Search Results - "Brooks, CB"

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  1. 1

    Transmission of light in deep sea water at the site of the Antares neutrino telescope by Aguilar, J.A., Albert, A., Amram, P., Anghinolfi, M., Anton, G., Anvar, S., Ardellier-Desages, F.E., Aslanides, E., Aubert, J-J., Azoulay, R., Bailey, D., Basa, S., Battaglieri, M., Becherini, Y., Bellotti, R., Beltramelli, J., Bertin, V., Billault, M., Blaes, R., Blanc, F., Bland, R.W., de Botton, N., Boulesteix, J., Bouwhuis, M.C., Brooks, C.B., Bradbury, S.M., Bruijn, R., Brunner, J., Bugeon, F., Burgio, G.F., Cafagna, F., Calzas, A., Caponetto, L., Carmona, E., Carr, J., Cartwright, S.L., Cecchini, S., Charvis, P., Circella, M., Colnard, C., Compère, C., Croquette, J., Cooper, S., Coyle, P., Cuneo, S., Damy, G., van Dantzig, R., Deschamps, A., Marzo, C. De, Destelle, J.-J., Vita, R. De, Dinkelspiler, B., Dispau, G., Drougou, J.-F., Druillole, F., Engelen, J., Favard, S., Feinstein, F., Ferry, S., Festy, D., Fopma, J., Fuda, J.-L., Gallone, J.-M., Giacomelli, G., Girard, N., Goret, P., Gournay, J.-F., Hallewell, G., Hartmann, B., Heijboer, A., Hello, Y., Hernández-Rey, J.J., Herrouin, G., Hößl, J., Hoffmann, C., Hubbard, J.R., Jaquet, M., de Jong, M., Jouvenot, F., Kappes, A., Karg, T., Karkar, S., Karolak, M., Katz, U., Keller, P., Kooijman, P., Korolkova, E.V., Kouchner, A., Kretschmer, W., Kudryavtsev, V.A., Lafoux, H., Lagier, P., Lamare, P., Languillat, J.-C., Laubier, L., Legou, T., Guen, Y. Le, Provost, H. Le, Van Suu, A. Le, Nigro, L. Lo

    Published in Astroparticle physics (01-02-2005)
    “…The ANTARES neutrino telescope is a large photomultiplier array designed to detect neutrino-induced upward-going muons by their Cherenkov radiation…”
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    The ANTARES optical module by Anghinolfi, M, Anvar, S, Ardellier-Desages, F.E, Aslanides, E, Aubert, J.-J, Basa, S, Battaglieri, M, Benhammou, Y, Bernard, F, Bertin, V, Billault, M, Blaes, R, Bland, R.W, de Botton, N, Brooks, C.B, Brunner, J, Cafagna, F, Calzas, A, Capone, A, Caponetto, L, Carton, P.-H, Cecchini, S, Circella, M, Compère, C, Coyle, P, Croquette, J, Cuneo, S, van Dantzig, R, De Marzo, C, DeVita, R, Deck, P, Destelle, J.-J, Dispau, G, Drougou, J.F, Druillole, F, Engelen, J, Feinstein, F, Fopma, J, Giacomelli, G, Goret, P, Gournay, J.-F, Heijboer, A, Hernández-Rey, J.J, Jaquet, M, Karolak, M, Kouchner, A, Lachartre, D, Lafoux, H, Lamare, P, Laubier, L, Le Van Suu, A, Lemoine, L, Lo Nigro, L, Loucatos, S, Lyashuk, V, Magnier, P, Marcelin, M, Margiotta, A, Mazéas, F, Mazeau, B, Michel, J.L, Montaruli, T, Morel, J.P, Moscoso, L, Musumeci, M, Navas, S, Nezri, E, Nooren, G.J, Oberski, J, Olivetto, C, Oppelt-Pohl, A, Palanque-Delabrouille, N, Petruccetti, M, Petta, C, Poinsignon, J, Potheau, R, Queinec, Y, Raia, G, Randazzo, N, Rethore, F, Riccobene, G, Ricol, J.-S, Ripani, M, Roca-Blay, V, Rolin, J.F, Rostovstev, A, Russo, G.V, Salusti, E, Schuller, J.-P, Schuster, W, Soirat, J.-P, Souvorova, O, Spurio, M, Stubert, D, Taiuti, M, Tao, C, Tilav, S, Valente, V, de Wolf, E, Zúñiga, J

