Search Results - "Brancaglion Jr, Antonio"

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  1. 1

    The Egyptian collection of Museu Nacional,Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and the conservation of mummies in a tropical environment by Brancaglion Jr, Antonio, Andrade Lima, Tania, Mendonça de Souza, Sheila M.F.

    Published in Journal of Biological Research (01-10-2021)
    “…A beautiful and representative Egyptian collection -the most ancient and perhaps the most important in South America- is at the Museu Nacional, in Rio de…”
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  2. 2

    Pollen analysis from the resin used for embalming a mummy from the Roman period of I century AC – Museu Nacional (MN/UFRJ), Brazil by Sérgio A. de Miranda Chaves, Antonio Brancaglion Jr

    Published in Journal of Biological Research (31-12-2005)
    “…Human embalming was practiced widely by the Egyptians using resins extracted from shrubs, trees, or by the use of propolis – also known as bee’s glue. These…”
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  3. 3

    Pigments analysis in cartonages of an Egyptian mummy of the Roman period using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry by Cristiane Calza, Marcelino J. Anjos I, Sheila M.F. Mendonça de Souza, Antonio Brancaglion Jr, Ricardo T. Lopes

    Published in Journal of Biological Research (31-12-2005)
    “…This work evaluates the chemical composition of pigments used in decorative paintings in the coffin cartonage fragments and linen wrappings of an Egyptian…”
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  4. 4

    Os mistérios e o teatro no Antigo Egito by Antonio Brancaglion Jr

    Published in Clássica (São Paulo) (19-12-1997)
    “…O presente artigo analisa um dos aspectos menos conhecidos do Antigo Egito: a existência de espetáculos teatrais durante o período faraônico. Fazendo um…”
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  5. 5

    O eufemismo da morte no Antigo Egito by Antonio Brancaglion Jr

    Published in Clássica (São Paulo) (05-12-1995)
    “…Os egípcios não estavam interessados na morte propriamente dita mas no pós-vida. Eles supriam tanto a câmara funerária quanto a capela da tumba com a dádiva…”
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  6. 6

    XRF applications in archaeometry: analysis of Marajoara pubic covers and pigments from the sarcophagus cartonage of an Egyptian mummy by Calza, Cristiane, Anjos, Marcelino J., Bueno, Maria Izabel M. S., de Souza, Sheila Mendonça, Brancaglion Jr, Antonio, Lima, Tânia A., Lopes, Ricardo Tadeu

    Published in X-ray spectrometry (01-09-2007)
    “…This work presents two applications of XRF in archaeometry. The first case involved a female mummy from the Roman period, which is considered one of the most…”
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  7. 7

    HART, George. Mitos Egípcios. Tradução de Geraldo Costa Filho. São Paulo: Editora Moraes, 1992. 80 p. 28 il. (Col. O Passado Lendário) by Antonio Brancaglion Junior

    Published in Clássica (São Paulo) (01-12-1993)
    “…HART, George. Mitos Egípcios. Tradução de Geraldo Costa Filho. São Paulo: Editora Moraes, 1992. 80 p. 28 il. (Col. O Passado Lendário)…”
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