Search Results - "Bouman, F."
Quantifying Within-Individual Elbow Load Variability in Youth Elite Baseball Pitchers and Its Role in Overuse Injuries
Published in Applied sciences (01-07-2022)“…Medial elbow overuse injuries are rising in baseball. The external valgus torque magnitude is a possible risk factor for medial elbow injuries. The magnitude…”
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Embryology and Seed Development of Paepalanthus sect. Actinocephalus (Koern.) Ruhland (Eriocaulaceae)
Published in Plant biology (Stuttgart, Germany) (01-07-2001)“…Abstract The embryology and seed structure of PAEPALANTHUS sect. ACTINOCEPHALUS species were studied. The embryological and structural seed characters fit well…”
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Developmental Anatomy and Morphology of the Ovule and Seed of Heliconia (Heliconiaceae, Zingiberales)
Published in Plant biology (Stuttgart, Germany) (01-01-2006)“…Abstract The developmental anatomy and morphology of the ovule and seed in several species of HELICONIA were investigated as part of an embryological study of…”
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Rotating and accumulating savings and credit associations: A development perspective
Published in World development (01-03-1995)“…Financial self-help groups in low-income countries consist of two basic types, Rotating and Accumulating Savings and Credit Associations, or ROSCAs and ASCRAs…”
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Construction of the neophallus in female-to-male transsexuals: the Amsterdam experience
Published in The Journal of urology (01-06-1993)“…Until April 1991, 31 phalloplasties were performed in 28 patients at our hospital. Operative techniques and results of the use of the superficial inferior…”
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Comparative structure of ovules and seeds in Rafflesiaceae
Published in Plant systematics and evolution (01-01-1994)“…The genera of the Rafflesiaceae show a marked diversity in the structure of their ovules and seeds. Evolutionary trends are recognizable in ovule orientation…”
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Refinements of pre-, intra-, and postoperative care to prevent complications of vaginoplasty in male transsexuals
Published in Annals of plastic surgery (01-09-1995)“…In the period of 1980 to 1992, primary genital reassignment surgery was performed for 200 male-to-female transsexuals aged 18 to 71 years. For this, the penile…”
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Seed Dispersal in Páramo Plants: Epizoochorous and Hydrochorous Taxa
Published in Plant biology (Stuttgart, Germany) (01-01-2000)“…Abstract: On the basis of a recent checklist of plant diversity in páramos, diaspores collected from herbaria were studied for adaptations to dispersal on…”
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Obtaining rigidity in the neophallus of female-to-male transsexuals: a review of the literature
Published in Annals of plastic surgery (01-04-1993)“…In phalloplasty, the use of transplants and implants to obtain sufficient rigidity allowing for sexual penetration is difficult and often has resulted in…”
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Sex reassignment surgery in male to female transsexuals
Published in Annals of plastic surgery (01-12-1988)“…The operative technique used is first described by Stuteville, Pandya, and Arieff in 1971. The main principle of this technique is that the vagina is lined…”
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Ovules and seeds of Dirachma socotrana (Dirachmaceae)
Published in Plant systematics and evolution (01-01-1997)“…Dirachma has a bitegmic, crassinucellate and anatropous ovule with a single median provascular tegumentary bundle. The seed coat is characterized by an…”
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Constructing a scrotum in female-to-male transsexuals
Published in Plastic and reconstructive surgery (1963) (01-04-1993)“…Genital construction in female-to-male transsexuals also should involve giving the labial region a scrotum-like appearance. A review of the literature on this…”
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Comparative structure of ovules and seeds inRafflesiaceae
Published in Plant systematics and evolution (1994)Get full text
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Sculpturing the glans in phalloplasty
Published in Plastic and reconstructive surgery (1963) (01-07-1993)“…One of the goals of phalloplasty is the construction of an aesthetically appealing neophallus with a urethral meatus at its tip. Aesthetic considerations imply…”
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Surgical depilation for the treatment of pseudofolliculitis or local hirsutism of the face: experience in the first 40 patients
Published in Plastic and reconstructive surgery (1963) (01-09-1991)“…Forty patients underwent surgical depilation for pseudofolliculitis barbae or local hirsutism of the face during a 15-year period. The operative method and its…”
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The importance of near total resection of the corpus spongiosum and total resection of the corpora cavernosa in the surgery of male to female transsexuals
Published in Annals of plastic surgery (01-06-1991)“…From 1980 to 1989, 13 male to female transsexuals underwent surgery for resection of the corpus spongiosum, performed at the Department of Plastic and…”
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Preconstruction of the pars pendulans urethrae for phalloplasty in female-to-male transsexuals
Published in Plastic and reconstructive surgery (1963) (01-06-1993)“…One of the goals of phallic construction in female-to-male transsexuals should be the creation of a competent neourethra that allows patients to void while…”
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Pawnbroking as an Instrument of Rural Banking in the Third World
Published in Economic development and cultural change (01-10-1988)“…Many developing countries have made great efforts to bring financial services to the poor and weaker segments of the community. These efforts involve designing…”
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Seed structure in Cannaceae: taxonomic and ecological implications
Published in Annals of botany (01-03-1988)“…The ovules and seeds of Canna show some striking differences to those in other zingiberalean families. The pachychalazal development of the ovule results in a…”
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Construction of the fixed part of the neourethra in female-to-male transsexuals: experience in 53 patients
Published in Plastic and reconstructive surgery (1963) (01-04-1993)“…Genital construction in female-to-male transsexuals should ideally involve the creation of a competent neourethra, allowing the patients to void while…”
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