Search Results - "Brancaglion Jr, Antonio"
The Egyptian collection of Museu Nacional,Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and the conservation of mummies in a tropical environment
Published in Journal of Biological Research (01-10-2021)“…A beautiful and representative Egyptian collection -the most ancient and perhaps the most important in South America- is at the Museu Nacional, in Rio de…”
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Pollen analysis from the resin used for embalming a mummy from the Roman period of I century AC – Museu Nacional (MN/UFRJ), Brazil
Published in Journal of Biological Research (31-12-2005)“…Human embalming was practiced widely by the Egyptians using resins extracted from shrubs, trees, or by the use of propolis – also known as bee’s glue. These…”
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Pigments analysis in cartonages of an Egyptian mummy of the Roman period using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
Published in Journal of Biological Research (31-12-2005)“…This work evaluates the chemical composition of pigments used in decorative paintings in the coffin cartonage fragments and linen wrappings of an Egyptian…”
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Os mistérios e o teatro no Antigo Egito
Published in Clássica (São Paulo) (19-12-1997)“…O presente artigo analisa um dos aspectos menos conhecidos do Antigo Egito: a existência de espetáculos teatrais durante o período faraônico. Fazendo um…”
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O eufemismo da morte no Antigo Egito
Published in Clássica (São Paulo) (05-12-1995)“…Os egípcios não estavam interessados na morte propriamente dita mas no pós-vida. Eles supriam tanto a câmara funerária quanto a capela da tumba com a dádiva…”
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XRF applications in archaeometry: analysis of Marajoara pubic covers and pigments from the sarcophagus cartonage of an Egyptian mummy
Published in X-ray spectrometry (01-09-2007)“…This work presents two applications of XRF in archaeometry. The first case involved a female mummy from the Roman period, which is considered one of the most…”
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HART, George. Mitos Egípcios. Tradução de Geraldo Costa Filho. São Paulo: Editora Moraes, 1992. 80 p. 28 il. (Col. O Passado Lendário)
Published in Clássica (São Paulo) (01-12-1993)“…HART, George. Mitos Egípcios. Tradução de Geraldo Costa Filho. São Paulo: Editora Moraes, 1992. 80 p. 28 il. (Col. O Passado Lendário)…”
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