Search Results - "Bodet, L."
Impact of Source Modelling and Poroelastic Models on Numerical Modelling of Unconsolidated Granular Media: Application at the Laboratory Scale
Published in Surveys in geophysics (01-04-2024)“…The near surface is characterized by using different numerical techniques, among them seismic techniques that are non-destructive. More particularly, for a…”
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River Corridor Model Constrained by Time‐Lapse Seismic Acquisition
Published in Water resources research (01-10-2021)“…A new hydrogeophysical approach was developed to reveal the spatial and temporal dynamic flow pathways inside a river corridor as well as the pattern of…”
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A 1-year survey of catheter-related infections in a pediatric university hospital: A prospective study
Published in Archives de pédiatrie : organe officiel de la Société française de pédiatrie (01-02-2020)“…Central venous catheters (CVCs) provide a great comfort for hospitalized children. However, CVCs increase the risk of severe infection. As there are few data…”
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Near-offset effects on Rayleigh-wave dispersion measurements: Physical modeling
Published in Journal of applied geophysics (01-05-2009)“…Surface-wave profiling techniques using active sources and linear arrays are often performed with short source-receiver distances, compared to the involved…”
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Father newborn skin-to-skin wheelchair transfer from delivery room to neonatal care unit: Possible change in practices
Published in Archives de pédiatrie : organe officiel de la Société française de pédiatrie (01-02-2022)“…To evaluate the transfer of newborns from the delivery room to the neonatal care unit with their fathers on wheelchairs in terms of the safety of the procedure…”
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Formation of conical fractures in sedimentary basins: Experiments involving pore fluids and implications for sandstone intrusion mechanisms
Published in Earth and planetary science letters (2012)“…Large sand intrusions often exhibit conical morphologies analogous to magmatic intrusions such as saucer-shaped or cup-shaped sills. Whereas some physical…”
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Elasticity profile of an unconsolidated granular medium inferred from guided waves: Toward acoustic monitoring of analogue models
Published in Tectonophysics (13-12-2010)“…The monitoring of materials elastic parameters during geological analogue experiments would highly improve the interpretation of involved processes. It would…”
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“Basin scale” versus “localized” pore pressure/stress coupling – Implications for trap integrity evaluation
Published in Marine and petroleum geology (01-05-2011)“…In petroleum industry, the difference between pore pressure ( P p ) and minimum horizontal stress S h (termed the seal or retention capacity) is of major…”
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BH3-only protein Bik is involved in both apoptosis induction and sensitivity to oxidative stress in multiple myeloma
Published in British journal of cancer (07-12-2010)“…Background: Although gene expression profile of multiple myeloma (MM) patients shows a wide range of Bik/Nbk expression, varying from absent to high, its…”
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Detecting mechanical property anomalies along railway earthworks by Bayesian appraisal of MASW data
Published in Construction & building materials (10-11-2023)“…The techniques traditionally used to estimate the mechanical properties of railway earthworks (RE) are costly and of low performance. There is a great need for…”
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Estimating picking errors in near‐surface seismic data to enable their time‐lapse interpretation of hydrosystems
Published in Near surface geophysics (Online) (01-12-2018)“…ABSTRACT Time‐lapse applications of seismic methods have been recently suggested in the near‐surface scale to track hydrological properties variations due to…”
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FranceCoag: a 22-year prospective follow-up of the national French cohort of patients with inherited bleeding disorders
Published in European journal of epidemiology (01-05-2019)“…FranceCoag is an ongoing open prospective multicentre cohort project aimed at improving epidemiological knowledge about inherited bleeding disorders in France…”
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Drug-induced Otoxicity: Current Status
Published in Acta oto-laryngologica (2001)“…We carried out a review of the literature published over the last 10 years on drug-induced ototoxicity by means of a Medline search using the terms 'clinical…”
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Video Laryngoscopy vs Direct Laryngoscopy on Successful First-Pass Orotracheal Intubation Among ICU Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Published in JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association (07-02-2017)“…IMPORTANCE: In the intensive care unit (ICU), orotracheal intubation can be associated with increased risk of complications because the patient may be acutely…”
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Analogue modelling of relief dynamics
Published in Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part A, Solid earth and geodesy (2000)“…Natural landscape analysis and numerical modelling point to a lack of physical data on relief dynamics. Experimental modelling is therefore an interesting…”
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B148 Role of Bcl-2/Bik Complex in Myeloma Cell Apoptosis
Published in Clinical lymphoma & myeloma (01-02-2009)Get full text
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Hysterectomy Using the New Dexter Robotic System™: The First Prospective Multicenter Study
Published in Journal of minimally invasive gynecology (01-11-2024)“…To evaluate the feasibility and report on the safety and performance outcomes of hysterectomy using the Dexter Robotic System for benign and low-risk malignant…”
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Aérosolthérapie au cours de l’assistance respiratoire non invasive
Published in Réanimation (2016)“…Résumé La ventilation non invasive (VNI), ainsi que les traitements par haut débit nasal humidifié (HDN), d’utilisation croissante en réanimation, s’adressent…”
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