    “…The ANTARES collaboration is building a deep sea neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea. This detector will cover a sensitive area of typically 0.1 km 2…”
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    Study of large hemispherical photomultiplier tubes for the ANTARES neutrino telescope by Albert, A., Ardellier-Desages, F.E., Aslanides, E., Aubert, J.-J., Battaglieri, M., Beltramelli, J., Blanc, F., de Botton, N., Boulesteix, J., Bouwhuis, M.C., Brooks, C.B., Bradbury, S.M., Brunner, J., Burgio, G.F., Calzas, A., Caponetto, L., Cavasinni, V., Cecchini, S., Charvis, P., Circella, M., Cooper, S., Coyle, P., Deschamps, A., Denans, D., Dinkelspiler, B., Distefano, C., Druillole, F., Engelen, J., Falchini, E., Favard, S., Ferry, S., Festy, D., Flaminio, V., Fopma, J., Fuda, J.-L., Gallone, J.-M., Giacomelli, G., Graf, K., Hallewell, G., Hello, Y., Hößl, J., Hoffmann, C., Jouvenot, F., Kappes, A., Karg, T., Karkar, S., Kooijman, P., Kuch, S., Kudryavtsev, V.A., Lahmann, R., Lamare, P., Languillat, J.-C., Laschinsky, H., Le Provost, H., Lo Presti, D., Louis, F., Lyashuk, V., Marcelin, M., Massol, A., Mazéas, F., Mazure, A., McMillan, J.E., Migneco, E., Millot, C., Montanet, F., Morganti, M., Moscoso, L., Niess, V., Nooren, G.J., Olivetto, C., Petta, C., Piattelli, P., Popa, V., Potheau, R., Randazzo, N., Real, D., Réthoré, F., Riccobene, G., Rigaud, V., Rose, H.J., Rostovtsev, A., Ruppi, M., Sacquin, Y., Salomon, K., Saouter, S., Sapienza, P., Shanidze, R., Schuster, W., Sokalski, I., Spurio, M., Tilav, S., Valdy, P., Valente, V., Vallage, B., Virieux, J., de Vries, G., de Wolf, E., Zakharov, V., Zornoza, J.D., Zúñiga, J.

    “…The ANTARES neutrino telescope, to be immersed depth in the Mediterranean Sea, will consist of a three-dimensional matrix of 900 large area photomultiplier…”
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    Sedimentation and fouling of optical surfaces at the ANTARES site by Amram, P, Anvar, S, Aslanides, E, Azoulay, R, Bailey, D, Basa, S, Battaglieri, M, Bellotti, R, Beltramelli, J, Berthier, R, Bertin, V, Billault, M, Blaes, R, Bland, R.W, Blondeau, F, de Botton, N, Brooks, C.B, Brunner, J, Calzas, A, Caponetto, L, Cârloganu, C, Carmona, E, Cartwright, S.L, Cecchini, S, Compère, C, Cooper, S, Coyle, P, Cuneo, S, van Dantzig, R, De Marzo, C, Destelle, J.-J, Dispau, G, Druillole, F, Engelen, J, Ferdi, C, Gallone, J.-M, Giacomelli, G, Goret, P, Gournay, J.-F, Hallewell, G, Heijboer, A, Hernández-Rey, J.J, Hubbard, J.R, Keller, P, Kudryavtsev, V.A, Lafoux, H, Lagier, P, Lamare, P, Languillat, J.-C, Laugier, J-P, Leilde, B, Le Provost, H, Lo Nigro, L, Lyashuk, V, Magnier, P, Mazéas, F, Mazeau, B, Mazure, A, Mols, P, Musumeci, M, Oberski, J.E.J, Olivetto, C, Oppelt-Pohl, A, Palanque-Delabrouille, N, Perrin, P, Petruccetti, M, Petta, C, Piattelli, P, Poinsignon, J, Queinec, Y, Racca, C, Raia, G, Randazzo, N, Rethore, F, Riccobene, G, Ricol, J.-S, Ripani, M, Roca-Blay, V, Romeyer, A, Rostovstev, A, Russo, G.V, Salusti, E, Schuller, J.-P, Schuster, W, Spooner, N.J.C, Spurio, M, Taiuti, M, Tao, C, Triay, R, Valente, V, Varlamov, I, Vaudaine, G, de Witt Huberts, P, de Wolf, E, Zakharov, V, Zavatarelli, S, Zúñiga, J, Aloı̈si, J.-C, Kerhervé, Ph, Monaco, A

