Search Results - "Briantseva, E A"
The induction of an immune response to influenza virus antigens by anti-idiotypic antibodies
Published in Žurnal mikrobiologii, ėpidemiologii i immunobiologii (01-01-1995)“…The present investigation indicate that homologous polyclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies induce both humoral and cell-mediated immune response. Experiments on…”
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Anti-influenzal antibodies inducing an immune response to the influenza virus
Published in Žurnal mikrobiologii, ėpidemiologii i immunobiologii (01-09-1993)“…The injection of anti-influenza antibodies into rabbits induces a specific immune response, including the production of anti-idiotypic antibodies and then the…”
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The antigenic characteristics of influenza A viral strains circulating synchronously in 2 separated areas (the CzSFR--Saint Petersburg)
Published in Voprosy virusologiĭ (01-11-1991)“…A comparative study of the antigenic characteristics of influenza A (H1N1) and A (H3N2) virus strains isolated during the same epidemic season, 1989-1990, in…”
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The anti-idiotypic response to the experimental administration of the inactivated or live influenza virus
Published in Žurnal mikrobiologii, ėpidemiologii i immunobiologii (01-11-1991)“…The injection of inactivated and live influenza virus into rabbits induces the formation of anti-idiotypic antibodies, appearing after anti-influenza…”
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Method for the cross protection of mice in studying the antigenic variability of the influenza virus
Published in Voprosy virusologiĭ (01-01-1985)“…A modification of the method of cross protection of mice was developed for the study of influenza virus antigenic drift. This modification does not require a…”
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The use of the potentials of the molecular hybridization of nucleic acids as a method for the laboratory diagnosis of influenza in research on vaccinal infection
Published in Žurnal mikrobiologii, ėpidemiologii i immunobiologii (01-09-1989)“…The data obtained as the result of the complex examination of volunteers immunized with live influenza vaccine, type A (H3N2), showed that the determination of…”
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Molecular hybridization of nucleic acids as a method for the laboratory diagnosis of influenza in model experiments on cell cultures and in research on nasopharyngeal smears obtained from patients
Published in Žurnal mikrobiologii, ėpidemiologii i immunobiologii (01-08-1988)“…DNA probes containing the nucleotide sequences of the conservative genes of influenza A virus (matrix, nucleoprotein and acidic polymerase genes) show their…”
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Analysis of the potentials of molecular hybridization of nucleic acids as a method of the laboratory diagnosis of influenza
Published in Žurnal mikrobiologii, ėpidemiologii i immunobiologii (01-03-1988)“…The possibilities of using the DNA copies of different genes of influenza A virus for the detection of virus-specific RNa by molecular dot hybridization have…”
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Safety and effectiveness study of the aerosol method of administering inactivated influenza chromatographic vaccine in an experiment
Published in Voprosy virusologiĭ (01-09-1984)“…Experiments in laboratory animals demonstrated safety, areactogenicity, and low allergenic potential of inactivated influenza chromatographic vaccine (IICV)…”
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Preliminary results of the comparative study of the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase antigens of strains of influenza virus A isolated in Leningrad in 1972-1973
Published in Trudy Leningradskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Pastera (1973)Get more information
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Selection of the influenza virus vaccinal strain by means of crossed protection experiments on mice
Published in Trudy Instituta imeni Pastera (1976)Get more information
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Virological characteristics of influenza A in Leningrad in 1977-1978
Published in Trudy Instituta imeni Pastera (1979)Get more information
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Etiology of the respiratory syndrome in patients with salmonellosis typhimurium
Published in Trudy Instituta imeni Pastera (1985)Get more information
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Type B influenza in Leningrad
Published in Trudy Instituta imeni Pastera (1979)Get more information
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Epidemiological and virological characteristics of influenza in Leningrad in 1973-1976
Published in Trudy Instituta imeni Pastera (1976)Get more information
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Uniqueness of the influenza epidemic situation in Leningrad in 1977-1978
Published in Trudy Instituta imeni Pastera (1979)Get more information
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