Search Results - "Boškov, Novak"
Enabling Cost-Benefit Analysis of Data Sync Protocols
Published in Computer (Long Beach, Calif.) (01-10-2023)“…We describe a new middleware called GenSync that abstracts the subtleties of the state-of-the-art data synchronization protocols, allows users to choose…”
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Journal Article -
GenSync: A New Framework for Benchmarking and Optimizing Reconciliation of Data
Published in IEEE eTransactions on network and service management (01-12-2022)“…In the set reconciliation problem, remote parties seek to reconcile similar sets of data according to an efficiency objective, such as minimizing communication…”
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Out‐of‐band transaction pool sync for large dynamic blockchain networks
Published in International journal of network management (01-09-2024)“…Synchronization of transaction pools (mempools) has shown potential for improving the performance and block propagation delay of state‐of‐the‐art blockchains…”
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Synchronization of Data in Heterogeneous Decentralized Systems
Published 01-01-2023“…Data synchronization is the problem of reconciling the differences between large data stores that differ in a small number of records. It is a common thread…”
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Dissertation -
SREP: Out-Of-Band Sync of Transaction Pools for Large-Scale Blockchains
Published in 2023 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC) (01-05-2023)“…Synchronization of transaction pools (mempools) has shown potential for improving the performance and block propagation delay of state-of-the-art blockchains…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Enabling Cost-Benefit Analysis of Data Sync Protocols
Published 30-03-2023“…The problem of data synchronization arises in networked applications that require some measure of consistency. Indeed data synchronization approaches have…”
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Journal Article -
SREP: Out-Of-Band Sync of Transaction Pools for Large-Scale Blockchains
Published 29-03-2023“…Synchronization of transaction pools (mempools) has shown potential for improving the performance and block propagation delay of state-of-the-art blockchains…”
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Journal Article -
Automated Exposure Notification for COVID-19
Published in Journal of young investigators (01-12-2022)“…In the current COVID-19 pandemic, various Automated Exposure Notification (AEN) systems have been proposed to help quickly identify potential contacts of…”
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Journal Article -
Drndalo: Lightweight Control Flow Obfuscation Through Minimal Processor/Compiler Co-Design
Published 29-11-2019“…Binary analysis is traditionally used in the realm of malware detection. However, the same technique may be employed by an attacker to analyze the original…”
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CodeTrolley: Hardware-Assisted Control Flow Obfuscation
Published 03-03-2019“…Many cybersecurity attacks rely on analyzing a binary executable to find exploitable sections of code. Code obfuscation is used to prevent attackers from…”
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Journal Article