Search Results - "Borlinghaus, Parzival"
In-hive flatbed scanners for non-destructive, long-term monitoring of honey bee brood, pathogens and pests
Published in Smart agricultural technology (01-12-2024)“…Honey bee colonies face significant threats from pathogens and pests, including chalkbrood disease caused by Ascosphaera apis and Varroa destructor mites…”
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Introducing Pollenyzer: An app for automatic determination of colour diversity for corbicular pollen loads
Published in Smart agricultural technology (01-10-2023)“…Pollen is known to be the only source of proteins and fats for honey bees. Therefore, it is an important component of nutrition, essential for brood care and a…”
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A Purely Visual Re-ID Approach for Bumblebees (Bombus terrestris)
Published in Smart agricultural technology (01-02-2023)“…Entomologists have widely applied re-identification techniques to better understand insects and their interaction with the environment. While humans can…”
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Natural color dispersion of corbicular pollen limits color-based classification
Published in ISPRS open journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing (01-04-2024)“…Various methods have been developed to assign pollen to its botanical origin. They range from technically complex approaches to the less precise but…”
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Honey bee counter evaluation – Introducing a novel protocol for measuring daily loss accuracy
Published in Computers and electronics in agriculture (01-06-2022)“…[Display omitted] •A novel evaluation protocol helps compare honey bee counters among devices.•Based on a case study, we show that the new evaluation protocol…”
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