Search Results - "Bolı́var, Alejandra"
Unveiling the Venom Composition of the Colombian Coral Snakes Micrurus helleri , M. medemi , and M. sangilensis
Published in Toxins (24-10-2023)“…Little is known of the biochemical composition and functional features of the venoms of poorly known Colombian coral snakes. Here, we provide a preliminary…”
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La lectura como un eje de vínculo y acogida: transformaciones de los participantes de una Comunidad de lectura de literatura en un entorno rural
Published in Revista Letral : revista electrónica de estudios transatlánticos de literatura (31-07-2022)“…La literatura posibilita el encuentro, el cual favorece la profundización en las comprensiones e interpretaciones tanto sobre lo literario como la vida misma,…”
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Dopamine, hypertension and obesity
Published in International Congress series (2002)“…Dopamine (DA), a neurotransmitter, precursor of noradrenaline, is responsible for cardiovascular and renal actions, such as increase in myocardial…”
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El sistema tecnológico ampliado hídrico del Área Metropolitana Funcional de Bogotá: un análisis desde la gobernanza del agua
Published in Cuadernos de geografía (Bogotá) (01-07-2021)“…El sistema tecnológico ampliado (STA) es un concepto central en las narrativas de las teorías de acción red, emparentadas con los discursos…”
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Actividad neurotóxica del veneno de serpientes del género Micrurus y métodos para su análisis. Revisión de la literatura
Published in Revista de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (01-07-2020)“…Introducción. Las serpientes del género Micrurus son animales de hábitos fosoriales, de temperamento pasivo y escasa producción de un potente veneno con…”
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P-303: Dopaminergic mediated cardiovascular responses during cold pressor test in diabetic subjects
Published in American journal of hypertension (01-05-2004)“…In previous work we have demonstrated that during Cold Pressor Test (CPT) (immersing right hand at 4°C during one minute period), blood pressure increases…”
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P-302: Dopaminergic modulation on the cardiovascular responses in hypertensive subjects
Published in American journal of hypertension (01-05-2004)“…Dopamine (DA), a neurotransmitter, precursor of noradrenaline, is responsible for cardiovascular and renal actions, such as increase in myocardial…”
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Toxicomanías: la obturación del deseo en una economía tóxica
Published in Psicoespacios (22-06-2014)“…El artículo presenta la síntesis de la investigación “Un montaje tóxico: entre una declinación del deseo y un salvamento mortal”. Se presentan los resultados…”
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Dopaminergic modulation on the cardiovascular responses in hypertensive subjects
Published in American journal of hypertension (01-05-2004)“…P-302 Key Words: Dopamine, Hypertension, Insuline…”
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Dopaminergic mediated cardiovascular responses during cold pressor test in diabetic subjects
Published in American journal of hypertension (01-05-2004)“…P-303 Key Words: Dopamine, Cold Pressor Test, Metoclopramide…”
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Zincuria and zincemia in postmenopausal osteoporosis
Published in International Congress series (2002)“…Minerals and trace elements are essential for human health, especially during the growing period and old age. Zinc, as an essential element, has been…”
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La lectura como un eje de vínculo y acogida: transformaciones de los participantes de una Comunidad de lectura de literatura en un entorno rural
Published in Revista Letral : revista electrónica de estudios transatlánticos de literatura (2016)“…Literature makes the encounter possible, which favors the deepening of understandings and interpretations of the literary and the life itself, constituting…”
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Endothelium and hypertensive disorders in pregnancy
Published in American journal of therapeutics (01-11-2003)“…Pregnancy-induced hypertension is one of the complications that obstetricians fear most due to its sudden appearance, its changing clinical presentation, its…”
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Design, social innovation and peace: experiences from the Amazon-Orinoquía border in Colombia (2018-2019)
Published in Projetica (30-11-2020)Get full text
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Unveiling the Venom Composition of the Colombian Coral Snakes IMicrurus helleri/I, IM. medemi/I, and IM. sangilensis/I
Published in Toxins (01-10-2023)“…Little is known of the biochemical composition and functional features of the venoms of poorly known Colombian coral snakes. Here, we provide a preliminary…”
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Neurotoxical activity of Micrurus snakes venom and methods for its analysis. A literature review
Published in Revista de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (01-07-2020)“…Introduction: Snakes of the genus Micrurushave fossorial habits, passive temperament and scarce production of powerful venom with neurotoxic characteristics…”
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Neurotoxical activity of Micrurus snake venom and methods for its analysis. A literature review
Published in Revista de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (01-09-2020)“…Abstract Introduction: Snakes of the genus Micrurus have fossorial habits, passive temperament and scarce production of powerful venom with neurotoxic…”
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Dopaminergic receptors: a new antihypertensive mechanism
Published in Journal of hypertension. Supplement (01-06-2002)“…The neutrotransmitter dopamine, precursor of noradrenaline, induces a variety of cardiovascular and renal physiological responses, including an increase in…”
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Relato del conflicto armado colombiano en los textos de ciencias sociales: Narrative of the Colombian armed conflict in social science school textbooks
Published in Educación y humanismo (22-03-2024)“…La caracterización de los textos escolares como artefactos semióticos se presenta como un objeto de análisis valioso para identificar representaciones…”
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