Search Results - "Bitchagno, Gabin T M"
Cytotoxic Constituents of the Bark of Hypericum roeperianum towards Multidrug-Resistant Cancer Cells
Published in Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine (2020)“…The global cancer burden remains a serious concern with the alarming incidence of one in eight men and one in eleven women dying in developing countries. This…”
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An Efflux Pumps Inhibitor Significantly Improved the Antibacterial Activity of Botanicals from Plectranthus glandulosus towards MDR Phenotypes
Published in TheScientificWorld (2021)“…Bacterial multidrug resistance causes many therapeutic failures, making it more difficult to fight against bacterial diseases. This study aimed to investigate…”
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The First Comprehensive Chemical Profiling of Vachellia gummifera (Willd.) Kyal. & Boatwr., a Plant with Medicinal Value
Published in Chemistry & biodiversity (01-06-2024)“…Vachellia gummifera (Willd.) Kyal. & Boatwr. is a medicinal plant endemic to Morocco that has no documented studies on its chemical composition. In this study,…”
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Antibacterial and antibiotic-modifying activities of fractions and compounds from Albizia adianthifolia against MDR Gram-negative enteric bacteria
Published in BMC complementary and alternative medicine (06-06-2019)“…Albizia adianthifolia (Schum.) is medicinally used in Cameroon to manage bronchitis and skin diseases. Our previous study documented the antibacterial…”
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Bark extract of Cassia sieberiana DC. (Caesalpiniaceae) displayed good antibacterial activity against MDR gram-negative phenotypes in the presence of phenylalanine-arginine β-naphthylamide
Published in BMC complementary and alternative medicine (12-11-2020)“…Background Multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality globally. The present study was designed to investigate the in…”
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Cytotoxicity of ungeremine towards multi-factorial drug resistant cancer cells and induction of apoptosis, ferroptosis, necroptosis and autophagy
Published in Phytomedicine (Stuttgart) (01-07-2019)“…Successful cancer chemotherapy is hampered by resistance of cancer cells to established anticancer drugs. Numerous natural products reveal cytotoxicity towards…”
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Botanicals and phytochemicals from the bark of Hypericum roeperianum (Hypericaceae) had strong antibacterial activity and showed synergistic effects with antibiotics against multidrug-resistant bacteria expressing active efflux pumps
Published in Journal of ethnopharmacology (15-09-2021)“…Infections due to multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria constitute a real problem in the public health worldwide. Hypericum roeperianum Schimp. ex A. Rich…”
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8,8-bis-(Dihydroconiferyl)-diferulate displayed impressive cytotoxicity towards a panel of human and animal cancer cells
Published in Phytomedicine (Stuttgart) (15-04-2020)“…Recalcitrant cancers appear as a major obstacle to chemotherapy, prompting scientists to intensify the search for novel drugs to tackle the cell lines…”
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Bioactivity of fractions and constituents of Piper capense fruits towards a broad panel of cancer cells
Published in Journal of ethnopharmacology (10-05-2021)“…Piper capense is a medicinal spice whose fruits are traditionally used as aqueous decoction to heal several ailments such as trypanosomiasis, helminthic…”
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Chemical constituents from Ficus natalensis hochst (Moraceae) and their chemophenetic significance
Published in Biochemical systematics and ecology (01-04-2021)“…Phytochemical investigation of the stem bark of Ficus natalensis afforded eleven compounds including one ceramide (1), two anthraquinones (2, 3), four…”
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Bark extract of Cassia sieberiana DC. (Caesalpiniaceae) displayed good antibacterial activity against MDR gram-negative phenotypes in the presence of phenylalanine-arginine [beta]-naphthylamide
Published in BMC complementary medicine and therapies (12-11-2020)“…Background Multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality globally. The present study was designed to investigate the in…”
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