Search Results - "Bingner, Ronald"
Evaluation of thiobencarb runoff from rice farming practices in a California watershed using an integrated RiceWQ-AnnAGNPS system
Published in The Science of the total environment (01-05-2021)“…The development of modeling technology to adequately simulate water and pesticide movement within the rice paddy environment faces several challenges. These…”
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Environmental fate and impact assessment of thiobencarb application in California rice fields using RICEWQ
Published in The Science of the total environment (10-05-2019)“…Thiobencarb is a commonly used herbicide in Northern California rice fields. Released paddy water containing thiobencarb may pose ecological risks to…”
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Measuring ephemeral gully erosion rates and topographical thresholds in an urban watershed using unmanned aerial systems and structure from motion photogrammetric techniques
Published in Land degradation & development (01-06-2018)“…Both rural and urban development can lead to accelerated gully erosion. Quantify gully erosion is challenging in environments where gullies are rapidly…”
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Evaluation of Alternative Management Practices With the AnnAGNPS Model in the Carapelle Watershed
Published in Soil science (01-07-2016)“…ABSTRACTThe Annualized Agricultural Non-point Source (AnnAGNPS) model can be used to analyze the effects of management practices on sediment loads in…”
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Estimating sorption of monovalent acidic herbicides at different pH levels using a single sorption coefficient
Published in Pest management science (01-08-2020)“…BACKGROUND Monovalent acidic pesticide sorption can be determined for any soil pH if the dissociation constant of the compound is known, and sorption…”
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A GIS focal approach for characterizing gully geometry
Published in Earth surface processes and landforms (01-07-2021)“…In this work we examined the explanatory factors of gully geometry in the Campiña landscape in southern Spain using a geographic information system (GIS) focal…”
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The LTAR Cropland Common Experiment in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
Published in Journal of environmental quality (01-11-2024)“…The Lower Mississippi River Basin Long‐Term Agroecosystem Research Site (LMRB‐LTAR) encompasses six states from Missouri to the Gulf of Mexico and is…”
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Spatial Characterization of Riparian Buffer Effects on Sediment Loads from Watershed Systems
Published in Journal of environmental quality (01-09-2014)“…Understanding all watershed systems and their interactions is a complex, but critical, undertaking when developing practices designed to reduce topsoil loss…”
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Spatial Optimization of Conservation Practices for Sediment Load Reduction in Ungauged Agricultural Watersheds
Published in Soil systems (01-01-2023)“…Conservation practices (CPs) are used in agricultural watersheds to reduce soil erosion and improve water quality, leading to a sustainable management of…”
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Lake Nutrient Responses to Integrated Conservation Practices in an Agricultural Watershed
Published in Journal of environmental quality (01-03-2017)“…Watershed‐scale management efforts to reduce nutrient loads and improve the conservation of lakes in agricultural watersheds require effective integration of a…”
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Model prediction capacity of ephemeral gully evolution in conservation tillage systems
Published in Earth surface processes and landforms (01-08-2021)“…Ephemeral gully (EG) erosion has an important impact on agricultural soil losses and increases field surface hydrology connectivity and transport of pollutants…”
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Characterizing ponds in a watershed simulation and evaluating their influence on streamflow in a Mississippi watershed
Published in Hydrological sciences journal (25-01-2018)“…Small water bodies, such as ponds and wetlands, are common landscape features, but often are not simulated within a watershed modeling framework. The wetland…”
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A Review of effectiveness of vegetative buffers on sediment trapping in agricultural areas
Published in Ecohydrology (01-09-2009)“…In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the importance of riparian buffers between agricultural fields and waterbodies. Riparian buffers play an…”
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An empirical investigation of gully widening rates in upland concentrated flows
Published in Catena (Giessen) (01-02-2013)“…Soil erosion, in its myriad forms, devastates arable land and infrastructure. As an integral landscape feature, gully erosion is a complex system as its…”
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GIS technology for spatiotemporal measurements of gully channel width evolution
Published in Natural hazards (Dordrecht) (01-11-2015)“…Field observations of ephemeral gully evolution in active croplands have often revealed the presence of a less erodible soil layer that is typically associated…”
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Modelling Ephemeral Gully Erosion from Unpaved Urban Roads: Equifinality and Implications for Scenario Analysis
Published in Geosciences (Basel) (01-01-2018)“…Modelling gully erosion in urban areas is challenging due to difficulties with equifinality and parameter identification, which complicates quantification of…”
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GIS-based channel flow and sediment transport simulation using CCHE1D coupled with AnnAGNPS
Published in Journal of hydraulic research (02-09-2016)“…The Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering one-dimensional model simulates unsteady free-surface flows with nonequilibrium, nonuniform sediment…”
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Enhancing RUSLE to include runoff-driven phenomena
Published in Hydrological processes (30-04-2011)“…RUSLE2 (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) is the most recent in the family of Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE)/RUSLE/RUSLE2 models proven to provide…”
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Automated watershed subdivision for simulations using multi-objective optimization
Published in Hydrological sciences journal (27-07-2017)“…A qualitative trial-and-error approach is commonly used to define watershed subdivisions through varying a single topographic threshold value. A methodology…”
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Phosphorus losses from agricultural watersheds in the Mississippi Delta
Published in Journal of environmental management (30-01-2013)“…Phosphorus (P) loss from agricultural fields is of environmental concern because of its potential impact on water quality in streams and lakes. The Mississippi…”
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