Search Results - "Bittencourt Reis, Ana Carla"
Planning and competitiveness in maintenance management: An exploratory study in manufacturing companies
Published in Journal of quality in maintenance engineering (14-08-2009)“…Purpose - This paper aims to present the results of an analysis of two hypotheses on maintenance in manufacturing industries: the first hypothesis refers to…”
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Journal Article -
Análise da complexidade de processos de negócio de uma organização pública de grande porte do Distrito Federal
Published in Revista produção online (15-09-2018)“…As organizações se deparam constantemente com o desafio de gerir seus processos de negócio, o que envolve, dentre outras, atividades de modelagem, de…”
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Journal Article -
Diagnóstico dos processos de homologação e certificação de produtos de natureza cibernética: perspectivas para a construção de um sistema nacional
Published in Revista produção online (15-06-2018)“…O uso de computadores, tablets, smartphones, relógios inteligentes, smartmeters, sistemas GPS e assim por diante, traz um benefício comum a todos aqueles que…”
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Journal Article -
Modelagem da cadeia de valor do centro de desenvolvimento de sistemas do exército brasileiro
Published in Revista produção online (15-03-2018)“…A gestão do conhecimento fundamenta-se na compreensão dos processos relevantes para as organizações. É imprescindível que os processos de negócio estejam…”
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Journal Article -
Planning and competitiveness in maintenance management
Published in Journal of quality in maintenance engineering (14-08-2009)“…Purpose - This paper aims to present the results of an analysis of two hypotheses on maintenance in manufacturing industries: the first hypothesis refers to…”
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Journal Article -
Costs influence and mediating effect of corporate risk management on organizational performance: a study applied to the Brazilian Public Service
Published in 2021 16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) (23-06-2021)“…The objective of this exploratory study was to evaluate the mediating effect of Corporate Risk Management on the performance of Brazilian public institutions…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Classification Model of the Software Quality Level According to the User's Perception
Published in 2018 11th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC) (01-09-2018)“…The quality of software has become indispensable today, so approaches to ensure the quality of software products is needed. This work consists in the use of…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Ranking Machine Learning Classifiers Using Multicriteria Approach
Published in 2018 11th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC) (01-09-2018)“…Classification algorithms are widely used as data mining tools for knowledge extraction. The literature presents several classifiers, but none of them applies…”
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Conference Proceeding