Search Results - "Britt, Jason"
Genetic, Demographic and Laboratory Predictors of Anti-PF4/Heparin Antibody Response in Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia
Published 01-01-2023“…The adverse drug reaction, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), is an antibody mediated response against the anticoagulant drug heparin. HIT is a…”
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Dissertation -
Clustering phish using the simple set comparison tool
Published 2016“…Phishing has been a problem since before the early 2000s and has only become more prevalent and diverse since. Phishing countermeasures have been developed and…”
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Dissertation -
The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Teacher Self-Efficacy among Online Adjunct Faculty
Published 2018“…This cross-sectional, quantitative study explored the relationship between job satisfaction and teacher self-efficacy among online adjunct faculty in the…”
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Dissertation -
Marketing-Stimulated Word-of-Mouth: A Channel for Growing Demand
Published in Health marketing quarterly (03-07-2015)“…Marketing-stimulated word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing has been poorly understood in health care, leading to it being underappreciated and underutilized by…”
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Journal Article -
Smoke-Free Homes, Strength of Smoke-Free Law, and Children in the Home
Published in Nicotine & tobacco research (01-04-2014)“…Secondhand smoke (SHS) is a leading cause of childhood illness and premature death, especially in rural areas. The study examined the relationship of having a…”
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Journal Article -
Hospital Affiliations, Co-Branding, and Consumer Impact
Published in Health marketing quarterly (01-01-2014)“…Alliances, affiliations, and partnerships continue to grow as one way for health care organizations to better serve their customers and compete with other…”
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Journal Article -
Customer Advisory Groups: Another Way to Listen to the Marketplace
Published in Health marketing quarterly (01-01-2010)“…Customer advisory groups (CAGs) are formal groups of customers (referring physicians, patients, health insurance brokers, etc.) who meet regularly to share…”
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Journal Article -
Strategies to eliminate atypical flavours and aromas in sow loins. I. Optimization of sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium bicarbonate, and injection level
Published in Meat science (01-12-2003)“…Sow meat has been identified to possess objectionable atypical aromas and flavors we have termed as “sow taint”. The objective of this study was to identify…”
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Journal Article -
Strategies to eliminate atypical aromas and flavors in sow loins—part II: consumer acceptance of loins marinated with sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium bicarbonate
Published in Meat science (01-12-2003)“…An identified challenge in using sow loins as a raw material for value added enhanced whole muscle products is to eliminate or minimize objectionable atypical…”
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Journal Article -
High-Performance Classification of Phishing URLs Using a Multi-modal Approach with MapReduce
Published in 2015 IEEE World Congress on Services (01-06-2015)“…Classifying phishing websites can be expensive both computationally and financially given a large enough volume of suspect sites. A distributed cloud…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Effectively Executing a Comprehensive Marketing Communication Strategy
Published in Health marketing quarterly (2007)“…Marketers are under increasing scrutiny from their management to demonstrate accountability for the resources they receive. Three models are presented to help…”
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Journal Article -
Demonstrating Marketing Accountability
Published in Health marketing quarterly (2008)“…Pressure on health care marketers to demonstrate effectiveness of their strategies and show their contribution to organizational goals is growing. A…”
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Journal Article -
Phish-Net: Investigating phish clusters using drop email addresses
Published in 2013 APWG eCrime Researchers Summit (01-09-2013)“…The most common approach to collect users' secret credentials from phishing websites is to email the credentials to criminals' email addresses which we call…”
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Conference Proceeding -