Search Results - "Bretschneider, F"

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  1. 1

    A reduced K+ current due to a novel mutation in KCNQ2 causes neonatal convulsions by Lerche, H., Biervert, C., Alekov, A. K., Schleithoff, L., Lindner, M., Klingler, W., Bretschneider, F., Mitrovic, N., Jurkat-Rott, K., Bode, H., Lehmann-Horn, F., Steinlein, O. K.

    Published in Annals of neurology (01-09-1999)
    “…Benign familial neonatal convulsions (BFNC) is a rare dominantly inherited epileptic syndrome characterized by frequent brief seizures within the first days of…”
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    Drug-dependent ion channel gating by application of concentration jumps using U-tube technique by Bretschneider, F, Markwardt, F

    Published in Methods in enzymology (1999)
    “…The rapid application system described has been used to study a variety of ionic channels in several different types of single cells. The system is…”
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  3. 3

    Low-dimensional dynamics in sensory biology. 1: Thermally sensitive electroreceptors of the catfish by Braun, H A, Schäfer, K, Voigt, K, Peters, R, Bretschneider, F, Pei, X, Wilkens, L, Moss, F

    Published in Journal of computational neuroscience (01-11-1997)
    “…We report the results of a search for evidence of periodic unstable orbits in the electroreceptors of the catfish. The function of these receptor organs is to…”
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    Expression in mammalian cells and electrophysiological characterization of two mutant Kv1.1 channels causing episodic ataxia type 1 (EA-1) by Bretschneider, Frank, Wrisch, Anja, Lehmann-Horn, Frank, Grissmer, Stephan

    Published in The European journal of neuroscience (01-07-1999)
    “…Episodic ataxia type 1 (EA‐1) is a rare neurological disorder and was the first ionic channel disease to be associated with defects in a potassium channel…”
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    Spontaneous nerve activity and sensitivity in catfish ampullary electroreceptor organs after tetanus toxin application by Struik, M L, Bretschneider, F, Peters, R C

    Published in Pflügers Archiv (01-03-2002)
    “…The functioning of electroreceptor organs of Ictalurus sp. was investigated by inhibiting synaptic transmission by the administration of tetanus toxin in…”
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    Lignite oxidation under the influence of glacially derived groundwater: The pyropissite deposits of Zeitz-Weißenfels (Germany) by Gerschel, H., Rascher, J., Volkmann, N., Ligouis, B., Kus, J., Bretschneider, F., Schneider, W.

    Published in International journal of coal geology (15-03-2018)
    “…The Middle Eocene lignites of the Zeitz-Weißenfels coal mining area in central Germany hosted one of the most economically successful lithotypes of lignite…”
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    Simultaneous measurements of calcium mobilization and afferent nerve activity in electroreceptor organs of anesthetized Kryptopterus bicirrhis by Struik, M.L, Steenbergen, H.G, Koster, A.S, Bretschneider, F, Peters, R.C

    “…The transduction pathway of ampullary electroreceptor organs involves ionic currents. It has been shown that calcium, as well as sodium and potassium play…”
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    Converging electroreceptor cells improve sensitivity and tuning by Peters, R.C, Brans, R.J, Bretschneider, F, Versteeg, E, Went, A

    Published in Neuroscience (01-11-1997)
    “…We studied the effect of convergent clustering of ampullary electroreceptor organs on stimulus transduction and transmission in the catfish Icalurus melas by…”
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    Periodic firing pattern in afferent discharges from electroreceptor organs of catfish by Schäfer, K, Braun, H A, Peters, R C, Bretschneider, F

    Published in Pflügers Archiv (01-01-1995)
    “…Spontaneous afferent activity was recorded from 26 single ampullary electroreceptive organs of freshwater catfish (Ictalurus nebulosus LeS) at various…”
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    Electrophysiological demonstration of N-methyl- d-aspartate receptors at the afferent synapse of catfish electroreceptor organs by Andrianov, G.N, Bretschneider, F, Peters, R.C

    Published in Neuroscience (01-08-1997)
    “…An excitatory amino acid, most probably l-glutamate, acts as a neurotransmitter at the receptor cell–afferent fibre synapses in the ampullary electroreceptor…”
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    Identification of AMPA receptors in catfish electroreceptor organs by Andrianov, G N, Peters, R C, Bretschneider, F

    Published in Neuroreport (09-05-1994)
    “…Single afferent unit recording in microampullae of the catfish revealed that bath-applied AMPA increases both resting discharge frequency and electrically…”
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  14. 14

    Caffeine reduces the efficacy of electroreceptor cell synapses: an electrophysiological single-unit in vivo study by Peters, R.C, Versteeg, E, Bretschneider, F, Brans, R.J, Went, A

    Published in Neuroscience (01-06-1997)
    “…Ampullary electroreceptor organs of catfish, Ictalurus melas, were exposed apically to caffeine solutions at concentrations of 0, 5, 7.5, 10, and 15 mM…”
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    In vitro electroreceptor organs for pharmacological studies by Andrianov, G N, Bretschneider, F, Peters, R C, Teunis, P F

    Published in Journal of neuroscience methods (01-08-1992)
    “…Electroreception is a well-established sensory faculty in aquatic vertebrates. The general physiology of the receptor organs is comprehensively documented. The…”
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    Microvilli in electroreceptor organs in Ictalurus nebulosus play a part in signal filtering by Heijmen, P.S., Braks, M.A.H., Bretschneider, F., Peters, R.C.

    Published in Journal of Comparative Physiology A (01-01-1995)
    “…Ampullary electroreceptor organs of catfish show a band-pass-filter characteristic on sinusoidal electric stimulation. The structures and processes which are…”
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    The emergence of electroreceptor organs in regenerating fish skin and concurrent changes in their transduction properties by Teunis, P F, Vredevoogd, W, Weterings, C, Bretschneider, F, Peters, R C

    Published in Neuroscience (1991)
    “…The process of regeneration of skin patch denervated empullary electroreceptor organs of the African catfish Clarias gariepinus has been investigated at an…”
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    Synaptic noise in spike trains of normal and denervated electroreceptor organs by Teunis, P F, Bretschneider, F, Bedaux, J J, Peters, R C

    Published in Neuroscience (1991)
    “…The sequence of interspike intervals of the spontaneous activity in denervated electroreceptor organs of the catfish is analysed with several statistical…”
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    Ampullary electroreceptors in catfish (teleostei) : temperature dependence of stimulus transduction by SCHAÊFER, K, BRAUN, H. A, BRETSCHNEIDER, F, TEUNIS, P. F. M, PETERS, R. C

    Published in Pflügers Archiv (01-09-1990)
    “…The response properties of ampullary electroreceptors have been studied in the catfish Ictalurus nebulosus at skin temperatures between 5 and 35 degrees C. A…”
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    Quantitative aspects of transduction in an electroreceptor organ studied by means of experimental manipulation of the interspike interval by Teunis, P F, Bretschneider, F, van Groeningen, C, Peters, R C, Bedaux, J J

    Published in Neuroscience (1991)
    “…The interspike interval histogram of spontaneously firing electroreceptor organs of freshwater catfish (Ictalurus nebulosus LeS.) fits well with the…”
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