nitrification and urease inhibitors
Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (15-09-2020)“…•N2O fluxes were measured from four corn fields with a micromet method over 3 years.•Fields received urea or UAN with and without nitrification + urease…”
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Quantification of soil N2O and CH4 fluxes using the flux gradient method on a drainage water managed farm on the eastern shore of Maryland
Published in Agricultural and forest meteorology (15-12-2023)“…•Drainage water management did not increase soil N2O or CH4 emissions.•N2O emissions were highly dependent on N fertilization and precipitation events.•A…”
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Greenhouse gas mitigation potential of annual and perennial dairy feed crop systems
Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (01-07-2017)“…•3-year average NEE is similar between hay and corn.•NECB of hay shows to be carbon neutral while corn is carbon source.•GHGB shows corn to be a larger GHG…”
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Predicting daily mean soil temperature from daily mean air temperature in four northern hardwood forest stands
Published in Forest science (01-05-2000)“…Soil temperature is very important in regulating ecosystem processes, yet it is often difficult and costly to measure. Most models that have endeavored to…”
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Long-term variability in N 2 O emissions and emission factors for corn and soybeans induced by weather and management at a cold climate site
Published in The Science of the total environment (01-04-2022)“…Nitrous oxide (N O) emissions are highly variable in space and time due to the complex interplay between soil, management practices and weather conditions…”
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Micrometeorological measurements over 3 years reveal differences in N 2 O emissions between annual and perennial crops
Published in Global change biology (01-03-2016)“…Perennial crops can deliver a wide range of ecosystem services compared to annual crops. Some of these benefits are achieved by lengthening the growing season,…”
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