Search Results - "Bombi, P."
Protected areas and insect conservation: questioning the effectiveness of Natura 2000 network for saproxylic beetles in Italy
Published in Animal conservation (01-08-2013)“…Read the Commentaries on this Feature Paper: Institutional vertebratism hampers insect conservation generally; not just saproxylic beetle conservation;…”
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Toward a new instrument for identifying the Italian hotspots of biodiversity: A case study of the amphibians and reptiles of Sicily
Published in The Italian journal of zoology (01-12-2010)“…A rapid improvement of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and geostatistic procedures has occurred in recent decades. Such technology has become an essential…”
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Cross-scale predictions allow the identification of local conservation priorities from atlas data
Published in Animal conservation (01-08-2012)“…For planning practical measures aimed at biodiversity protection, conservation priorities must be identified at a local scale. Unfortunately, identifying local…”
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Possible directions in the protection of the neglected invertebrate biodiversity
Published in Animal conservation (01-08-2013)“…Read the Feature Paper: Protected areas and insect conservation: questioning the effectiveness of Natura 2000 network for saproxylic beetles in Italy…”
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Landscape of amphibian diversity in Latium Region: peaks, valleys and gaps of conservation priority
Published in The Italian journal of zoology (01-12-2013)“…Faunistic inventories of particular regions would provide essential datasets for conservation and resource management, but often data are not evenly…”
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Amphibians conservation in Italy: The contribution of the WWF Oases network
Published in The Italian journal of zoology (01-06-2012)“…Amphibians have emerged as a major conservation concern because of the global decline in their numbers in recent decades. Notwithstanding, they are often…”
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A previously unreported association between a social wasp and a social passerine bird
Published in Tropical zoology (01-12-2007)“…An unreported association between the primitive social wasp Belonogaster lateritia Gerstaecker 1857 (Hymenoptera Vespidae) and the social bird Philetarius…”
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Global warming and biodiversity: Evidence of climate-linked amphibian declines in Italy
Published in Biological conservation (01-12-2009)“…Amphibians are among the most endangered animals on Earth, and climatic shifts are among the hypothesized factors in their decline. We used spatial patterns of…”
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Protected areas and insect conservation: questioning the effectiveness of N atura 2000 network for saproxylic beetles in I taly
Published in Animal conservation (01-08-2013)“…Read the Commentaries on this Feature Paper: Institutional vertebratism hampers insect conservation generally; not just saproxylic beetle conservation ;…”
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