Search Results - "Bianchi, J A"
Herbivore-induced plant volatiles and tritrophic interactions across spatial scales
Published in The New phytologist (01-12-2017)“…Herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) are an important cue used in herbivore location by carnivorous arthropods such as parasitoids. The effects of plant…”
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Drivers, farmers' responses and landscape consequences of smallholder farming systems changes in southern Ethiopia
Published in International journal of agricultural sustainability (02-11-2019)“…Ethiopia is now the second most populated country in Africa with more than 100 million people and an annual population growth rate of 3%. Here, we assess how…”
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High Pollination Deficit and Strong Dependence on Honeybees in Pollination of Korla Fragrant Pear, Pyrus sinkiangensis
Published in Plants (Basel) (29-06-2022)“…Pollination deficits can compromise fruit yield and quality and have been reported in several fruit crops. It is unknown whether there is a pollination deficit…”
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Ecological illiteracy can deepen farmers' pesticide dependency
Published in Environmental research letters (01-09-2019)“…Nearly 2.5 billion smallholders cultivate the world's arable land, strategically positioned to tackle multiple Anthropocene challenges. When consciously…”
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Wild pollinators enhance oilseed rape yield in small-holder farming systems in China
Published in BMC ecology (21-02-2017)“…Insect pollinators play an important role in crop pollination, but the relative contribution of wild pollinators and honey bees to pollination is currently…”
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Spatial variability in ecosystem services: simple rules for predator-mediated pest suppression
Published in Ecological applications (01-12-2010)“…Agricultural pest control often relies on the ecosystem services provided by the predators of pests. Appropriate landscape and habitat management for pest…”
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Linking landscape structure, floral resource distribution, pollen use and movement distances of a generalist predator
Published in The Journal of applied ecology (01-11-2024)“…Understanding the habitat use and movement patterns of natural enemies in agricultural landscapes is essential for enhancing biological pest control. Since…”
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Farming practices to enhance biodiversity across biomes: a systematic review
Published in Npj Biodiversity (09-01-2024)“…Intensive agriculture for food and feed production is a key driver of global biodiversity loss. It is generally assumed that more extensive practices are…”
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Enhanced pest control in cabbage crops near forest in The Netherlands
Published in Landscape ecology (01-05-2008)“…Landscapes are composed of a multitude of habitat types which, potentially, can influence natural enemy populations. The contribution of specific habitat types…”
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Sweep netting samples, but not sticky trap samples, indicate beneficial arthropod abundance is negatively associated with landscape wide insecticide use
Published in The Journal of applied ecology (01-04-2022)“…Insecticide use and landscape context are major drivers for the abundance of beneficial arthropods, such as predators, parasitoids and pollinators. However,…”
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Land consolidation impacts the abundance and richness of natural enemies but not pests in small‐holder rice systems
Published in The Journal of applied ecology (01-07-2024)“…Traditional small‐holder agricultural landscapes in southern China are being consolidated to increase mechanisation levels in agriculture, but it is unclear…”
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Neonicotinoids in global agriculture: evidence for a new pesticide treadmill?
Published in Ecology and society (01-09-2020)“…Overreliance on synthetic insecticides in global agriculture is the outcome of a "pesticide treadmill," in which insecticide-induced pest resistance…”
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A native with a taste for the exotic: weeds and pasture provide year‐round habitat for Nysius vinitor (Hemiptera: Orsillidae) across Australia, with implications for area‐wide management
Published in Austral entomology (01-05-2019)“…While pest management tends to focus on pests that are already present in crops, non‐crop hosts may play a crucial role in supporting pest populations outside…”
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Predicting invasive fungal pathogens using invasive pest assemblages: testing model predictions in a virtual world
Published in PloS one (10-10-2011)“…Predicting future species invasions presents significant challenges to researchers and government agencies. Simply considering the vast number of potential…”
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Do diverse landscapes provide for effective natural pest control in subtropical rice?
Published in The Journal of applied ecology (01-01-2020)“…While the biocontrol potential of natural enemies is well established, it is largely unknown how landscape‐mediated effects on pest and natural enemy…”
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Variation between plant species in pollen digestion rates in the green lacewing Chrysoperla carnea
Published in Entomologia experimentalis et applicata (01-12-2022)“…Pollen are an important food source for numerous insects and may be used as natural markers in ecological studies. However, to make inferences about the…”
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Synthetic Nasonov gland pheromone enhances abundance and visitation of honeybee, Apis mellifera, in Korla fragrant pear, Pyrus sinkiangensis
Published in Agricultural and forest entomology (01-08-2023)“…Korla fragrant pear (Pyrus sinkiangensis Yü) depends on cross‐pollination by honeybees (Apis mellifera) but may suffer from low honeybee visitation. We…”
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Changes in agricultural land use can explain population decline in a ladybeetle species in the Czech Republic : evidence from a process-based spatially explicit model
Published in Landscape ecology (01-12-2007)“…Changes in land use affect species interactions and population dynamics by modifying the spatial template of trophic interaction and the availability of…”
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Modelling mobile agent‐based ecosystem services using kernel‐weighted predictors
Published in Methods in ecology and evolution (01-05-2018)“…Agriculture benefits from ecosystem services provided by mobile agents, such as biological pest control by natural enemies and pollination by bees. However,…”
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Understanding Landscape Multifunctionality in a Post-forest Frontier: Supply and Demand of Ecosystem Services in Eastern Amazonia
Published in Frontiers in environmental science (21-01-2020)“…Sustainable food production requires approaches that reconcile agricultural production with the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources,…”
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