    Published in Astroparticle physics (01-05-2003)
    “…ANTARES is a project leading towards the construction and deployment of a neutrino telescope in the deep Mediterranean Sea. The telescope will use an array of…”
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    Are emergency physicians too stingy with analgesics? by Lewis, L M, Lasater, L C, Brooks, C B

    “…Several recent reports suggest that emergency physicians do not use adequate analgesia for patients with acutely painful conditions in the emergency department…”
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    The SOUDAN 2 detector The design and construction of the tracking calorimeter modules by Allison, W.W.M., Alner, G.J., Ambats, I., Ayres, D.S., Balka, L.J., Barr, G.D., Barrett, W.L., Benjamin, D., Bode, C., Border, P.M., Brooks, C.B., Cobb, J.H., Cockerill, D.J.A., Coover, K., Cotton, R.J., Courant, H., Dahlin, B.B., DasGupta, U., Dawson, J.W., Demuth, D.M., Edwards, V.W., Ewen, B., Fields, T.H., Garcia-Garcia, C., Gallagher, H.M., Giles, R.H., Giller, G.L., Goodman, M.C., Gray, R.N., Heppelmann, S., Hill, N., Hoftiezer, J.H., Jankowski, D.J., Johns, K., Joyce, T., Kafka, T., Kasahara, S.M.S., Kirby-Gallagher, L.M., Kochocki, J., Leeson, W., Litchfield, P.J., Longley, N.P., Lopez, F.V., Lowe, M.J., Mann, W.A., Marshak, M.L., May, E.N., Maxam, D., McMaster, L., Milburn, R., Miller, W.H., Minor, C.P., Mondal, N., Mualem, L., Napier, A., Nelson, E.M., Nickson, R., Oliver, W., Pearce, G.F., Perkins, D.H., Peterson, E.A., Price, L.E., Roback, D.M., Rosen, D.B., Ruddick, K., Saitta, B., Schmid, D.J., Schlereth, J., Schneps, J., Schub, M.H., Seidlein, R.V., Shield, P.D., Shupe, M.A., Spear, S., Stassinakis, A., Sundaralingam, N., Thomson, M.A., Thron, J.L., Vassiliev, V., Villaume, G., Wakely, S.P., Wall, D., Wallis, E.W.G., Weems, L., Werkema, S.J., West, N., Wielgosz, U., Woods, C.A., Yarker, S.

