Search Results - "Brauner, C J"
A unique mode of tissue oxygenation and the adaptive radiation of teleost fishes
Published in Journal of experimental biology (15-04-2014)“…Teleost fishes constitute 95% of extant aquatic vertebrates, and we suggest that this is related in part to their unique mode of tissue oxygenation. We propose…”
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Complete intracellular pH protection during extracellular pH depression is associated with hypercarbia tolerance in white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus
Published in American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology (01-06-2009)“…Sturgeons are among the most CO2 tolerant of fishes investigated to date. However, the basis of this exceptional CO2 tolerance is unknown. Here, white…”
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Transition in organ function during the evolution of air-breathing; insights from Arapaima gigas, an obligate air-breathing teleost from the Amazon
Published in Journal of experimental biology (01-04-2004)“…The transition from aquatic to aerial respiration is associated with dramatic physiological changes in relation to gas exchange, ion regulation, acid-base…”
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Size dependent early salinity tolerance in two sizes of juvenile white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus
Published in Aquaculture (07-01-2009)“…The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of size on salinity tolerance in 1 year old juvenile white sturgeon. Two sizes of sturgeon (10 and…”
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Validation of the i-STAT and HemoCue systems for the analysis of blood parameters in the bar-headed goose, Anser indicus
Published in Conservation physiology (2015)“…Our results indicate that the i-STAT and HemoCue systems can be useful tools to measure many (but not all) blood-gas and acid-base variables in the bar-headed…”
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Validation of the i-STAT system for the analysis of blood gases and acid–base status in juvenile sandbar shark ( Carcharhinus plumbeus )
Published in Conservation physiology (2015)“…We validated the i-STAT system for the analysis of blood parameters in sandbar shark. Results indicate that it is a useful tool for measuring blood pH and…”
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Effect of dietary canola oil level on the growth performance and fatty acid composition of juvenile red sea bream, Pagrus major
Published in Aquaculture (03-10-2007)“…This study was undertaken to evaluate the suitability of using refined canola oil as a source of supplemental dietary lipid for juvenile red sea bream ( Pagrus…”
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Effects of dietary canola oil level on growth performance, fatty acid composition and ionoregulatory development of spring chinook salmon parr, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Published in Aquaculture (31-01-2008)“…This study assessed the potential of refined canola oil (CO) as a source of supplemental dietary lipid for pre-smolt spring chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus…”
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Impact of Ontogenetic Changes in Branchial Morphology on Gill Function in Arapaima gigas
Published in Physiological and biochemical zoology (01-03-2010)“…Soon after hatching, the osteoglossid fish Arapaima gigas undergoes a rapid transition from a water breather to an obligate air breather. This is followed by a…”
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A Simple Chamber Design for Calibrating Weiss Saturometers and Recommendations for Measuring and Reporting Total Dissolved Gases
Published in Water resources research (01-08-2021)“…Total dissolved gas (TDG) supersaturation downstream of features such as hydroelectric dams can cause harmful bubbles to grow in the tissues of aquatic…”
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Using bulk oxygen uptake to assess the welfare of adult Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, during commercial live-haul transport
Published in Aquaculture (17-01-2009)“…Adult Atlantic salmon are routinely live-haul transported at high densities for long periods of time as one of the last intensive processes in a commercial…”
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effects of variable water salinity and ionic composition on the plasma status of the Pacific Hagfish (Eptatretus stoutii)
Published in Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology (01-08-2009)“…Hagfish are the most pleisiomorphic extant craniates, and based on the similarity of ionic concentrations between their internal milieu and seawater (SW), they…”
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Metabolic and ionoregulatory responses of the Amazonian cichlid, Astronotus ocellatus, to severe hypoxia
Published in Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology (01-04-2007)“…We examined the metabolic and ionoregulatory responses of the Amazonian cichlid, Astronotus ocellatus, to 20 h exposure to severe hypoxia (0.37 ± 0.19 mg O₂/l;…”
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Limited extracellular but complete intracellular acid-base regulation during short-term environmental hypercapnia in the armoured catfish, Liposarcus pardalis
Published in Journal of experimental biology (01-09-2004)“…Environmental hypercapnia induces a respiratory acidosis that is usually compensated within 24-96 h in freshwater fish. Water ionic composition has a large…”
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Functional support for a novel mechanism that enhances tissue oxygen extraction in a teleost fish
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological sciences (29-05-2019)“…A successful spawning migration in salmon depends on their athletic ability, and thus on efficient cardiovascular oxygen (O ) transport. Most teleost fishes…”
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Acid-base and ion balance in fishes with bimodal respiration
Published in Journal of fish biology (01-03-2014)“…The evolution of air breathing during the Devonian provided early fishes with bimodal respiration with a stable O2 supply from air. This was, however, probably…”
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Reduced and reversed temperature dependence of blood oxygenation in an ectothermic scombrid fish: implications for the evolution of regional heterothermy
Published in Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology (2010)“…Tunas (family Scombridae) are exceptional among most teleost fishes in that they possess vascular heat exchangers which allow heat retention in specific…”
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The effect of substrate rearing on growth, aerobic scope and physiology of larval white sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus
Published in Journal of fish biology (01-06-2018)“…The effect of substratum on growth and metabolic rate was assessed in larval white sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus. Yolk‐sac larvae (YSL) were reared in bare…”
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Intraspecific variation and plasticity in mitochondrial oxygen binding affinity as a response to environmental temperature
Published in Scientific reports (24-11-2017)“…Mitochondrial function has been suggested to underlie constraints on whole-organism aerobic performance and associated hypoxia and thermal tolerance limits,…”
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Preferential intracellular pH regulation is a common trait amongst fishes exposed to high environmental CO2
Published in Journal of experimental biology (01-04-2020)“…Acute (< 96 h) exposure to elevated environmental CO2 (hypercarbia) induces a pH disturbance in fishes that is often compensated by concurrent recovery of…”
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