Search Results - "Branco, Erika"
Topography of the medullary cone of Choloepus didactylus for locoregional anesthesia purposes
Published in Veterinary research communications (01-10-2024)“…Choloepus didactylus (two-toed sloth) is a Xenarthran mammal whose morphology has so far been little studied. Given the increasing number of sloths requiring…”
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Fetal development of the urinary tract of Cuniculus paca
Published in Microscopy research and technique (01-11-2024)“…The species Cuniculus paca is highly subject to predation, whether natural or anthropogenic, and the ability of species to withstand different levels of…”
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Oral architecture of the species Herpailurus yagouaroundi
Published in Zoomorphology (01-08-2024)“…Herpailurus yagouaroundi , popularly known as the jaguarundi cat, is a small cat with a wide territorial distribution. Understanding its morphological…”
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Topography and morphometry of the infraorbital and mandibular foramen of the common sloth (Bradypus variegatus) for use in the application of perineural anaesthesia
Published in Anatomia, histologia, embryologia (01-03-2024)“…A local anaesthetic block performed in cranial and mandibular foramina contributes towards analgesia and the reduction of systemic anaesthesia in procedures in…”
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Topography landmarks of the infraorbital, mandibular and mentual foramens of Saimiri collinsi (Osgood, 1916) for anesthetic access and blocks
Published in Veterinary research communications (01-10-2024)“…Due to events related to the urbanization process, specimens of Saimiri collinsi are often referred to veterinarians specializing in the treatment of wild…”
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Is Stem Cell Commerce in Small Animal Therapies Scientifically and Morally Justified?
Published in Stem cell reviews (01-08-2019)“…The lack of clear regulations for the use of veterinary stem cells has triggered the commercialization of unproven experimental therapies for companion animal…”
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Urogenital development and sexual differentiation in males of the species Dasyprocta fuliginosa
Published in Anatomia, histologia, embryologia (01-11-2023)“…Thirteen black agouti ( Dasyprocta fuliginosa ) male fetuses, acquired in two areas of the Amazon Forest, were used for the purpose of morphologically…”
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Aortic branches and rete mirabile of the limbs of two‐toed sloth (Choloepus didactylus)
Published in Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007) (01-01-2024)“…Choloepus didactylus has reduced metabolism and difficulty in thermoregulation owing to its low body mass, and there are few studies related to the…”
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Sloths (Bradypus variegatus) as a polygastric mammal
Published in Microscopy research and technique (01-01-2021)“…Fermentative herbivorous animals have peculiar conformations of the digestive system. It is known that B. variegatus obtained the capacity for evolutionary…”
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Anatomical, Histological, and Histochemical Analyses of the Scent Glands of the Scorpion Mud Turtle (Kinosternon scorpioides scorpioides)
Published in Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007) (01-05-2020)“…ABSTRACT Fossil evidence suggests that scent glands are basal features of Testudines. However, we know little about the structure of these glands in the…”
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Comparative morphology of the paw pad of the main arboreal Xenarthras from Amazon
Published in Anatomia, histologia, embryologia (01-05-2022)“…Paw pads are specializations of the integument and important shock absorbers of the locomotor system, as well as pressure, pain, temperature, storage and…”
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Morphological description of smell glands in Cyclopes didactylus
Published in Microscopy research and technique (01-08-2019)“…A macroscopic and microscopic study of the mandibular organ of the silky anteater (Cyclopes didactylus) was carried out. The organ extends from below the…”
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Morphology of the male reproductive tract of Eira barbara
Published in Anatomia, histologia, embryologia (01-05-2022)“…Eira barbara, popularly known as irara, is a medium‐sized carnivore member of the Mustelidae family. Despite its important role in the ecosystems in which its…”
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Ocular microscopy of Bradypus variegatus
Published in Anatomia, histologia, embryologia (01-01-2022)“…Bradypus variegatus, popularly known as common sloth or brown‐throated sloth, is a species with wide geographical distribution in Brazil. Expand on the…”
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Papillary architecture of the Leopardus pardalis tongue
Published in Anatomia, histologia, embryologia (01-09-2019)“…The ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) is a Felidae of wide geographical distribution and food flexibility; therefore, it is essential to understand the morphology of…”
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Neuroscience: unveiling the brain of Saimiri collinsi (Squirrel Monkey)
Published in Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (01-10-2018)“…Behavioral intelligence among non-human primates is a somewhat puzzling area to study, since it is closely linked to the morphology of the central nervous…”
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Morphological Characterization of Diaphragm in Common Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri sciureus)
Published in Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (01-03-2018)“…The wall of the diaphragm can be affected by congenital or acquired alterations which allow the passage of viscera between the abdominal and chest cavities,…”
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Morphology of the Diaphragm Muscle in Southern Tamandua (Tamandua tetradactyla) and its Importance in Cases of Traumatic Hernia
Published in Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (01-04-2018)“…The wall of the diaphragm can be affected by changes caused by physical trauma, allowing the passage of viscera between the abdominal cavity and thoracic…”
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Mesenchymal stem cells in dogs with demyelinating leukoencephalitis as an experimental model of multiple sclerosis
Published in Heliyon (01-06-2019)“…Researchers have used dogs with neurological sequelae caused by distemper as an experimental model for multiple sclerosis, owing to the similarities of the…”
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Papillary architecture in the tayra tongue
Published in Anatomia, histologia, embryologia (01-05-2020)“…The tayra (Eira barbara) is a mammal belonging to the Mustelidae family that occurs in all Brazilian biomes. The present work aimed to describe the morphology…”
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