    “…SOUDAN 2 is a 960-ton tracking calorimeter which has been constructed to search for nucleon decay and other phenomena. The full detector consists of 224…”
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    The SOUDAN 2 detector The operation and performance of the tracking calorimeter modules by Allison, W.W.M., Alner, G.J., Ambats, I., Ayres, D.S., Balka, L.J., Barr, G.D., Barrett, W.L., Benjamin, D., Bode, C., Border, P.M., Brooks, C.B., Cobb, J.H., Cockerill, D.J.A., Coover, K., Cotton, R.J., Courant, H., Dahlin, B.B., DasGupta, U., Dawson, J.W., Demuth, D.M., Edwards, V.W., Ewen, B., Fields, T.H., Garcia-Garcia, C., Gallagher, H.M., Giles, R.H., Giller, G.L., Goodman, M.C., Gray, R.N., Heppelmann, S., Hill, N., Hoftiezer, J.H., Jankowski, D.J., Johns, K., Joyce, T., Kafka, T., Kasahara, S.M.S., Kirby-Gallagher, L.M., Kochocki, J., Leeson, W., Litchfield, P.J., Longley, N.P., Lopez, F.V., Lowe, M.J., Mann, W.A., Marshak, M.L., May, E.N., Maxam, D., McMaster, L., Milburn, R., Miller, W.H., Minor, C.P., Mondal, N., Mualem, L., Napier, A., Nelson, E.M., Nickson, R., Oliver, W., Pearce, G.F., Perkins, D.H., Peterson, E.A., Price, L.E., Roback, D.M., Rosen, D.B., Ruddick, K., Saitta, B., Schmid, D.J., Schlereth, J., Schneps, J., Schub, M.H., Seidlein, R.V., Shield, P.D., Shupe, M.A., Spear, S., Stassinakis, A., Sundaralingam, N., Thomson, M.A., Thron, J.L., Vassiliev, V., Villaume, G., Wakely, S.P., Wall, D., Wallis, E.W.G., Weems, L., Werkema, S.J., West, N., Wielgosz, U., Woods, C.A., Yarker, S.

    “…SOUDAN 2 is a 960-ton tracking calorimeter which has been constructed to search for nucleon decay and other phenomena. The full detector consists of 224…”
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    Plasma process induced surface damage removal by Brooks, C. B., Buie, M. J., Vaidya, K. J.

    “…As device geometries continue to shrink below 0.5 μ m, previously acceptable levels of silicon contamination and lattice damage from energetic ion bombardment…”
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    A life time test of neutron irradiated light emitting diodes by Beringer, J., Borer, K., Brooks, C.B., Fox-Murphy, A., Nickerson, R.B., Weidberg, A.R.

    “…The results of an accelerated life time test of neutron irradiated ABB Hafo radiation hard LEDs are presented. After a 1 MeV neutron irradiation with up to 1.4…”
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    Two-dimensional imaging of optical emission in a multicusp-ECR microwave resonant cavity by Brooks, C.B., Brake, M.L.

    Published in IEEE transactions on plasma science (01-02-1996)
    “…Optical emission of the electron-cyclotron resonant (ECR) region of a multicusp microwave resonant cavity plasma source has been imaged onto a two-dimensional…”
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    Lithium-argon discharges in a multicusp-ECR microwave resonant cavity by Brooks, C.B., Brake, M.L.

    Published in IEEE transactions on plasma science (01-12-1995)
    “…Argon and lithium-argon discharges have been created in a multicusp-ECR microwave resonant cavity. A double Langmuir probe has been used to determine discharge…”
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    The gamma mass scanning technique for inertial anthropometric measurement by Brooks, C B, Jacobs, A M

    Published in Medicine and science in sports (1975)
    “…The validity of the gamma mass scanner in predicting center of mass and moment of inertia of biological tissue was tested using legs of lamb. The reaction…”
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    Poultry litter enhances soybean productivity in field infested with soybean cyst nematode by Morant, M.A. (University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD.), Casasola, J.L, Brooks, C.B, Philip, E.T, Mitchell, V.G, Orr, C.R

    Published in Journal of sustainable agriculture (10-09-1997)
    “…Soil infested with the soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines, was amended with poultry litter in a three-year study designed to evaluate the…”
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